The rolling enrolments feature is designed to assist delivery schedules where a student is able to join a class for which delivery of one or more units has already commenced. This means the student has missed those units and still needs to complete them later. aXcelerate allows such an enrolment to rollover into the next scheduled occurrence/delivery of the units the student missed. As an example, consider a qualification with 12 units, scheduled to be delivered in one year, with each unit commencing at the start of each month. A student may commence in any month. For instance, if the student has a start date in August commencing with unit 8, they will finish with unit 7 in July the following year.
Please watch the following animation to help understand how rolling enrolments work:
Set up Workshop Types for Qualifications
Courses > Workshop Types
Before moving on into timetabling your Class, it is worth considering creating relevant Workshop Types beforehand. This can assist in laying out specific default settings for individual sessions, and providing an easier way to search for these later on.
Once you have reached the Workshop Types page, you can begin creating one with the +Add New Workshop Type button, addressing the following fields:
- Workshop Name: Enter in the Qualification Name / Unit Name of a unit in the Qualification you are timetabling. This will assist you in filtering on the Search Workshop and in Reports.
- Workshop Code: Enter in an abbreviation of the Qualification Name/Code OR Unit Code
- Short Description: You can enter in a description to explain further about the workshop for the unit and it will show in the Student Portal and can be pulled into templates.
Public Workshop Rate, In-House Delivery Fee, Trainer Workbook Rate, Workbook Price, Discounts: is not required due to the tuition fees are being handled by the Class Enrolment
- Trainer Fee: enter the trainer rate (inc GST) if required this is used for sub-contracted trainer contract or agreement generation and reconciliation of trainer accounts
- Min Learners: enter in your minimum learners for this Workshop
- Max Learners: enter in your maximum learners you can have in the workshop, as this will help when enrolling students to ensure you don’t go over your max number of students allow in a Workshop session. The reason for this is when you timetable directly from the Class the system will set the Max Learners to 99.
- Duration: Enter the duration of the unit eg generally how many days/sessions the workshop will be scheduled for
Workshop linked to a Unit of Competency: Set to Yes but do not select any units this will be conducted when we timetable the class
- Workshop Images: You are able to add images to show in the Learner Portal against this workshop
- Click Submit
Tip: An example of the workshop type name and code is 'C4LM - Certificate IV in L & M'
Create a Class for Rolling Enrolments
Courses > Classes
After clicking the + Add New Class button on top of the Classes page in aXcelerate, you’ll need to go through and address several fields.
- Create a new Class
- Select the Qualification - Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
- Set your correct Reporting State - National
- Class Name - Cert IV Leadership and Management 2022
Start/End Dates - 4th January 2022 - 16th December 2022
- Please Note - Uncheck the checkbox for "Scheduled activity start and end dates apply to all Students"
- Set your correct details in Delivery Location, Delivery Modes, Duration and Default Trainer/Assessor and any other relevant information
- Select all of the applicable subjects - all 12 subjects
- Please ensure all required fields are completed prior to Creating the Class
- Click Create Class
After clicking Submit you will have successfully created the Class and added Units to it. However, before the Class is ready to accept enrolments (and potentially roll these over), it will be necessary to schedule the Units and subsequently timetable in Workshops.
Tip: Please refer to our Class Creation & Search help guide for further information. When setting up classes for rolling enrolments, the Start Date of any subsequent Class should commence after the End Date of the prior Class. None of the class Start or End Dates should overlap each other.
Note: After you have created the Class, you will need to Schedule Unit Start and End Dates for Rolling Enrolments.
Schedule Unit Start and End Dates for Rolling Enrolments
After creating a Class through the steps described in the previous section, you will need to go back into the Class Update page to schedule its Units. There are two ways to get there:
- Click the edit pen next to the Class as it appears within your list of Classes OR
- Click into the name/descriptor of a Class as it appears within your list of Classes to get to its Matrix, and then click the Update tab
You should now be back at a similar page to what you saw while originally creating the Class, except this time the Units that were previously selected will appear near the middle of the page.
