Once a class has been created in your system, you will have access to the class update page which will allow you to edit and update the details that you had entered upon class creation. This will also enable you to perform additional actions such as link assessments, eLearning and workshops to your units, archive (inactivate) your class, timetable your class and units and add new units to your class.
Add an additional unit
- Scroll to the Add Units section
- Click the Checkbox next to the required unit/s
- Click Submit.
Note: The Add Units section displays all of the units that are in the related qualification, that are not currently included in the class. If there are no units displayed in this section, it is because all units in the related qualification are already included in the class.
Update a unit
- Scroll to the Unit Details section
- Click the desired UnitCode or Unit Title
- Make any applicable changes to the unit
- Click Update Unit Details for this Class
Remove a unit
- Scroll to the Unit Details section
- Click the desired UnitCode or Unit Title hyperlink
- Click Remove this Unit
Note: If the Remove this Unit button is not displayed, this means there are students enrolled in this unit. If you are unsure how to remove a students enrolment, please see our Class Enrolments article for further information.
Add an assessment to a unit
Adding Assessments to units linked to a class will allow you to enrol students within the class into the unit assessments.
- Scroll to the Unit Details section
- Click the Unit Name or Unit Code
- Tick the Add checkbox
- Select a Results Released date for the assessment using the appropriate Date Picker
- Click Update Unit of Competency Details for this Class
Add an online assessment plan
Adding an Online Assessment plan to your class will allow you to enrol your students in the assessments you have predefined in your assessment plan.
- Scroll to the Add Units section
- Click the Assessment Plan dropdown
- Select the Assessment Plan you wish to link
- Click the dropdown to update the Scheduling if required
- Click Submit
Note: This option will only appear for you if you have Online Assessment enabled. As this feature is exclusive to aXcelerate Turbo, please contact our Customer Success Team for further information.
Manually map online assessments to units
If you have created an Assessment Plan for a qualification with unmapped assessments, upon linking this plan to your class you will be prompted to create that mapping manually.
- Scroll to the Add Units section
- Click the Assessment Plan dropdown
- Select the Assessment Plan you wish to link
- Click the dropdown Arrow
- Click the Link to Units dropdown and select the Unit you wish to link the assessment to
- Click the Plus icon
- Repeat steps 5 & 6 as required
- Click the checkbox for your Assessment
- Click Submit
Note: This option will only appear for you if you have Online Assessment enabled. As this feature is exclusive to aXcelerate Turbo, please contact our Customer Success Team for further information.
Add an online assessment to a unit
Adding Assessments to units linked to a class will allow you to enrol students within the class into the unit assessments.
- Scroll to the Unit Details section
- Click the + Assessment(s) button
- Select an Assessment from the dropdown
- Select the checkbox next to the Unit/s you want to link this assessment to
- Select whether any Students will be enrolled in the assessment
- Click Submit
Tip: If you have Online Assessments enabled these assessments will be online assessments. However, if you do not have online assessments enabled these will be listed as standard assessments.
Note: Our Online Assessments feature is exclusive to aXcelerate Turbo. Please contact our Customer Success Team for further information.
Add eLearning to a unit
Adding eLearning to your class will allow you to enrol your students in these courses. Without linking your eLearning at the class level to unit/s you will not be able to enrol a student into an eLearning within a class.
- Scroll to the Unit Details section
- Click the + eLearning button
- Select an eLearning from the dropdown
- Select the checkbox next to the Unit/s you want to link this eLearning to
- Select the Student enrolment option
- Click Submit
Note: This option will only appear for you if you have purchased an eLearning Integration. As this is an additional feature, please contact our Customer Success Team for further information.
Add a workshop to a unit
This option allows you to link existing accredited or non-accredited workshop instances to units within a class. Once a workshop is linked to a unit, the workshop instance will then become accredited and you will be able to see the linked units from the workshop overview page.
