An Assessment Type allows you to categorise the assessment methods used across your assessments. There are five base assessment types available for you to use. These allow you the flexibility you need for the different style of assessments to present to your students. These base types can then be used to create your own assessment types, with their own labelling. This labelling is what will display for reporting purposes and is also what will display for your users.
Note: Our Online Assessments feature is exclusive to aXcelerate Turbo. For further information, please contact our Customer Success team.
Add an assessment type
Assessment types allow you to decide what style of assessment you would like to create and what functionality you would like to allow or prevent the student from completing.
- Click the Add New Assessment Type button
- Enter a Name
- Select a Base Type
- Enter any other applicable fields as required
- Click Submit
When creating your assessment type, there are five base types available for you to use:
QTI quiz style assessments allow your students to complete a quiz online via our Student Portal. This assessment type allows you to use four different question types, Short Answer, Fill-in-the-blanks, multiple choice and single choice. For more information on our question types, please see our article on Assessment Authoring.
Observation checklist style assessments allow you to create a checklist for a trainer to refer to when marking a student. Each item in the assessment will allow you to enter the question, any assessor information and have a binary marking scale. Most RTO's will use the terminology of 'Satisfactory' and 'Not Satisfactory'.
Note: Any items included in an Observation Checklist type assessment will not be shown to the student. The student will simply see the Overview and Student information set at the assessment task level. The student will then be allowed a file upload or text response.
Marking criteria assessments allow you to create an assessment for a student to make a submission against or a trainer to make a submission on behalf of a student. These are basic 'upload-download' style assessments with a set of criteria set against each item. Each item in the assessment will allow you to enter the question, any assessor information, a model answer and have a comprehensive marking scale. Most RTO's will use a 3 tiered marking scale.
RPL Evidence assessment types allow you to create an assessment for a student to make a submission against each item or a trainer to make a submission on behalf of a student. These are basic 'upload-download' style assessments with criteria set against each item. Each item in the assessment will allow you to enter the question, any assessor information, a model answer and have a comprehensive marking scale. Most RTO's will use a 3 tiered marking scale.
Tip: RPL Evidence assessment types do not need to be used for RPL assessments, this is simply our base name. If you intend to use this for non-RPL assessments we recommend creating a new Assessment Type and re-naming this.
Note: All items included in a RPL Evidence type assessment will be shown to the student and they will then be allowed a file upload or text response against each item.
Lessons allow you to create eLearning content that incorporates text, images, videos and tables with no passing percentage or score. Completion simply requires progressing through all the content provided. Automatically marked quiz questions can also be included to help reinforce students' learning. Lessons are intended to replace SCORM packages.
General Assessment Type settings
Student Declaration Required
When selected, Students will have to sign a declaration before they can submit an assessment of this type in the Learner Portal. The declaration text is set in the content editor that appears when this setting is enabled. When marking assessment attempts for assessments of this type, the Learner's signature and agreement to the declaration will be shown.
Assessor Signature Required
When selected, Assessors will have to provide a signature when marking online assessment attempts.
Question Results Hidden
When selected, Learners will not see their results for individual questions in the Learner Portal, only their overall result and feedback.
Quiz Assessment Type settings
Build on Attempts
When selected, this option will allow a student completing a quiz to only repeat questions they had incorrect in their previous assessment attempt. When navigating through the next assessment attempt, the student will only be navigated through the previously 'incorrect' questions. However, they are able to still use the menu navigation to see any questions they had correct in the previous attempt.
Multiple Item Attempts
When selected, this option allows Learners to attempt an item multiple times and will immediately show them if they were correct. In a normal Online Quiz, Learners only have one attempt per item and aren't able to see whether they were correct for each item until the Assessment is submitted.
Enforce Time Limit
When selected, this will enforce a time limit for each attempt. After the time has expired, the assessment attempt will be submitted and the student will not be able to make further changes to their attempt. The time limit will need to be set as a value in minutes when this setting is enabled.
Hide previous attempt's feedback
If selected, Learner's will not see feedback from their previous attempt as they complete their current attempt, they can still see this feedback in the results area of their previous attempts.
Never Show Correct Responses
When this setting is enabled, Students will be able to see they answered the question incorrectly but will never be shown the correct answer. This will apply to all auto-marking question types.
Marking Criteria, Observation and RPL Type settings
Allow File Upload
The allow file upload option will determine if a student can upload a file as their submission to an assessment. If this is unselected, the student is not able to upload a file as a submission to their assessment and is only able to respond via a text field.
Task Visible to Student
This option allows you to determine if this assessment type is visible to students in the student portal. If this is unselected, this will mean that although the student is enrolled in an assessment task of this type, they are not able to see this in their portal. This can be particularly useful for observations that a student never has to interact with.
Task Items Visible to Student
This option will allow you to determine if a student is able to see and respond to the assessment task items/questions within your assessment. If this is unselected, the student will be able to see the assessment task of this type and all overview information. However, they will not be able to see or respond to any items/questions within the assessment task.
This would be particularly useful for observation style assessments where you would like the student to see all overview information, to allow them to prepare, however, not each specific item they will be observed on.
Student Can Complete
This setting allows you to determine if a student can respond to an assessment or simply view it. If unselected, the student will be able to see the assessment task, however, they will not be able to respond to, or a make a submission against the assessment.
Lesson Settings
Learners can repeat this Lesson
Allows Learners to undertake the Lesson as many times as they like.
Tip: When you begin using Online Assessments, there will be some pre-loaded Assessment Types for you to begin with.
Edit an Assessment Type
- Locate the Assessment Type you wish to update
- Click the Update icon
- Update the Assessment Type form as required
- Click Submit
Delete an Assessment Type
- Locate the Assessment Type you wish to update
- Click the Delete icon
Note: An Assessment Type can only be deleted if there has been no assessment created with that type.
Add a Student Assessment Declaration
If you require a student to provide a signature as part of your Assessment, enable the Student Declaration setting. Upon submission of their Assessment, students will be shown the accompanying 'Student Declaration Text' and will be required to add their signature. The provided signature will be visible in the Marking area when viewing each Student's attempt.
- Add or Update an Assessment Type
- Enable Student Declaration Required
- Enter the Student Declaration Text students will be shown
- Click Submit
Note: Assessment Declarations are only available for Assessment Types where the Task Items are visible to the Student.