A Class can be used for Non-Accredited or Accredited training. However, classes have been created with the intended use for Accredited Training. Classes can be set up in many different ways and can be used for many different purposes.
- Group contacts together for enrolments in a qualification
- Enrol contacts in eLearning or Assessment Instances
- Timetable your face-to-face sessions and link to units
Note: A Class instance must be used for AVETMISS Reporting.
Add a class
- Click Add New Class
- Select a Qualification
- Select whether the student will complete a Full Qualification or Selected Units
- Enter a Class Descriptor
- Enter any other applicable details into the form
- Click Submit
Tip: When you select your qualification, this will only auto-select the core units for the qualification to be included in the Class. To include additional units from the qualification, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the elective units.
Note: If your users have domains, please ensure that you select a domain in the domain field. If this is not done, those users will not be able to see the class you have created.
Update a class
- Click the Update Icon next to a class
- Make changes to the class details as required
- Click Submit
Filter your classes
When viewing your classes, you are presented with many filtering options. These consist of State, Qualification, From (date) and To (date). These filtering options become very useful when you have large numbers of classes and you're only required to look at a more specific group.
- Select a State
- Select a Qualification
- Select a From date
- Select a To date
Tip: If you have domains enabled in your account, you can also filter by Domain.
Note: You do not need to select an option from each filtering field and can select only the options you require.
Warning: The qualification dropdown will not include inactive qualifications.
Search your classes
On the class view page, you have the option to search through your classes using the search bar. This allows you to quickly and easily see your classes by class descriptor using your search terms.
- Specify your search terms in the Search Bar
- Select the Class you wish to view by clicking the Class Name
Tip: This will search for the text you have entered anywhere in your class descriptor.
Note: You must use at least three characters to search in the search bar.
Show your list of classes
- Click on the Show Entries drop down
- Select your applicable option
Note: When selecting an option to show, you have the choice of 5, 10, 25, 50 or 100 entries per page.
Duplicate a class
The class duplicate feature allows you to create a copy of your existing class. Depending on your requirements, you have the option to also duplicate the assessment due dates, the linked timetable and the eLearning and assessment links. This is particularly useful when you need multiple classes with similar setups.
- Click the Duplicate Icon
- Specify a New Descriptor
- Select a Start Date
- Select which Duplicate options you require if applicable
- Click Submit
Tip: If you select to duplicate the classes assessment due dates or timetable these dates will be brought forward by the same amount as the class start date.
Note: If you do not specify a new class descriptor the default name will be "Name of your existing class - Copy" by default.
View your class timetable
This icon is a short-cut for you to be able to quickly and easily navigate to your class timetable or schedule.
- Click the Timetable/Schedule Class icon
- Please refer to our Class Management article for how to use this page
Tip: The class timetable page can also be accessed via the Class Update page by selecting the timetable button under the Unit Details header.
Note: If you do not see the timetabling option, this may not be enabled in your account. If you would like this enabled, please contact our Customer Success Team.
Send a template from a class
This icon is a short-cut for you to be able to quickly and easily send a template to the students enrolled in a particular class.
- Click the Template icon
- Please refer to our article on Template Communication for how to use this page
Tip: After you have selected a template to send, the list of students will display on the side of your screen. From this step, you are able to check/uncheck any students.
Delete a class
- Click the Delete icon
- Click Yes to confirm you wish to delete this class
Tip: If the delete icon is 'greyed out' this means there are still students enrolled in the class.
Note: You will only be able to delete a class if there are no student enrolments in the class. If you are unsure how to remove a students enrolment, please see our Class Enrolments article for how to remove a student's enrolment from a class.
View an active or inactive class
Any class you manually create will automatically be set as an Active class. However, any classes generated from an accredited workshop will be automatically marked as inactive. You are also able to inactivate (archive) any classes you no longer require. These two tabs allow you to toggle between both types of classes.
- Click the Active tab to view your active classes
- Click the Inactive to view your inactive classes
Note: When you first load the view classes page, you will automatically be viewing the Active classes.
Class Creation & Search FAQs
Why is the Trainer List empty when creating/updating a class?
The Trainer List will be blank if there are no trainers in the system with the relevant trainer competencies for the selected units. To fix this, go to Contacts > Trainers > Trainer Competencies and ensure the trainer has the Train & Assess competency for the required Units.