- Scroll to the Unit Details section
- Click the + Workshop(s) button
- Select the applicable Workshop Type
- Select the applicable Workshop Instance
- Click the checkbox next to the required Unit/s
- Select the applicable option for the enrolled Students
- Click the Checkbox to select or deselect the Sync Dates option
- Click Submit
Tip: This is an alternative option to timetabling your class. For more information on timetabling a class, please see the timetabling section in this article.
Warning: We do not recommend linking multiple workshops to one class, nor one workshop to multiple classes, however, this is possible.
In the case where you have linked multiple workshops to one class, you must ensure that you always enrol the student from the workshop or enrol the student in the workshop from their class enrolment page.
In the case where you have linked multiple classes to one workshop, you must ensure that you always enrol the student from their applicable class enrolment page.
Create a schedule
This page allows you to set up a class schedule. This will allow you to order your units by date and set these dates as default activity start and end dates for all new enrolments into the class. This is particularly useful when you would like to set all students enrolments to a certain set of dates.
- Scroll to the Unit Details section
- Click the Timetable button
- Click the Simple View tab
- Click the checkbox next to the Unit/s you wish to schedule
- Select your schedule dates for each unit using the appropriate Date Picker
- Click Update Schedule
Tip: If your qualification uses Modules you are able to set a schedule for all units under that module by using the date picker aligned with the module name.
Create a timetable
This page allows you to order your units by date and set these dates as default activity start and end dates for all new enrolments into the class. Along with this, this will also create accredited workshop instances for each timetable created. This is particularly useful when you would like to set all students enrolments to a certain set of dates and enrol them into a set of linked face-to-face sessions upon enrolment.
- Scroll to the Unit Details section
- Click the Timetable button
- Click the Simple View tab
- Click the checkbox next to the Unit/s you wish to schedule
- Select your schedule dates for each unit using the appropriate Date Picker
- Click the checkbox for Timetable after saving dates
- Click Update Schedule
- Click the checkbox next to the Unit/s you wish to timetable
- Click Create Timetable
- Select or enter a Session Name
- Select a Day of The Week within your selected date range
- Enter a Start Time
- Enter a Finish Time
- Select a Trainer
- Enter any other applicable details into the form
- Click Submit
Tip: You can create and save a regularly used pattern by applying what you wish to save to the form and selecting the Save this Pattern as... button. For example, your pattern may be every, Monday - Wednesday - Friday from 9:00am to 1:00pm in a specified room with the same trainer.
Archive a class
You are able to archive a class, which serves to function in the same way as deactivating other elements in aXcelerate does. This will prevent it from appearing in any class lists in the system.
- Navigate to the Update tab of a Class
- Scroll to the bottom of the page
- Click Archive This Class
Update the class timestamp
When on the class update page, a timestamp will be displayed to show the time that the last update occurred as well as the user that performed the update.
The following actions will cause the timestamp to be updated:
- Adding a class
- Updating class fields
- Adding or removing units against the class
- Updating class unit fields
- Adding, updating or removing workshops, E-Learning or assessments to class units
Class Management Webinar
This webinar demonstrates:
- What is Class Management?
- Setting up a Class
- Accredited, Non-accredited or Unit Only Classes
- Compliance-related information
- Learning Plans
- Editing & Updating a Class
- Timetabling
Class Scheduling Webinar
This webinar demonstrates:
- What is a Class Schedule
- The benefits of using a Class Schedule
- How to create Class Schedules
- Enrolling a Student into a Class Schedule
Class Timetabling Webinar
This webinar demonstrates:
- The benefits of using a Class Timetable
- The Resources/Assets required for Timetabling
- How to create Class Timetable
- Duplicating a Class and the Timetable
- Timetabling with Qualification Modules
- Enrolling a Student into a Class Timetable
My trainer can't see the class when they login to the trainer portal
This issue generally occurs when the class has not been attached to a domain that matches that of the trainer.
Why is the Trainer List empty when creating/updating a class?
The Trainer List will be blank if there are no trainers in the system with the relevant trainer competencies for the selected units. To fix this, go to Contacts > Trainers > Trainer Competencies and ensure the trainer has the Train & Assess competency for the required Units.