Online Assessment FAQs
What are all the functions that the Online Assessments feature can perform?
For a list of all the current functions of the Online Assessments feature, view our website page at
How much does the Online Assessments feature cost?
The Online Assessments feature is included as part of aXcelerate Turbo. For a feature and pricing comparison between aXcelerate Standard and aXcelerate Turbo, view our website page at
Can I purchase the Online Assessment feature as an add on to my existing aXcelerate Standard licence?
Unfortunately, no. The Online Assessments feature is only available with aXcelerate Turbo.
I'm an existing aXcelerate client, how can I trial this feature?
You will need to request this feature to be turned on by our Support Team in your STAGING account by submitting a support request.
I'm not an aXcelerate client, how can I trial this feature?
Your friendly aXcelerate Sales Representative can organise a demonstration either on-site or via the web for you.
How can I learn how to use the Online Assessments feature?
There are a series of Help Guide articles with step-by-step instructions on how to set up and use this feature. Click here to see these. We also highly recommend purchasing training in this area. To purchase training, please contact our Customer Success team.
I understand that there is a new Trainer/Assessor mobile app that works in conjunction with the Online Assessment feature. What are the functions available with the app?
For a list of all the current functions of the Trainer/Assessor mobile app view our website page at
Can I use the Trainer/Assessor App without having to pay for aXcelerate Turbo?
Yes! The aXcelerate Trainer/Assessor App is available to all aXcelerate Users (Administrator and Trainer User Roles). However, the assessment functions within the app are exclusive to aXcelerate Turbo.
How is the App available?
We have iOS and Android Apps for both tablet and smartphones available from the respective stores. Just search "aXcelerate Trainer."
Can I use the Online Assessments feature for non-accredited Units?
Yes. You can add unmapped assessments to a Unit within a class or workshop.
What is the reason for sections in an Assessment?
Sections allow you to group Questions together under one or multiple categories. For example, Section 1: Leadership (which contains two questions specifically relating to Leadership), Section 2: Change Management (which contains three questions specifically relating to Change Management). Sections are more useful for larger assessment tasks to separate extensive lists of questions, however, they can still be utilised in all assessment tasks.
Can you have the questions shuffle?
Answers within a Quiz Item can be shuffled, however, questions cannot be shuffled within an assessment.
Once an assessment is published, can it be edited?
Once you have published an assessment, you have the option to force this back to a draft state to make changes. If your assessment does not have any instances created (eg, standalone assessments), you will be able to completely force the assessment back to a draft state. However, if your assessment is linked to an instance, you will still be able to make updates to the assessment, although this will be limited. You will not be able to add new items, rearrange items, change the score/marking scale or change the question type if it is a Quiz assessment.
Can I review the mapping of my assessments all on one document/screen? How will it display when demonstrating to an auditor?
Yes. There is a Review Mapping option available when you hover over the qualifications in your mapping area. You can then view your assessments mapped to specific units within your selected qualification.
Can we keep our clustered assessments and assign the assessment to multiple units?
Yes, you can! We recommend using a Learning Plan to support the clustered mapping of your Assessments. First, you will need to ensure that all your online assessments have been authored and mapped.
For trainees doing the same units, do we have to set up an individual assessment plan for each or can you edit the plan dates for each new trainee?
No, you do not have to create individual assessment plans. You can update the assessment plan at the class level (for all future enrolments) and you can also update the plan for the individual trainee enrolment.
Can you bulk update the scheduling of assessments?
Under the Bulk Actions menu of a Class Matrix, the menu item Bulk Update Assessment Details will present the opportunity for you to update multiple factors related to Assesment Enrolments, including; Assessor/s, Access Start/End Date, Result, + more.
Do the multiple choice assessments automatically grade student’s answers?
Online Quiz assessment types can automatically grade a student submission if all questions are one of; multi-choice/single-choice/fill in blank, hotspot, order items, matching lists.
How do eLearning files appear to students?
eLearning files appear under the eLearning Tab in the new Learner Portal. These are required to be set up as usual and are free with aXcelerate Turbo.
I'm not sure, but it seemed as though a student could submit an observation assessment, is this correct? Can an assessment item be submitted only by the trainer/facilitator?
Within observation type assessments, individual questions can only be submitted by the trainer. However, the student can upload evidence (if the checkbox is selected at the assessment type) against the whole assessment. This is one of the primary purposes of the Trainer App. A trainer could take a tablet or mobile device into the field and observe a student. They can then manage assessment submissions and feedback with attached evidence that can be captured by the device.
Where do you view the model answers when marking?