The Units will be listed in alphabetical order, which may not be reflective of the sequence they are actually delivered in. To change this,
- Overwrite the number next to each Unit in the Dates/Order column
- Click the Update Class button
Once the Units are set in their correct order, you can proceed to schedule them with the following steps:
- Click the Timetable button near the top of the list of Units, close to the Dates/Order and Results labels
- Click the Simple View tab
Set the specific start and end date for each Unit
- Click the Clock Once - will set the next subject (below) with the same duration
- Click the Clock Twice - will set all of the subjects (below) with the same duration
Warning: To ensure that the rolling enrolment feature works each unit must have a start and end date after each other (subsequent) the unit dates should not be overlapping.
Click Update Schedule to confirm the dates
- You will notice that these dates are now set against the units on the Class Update page
Tip: You may have holidays or short breaks between units, in this case simply double-click the clock, locate the unit where the start date needs to be adjusted, set the start & finish date, then double click the clock again (on the adjusted unit). The new date will be taken into account when scheduling the remaining units.
Note: When a Unit has been rolled over, and takes on a future Workshop for that enrolment, the Start/End date of the Unit will automatically match that of the Workshop. The Unit will not take on any dates from the schedule of any Classes.
After scheduling the Unit Start & End Dates you will need to Create a Timetable for Rolling Enrolments.
Create a timetable for Rolling Enrolments
After scheduling units, you will be navigated to the Timetable View page where the proposed start & finish dates will display.
(Courses > Classes > Click on the Update icon next to the Class > Click Timetable > Timetable View)
- Select the checkbox for the first Unit
- Click Create Timetable
- (Optional) Select the Workshop Type: This is an optional step and only used actioned the previous step in this guide called “Creating Workshop Types”
- Choose the appropriate Workshop Type (from the Workshop Types already created in the Workshop Types section above). Using these existing Workshop Types will ensure the Workshops Timetabled now will inherit the settings (eg Name/Code and Min/Max Numbers) from the Workshop Type..
- If you do not see “Workshop Type” as an option please contact the Customer Support team to have this activated for you
- Check Workshop default name as the Session Names: Select which option you would like the Workshop to be called. The options are Class Name, Unit Code, Workshop Default or Other
- Overwrite scheduled unit start/end dates to match timetable: we recommend to uncheck this option when conducting rolling enrolments
- Complete the Timetable details, adding days, times, trainer, room and equipment as needed
- these dates are populated from the Simple View (schedule) page as covered in the previous section. The Timetable Starts and Ends Dates set the range of dates for which this Workshop pattern will be applied
- (Optional) Click Save this Pattern as to store your weekday/time/room combination for use again for the subsequent units
- Enter the New Pattern Name
- Click Save Pattern
- Click Submit
- Click Confirm All Dates: Verify there are no Trainer or Room clashes on the next screen. Clashes can be removed, amended or ignored. After the first unit has been timetabled and you have saved the pattern of the timetable you will be able to apply the same pattern to all the balance of the units in the Class in bulk OR you can repeat the above steps per unit if there are differences either with the trainer, room etc
To apply the Pattern in Bulk
- In the field for Apply Timetable - Click the checkbox adjacent to the pattern that has been created
- Select the appropriate Session Name (name which will show in the Calendar)
- To ensure the Workshop Type defaults are inherited, ensure to select the Workshop Type when timetabling. If you are creating a workshop type per unit, you will need to timetable each unit individually and choose the correct Workshop Type.
- Click the Checkbox adjacent to the Unit of Competency the timetable should be created for
- Click Apply to ALL Checked this will timetable the workshops for each unit which you have selected using the unit scheduled dates which are setup in the Simple View
- Note: if your timetable dates end up being different to the scheduled dates when you enrol the student is will use the timetable dates as the unit dates
- Click OK
- Refresh the browser page to see the applied dates (the same as the schedule)
- Repeat the above steps for all Units of Competency
- Repeat the above steps for the Second Class to schedule and timetable
- To ensure the Workshop Type defaults are inherited, ensure to select the Workshop Type when timetabling. If you are creating a workshop type per unit, you will need to timetable each unit individually and choose the correct Workshop Type.