The model answers, along with the rating rubric for a question, can be found in the interface that the trainer uses when marking a submission.
Can you bulk mark assessments?
Yes. You can bulk mark an assessment for an individual student or bulk mark for all students enrolled in an Observation Assessment Type via our Trainer app.
Is there a place to add Learning/Training Material?
Learning/Training Material can still be added to the existing Resource Library. This Material can then be hyperlinked into a question, or displayed in the Learner Portal under Resources and within the Learner’s Enrolment.
If performing an observation out of internet range, can it be marked and uploaded once back in range or does it require online access at all times?
The app can be used out of internet range (offline). When the trainer/assessor is back in range and logged on, this can be updated. This was one of the features we demonstrated in the Q&A of our Online Assessments webinar.
I note that the Trainer App links to the administrator side of aXcelerate. Is there an API that can achieve this as well?
Yes! We have an extensively documented API that is available to our clients free of charge on the aXcelerate Turbo Version or available for a one-off fee for the aXcelerate Standard Version. For more information please contact our Customer Success Team.
How do I embed an image/video or a document
Files such as documents/PDFs can be uploaded to the aXcelerate resource library and embedded as a link either in the assessment overview, student information or a question. Images can be similarly uploaded to the Images Library and embedded inline. Videos must be hosted on a third-party service (due to file size limits) but can also be embedded inline in any of the above. Instructions are covered in our Assessment Authoring article.
How do I make a file upload assessment?
The option for file uploads is defined against the assessment type: to allow students to upload a submission via the learner portal, you can use Marking Criteria, Observation Checklist or RPL types with the 'allow file upload' option selected. How to configure this is covered in our Assessment Types article.
How do I add an assessment to a class?
Add a stand-alone version of the assessment (or use an existing stand-alone assessment), and use the steps in our Class Management article to add your assessment. Alternatively, you could also create an assessment plan and use the steps in our Class Management article to add your assessment/s.
How do I enrol all of the students in a class into an assessment?
Once you have added the assessment to your class, you can select Assessments from the View dropdown on the Class Matrix page and then select Bulk Enrol Assessments in the bottom left corner of the updated table. The information shown in this view is covered in our help article.
Do I have to use mapping to set up an assessment plan? How do I map non-accredited units?
You can set up an assessment plan for any qualification in the system with any assessments that you choose. Add the Assessment Plan and then add unmapped tasks via the table in the lower right. You can then add a class, select the appropriate qualification and the plan will be loaded in. You will need to select the plan: as the assessments are unmapped at this point, you will then need to map each task to the relevant units by expanding the tasks and selecting the units from the drop-down and hitting the + button. Make sure to check the assessments before submitting. How to create a plan is covered in our Assessment Plan article.
Note: You can see a “live preview” of the mapped units by hovering over the assessment task name - they will be highlighted green in the left table.
How do I control access to assessments? Can I set up dependencies between assessments?
Access to assessments is controlled via the dates associated with the task (or the enrolment, if these are overridden for an individual student enrolment). These can be dynamically calculated if the offsets are set up as part of a plan prior to setting up the class; these offsets use the unit enrolment start/end dates to calculate the access start/end dates and the due date. The dates can also be changed post-enrolment. Please refer to our Assessment Plans help article for further information.
Where does the overview and assessor/student information fields display?
The assessment overview is typically information about the assessment that is provided to students ahead of time and will be made available to students via the learner portal based on the Access Overview date that has been set up for the assessment. Student information is displayed to the student at the time that they are undertaking the online assessment (i.e. this relies on the Access Start Date), and the assessor information is only shown to assessors when they are marking the assessment (OR, in the case of an observation checklist being marked submitted via the trainer app). This information will be displayed to assessors as additional instructions that are not visible to the student.
Is there a maximum file size for files uploaded to an Assessment?
The maximum allowed size of any single uploaded file is 1GB.
My students have to complete the full assessment again. Can they complete just what they got wrong?
Yes, use the Assessment Type setting "Build on Attempts" and/or "Multiple Item Attempts".
I run accredited short courses like First Aid and I have the Online Assessment system attached to those instances. What is the best way to manage cancelled students who intend on rebooking another course date?
To protect the online assessment enrolment and, if necessary, any attempt information, it's important to untick the checkboxes called "Withdraw related Units of Competency" and "Cancel related eLearning" when you are cancelling the Workshop booking.
I have created all assessment content and am ready for my students to begin using the Learner Portal. How can I send them a password to login?
It is easiest and most efficient to have aXcelerate create a student User based on certain enrolment type criteria. We have a separate guide on this: Auto Generate Students on Enrolment.