To apply the Pattern in Bulk
- If you have a situation where there is a public holiday which would have been timetabled, click on the Edit pencil icon on the left hand side of the dates of the Timetable tab > Click the Delete icon next to the date/s to be removed from the timetable.
- Repeat the above steps for the Second Class to schedule and timetable
Tip: A green tick indicates the unit could be timetabled while a yellow warning sign indicates there is a clash with the unit. Either fix the clashes or timetable the unit individually to ignore clashes.
Note: Please refer to our Class Management help guide for further information on creating a timetable.
Warning: If you choose to use the Apple Timetable option the Timetable WILL overwrite the Schedule Unit Start/End Dates.
Creating the Class to Rollover the Enrolments
You have now competed scheduling and timetabling the first year’s schedule and timetable (2022), however, now we need to repeat the steps to create the following year’s timetable (2023) so that the students can roll over.
You can either repeat the steps 1-12 in the section “Create a Class” to create a class for 2023 OR Duplicate the Class and update the schedule if required.
Note: when duplicating the class we recommend to not Duplicate the Timetable
Enrol a student into a Rolling Enrolment Class
This example will be enrolling a student into a class where they will miss the first unit and start on the second (2nd) unit, this will then provide you an opportunity to roll their enrolment over to the next class and book them onto the relevant workshops that are linked to the first unit in the next years class.
- Go to the Cert IV Leadership and Management 2022 Class Matrix page
- Click Enrol > Search for the contact name > click Enrol Contact Tentatively
- Click on View Enrolment
- On the Qualification Unit Status & Enrolment page it will display the normal areas.
- Commencement Date must match the unit start date of the class the student is enrolling into. For this example it will be start date of the 2nd unit
- Expected Completion Date: update this date to the date which the student will be finishing the last units which will be the unit end date of the 1st unit which is being rolled over. NOTE: This process is important if you are keeping the student enrolled for a period of time to send letters of offers etc, however if you are purely enrolling the student to be able to immediately roll their enrolment over you won’t need to update this date as the roll over process will set the date to the last unit end date.
- AVETMISS Details: Update the AVETMISS details as per your RTO’s requirements
- Click Update Enrolment
- Click Confirm Enrolment and Schedule next to Status
- Book on linked workshops & Sync dates with linked workshops must be selected
- You will see all the Enrolment Dates, Units and the AVETMISS details for this student. To enrol (rollover) the student into the next workshops for the units they have missed from this Class, click 'Rollover elapsed units of competency into future class schedule'.
This option is only visible if the start date of the first unit is before today (a past date).
- Tip: If you hover over the option 'Rollover elapsed units of competency into future class schedule' any units with past dates are highlighted in green.
- Choose the Class which you the student will roll into for the timetabled workshops and Click Done
- NOTE: this does not enrol the student into the class, only the workshop which is linked to that future dated unit in the future class
- You will now notice the 1st unit which was missed unit start/end dates update to match the future class 1st Unit Workshop Dates, confirm all the students enrolment details > Click Confirm Enrolment
- Choose the Class which you the student will roll into for the timetabled workshops and Click Done
Congratulations, you have successfully now enrolled a rolling enrolment student. You will see on their enrolment page the units in date order, the linked workshops and the expected completion dates updated to match the last unit end date.
Tip: For a clean experience, we recommend marking attendance from individual Workshop instances, rather than from Class Matrix areas of aXcelerate. For further information on how to do this, please see our help section on Marking Workshop Attendance.
Note: It is important to ensure you always have the current and future class scheduled & timetabled in order to enrol a student in the current course and rollover the missed units into the next class timetable.
Rolling Enrolment Timetabling Webinars
This webinar demonstrates:
- How to setup your Classes for the purpose of Rolling Enrolments
- How to Enrol your students for a Rolling Enrolment Scenario
Rolling Enrolment FAQs
Where is the best way to mark attendance
We recommend to mark attendance via the Workshop not the Class Matrix page due to students being in a workshop from mulitple classes.