The Class Matrix page enables you to see, at a glance, an overview of the progress of up to 100 students through all units in the Class. This page also allows you to communicate with your student, make bulk actions against their enrolments, view their results and timetable, generate an AVETMISS Report for only this group and export your view.
Enrol a student into a Class
- Click Enrol
- Search for the contact you wish to enrol
- Tick the Tentative box if you wish to enrol the student tentatively
- Click Enrol Contact
- Apply any relevant changes to the student's enrolment otherwise, the default class settings will be used
- Click Enrol Contact
Tips: As an alternative, you can also get to step 5 by enrolling via the Contact Actions on the Contact Details page of the student.
If you enrol a student using the Tentative status their enrolment is registered against the related course but NOT the units of competency. This enables you to create a 'pending' enrolment for the student prior to formalising the enrolment (i.e. selection of actual units and start/end dates, etc.). The Tentative enrolment status is often used whilst you are conducting pre-commencement reviews or assessments.
Note: When enrolling a student with unit start dates in the future, if there is no Initial Competency Status set in your RTO/VET Settings, the default status will be set to 85 NYS.
When enrolling a student with unit start dates in the past, if there is no Initial Competency Status set in your RTO/VET Settings, the default status will be set to 70 CA.
This status override is applicable for all state and national reporting - excluding NSW APL (ePayments), NSW ACE (OLiV) and WA RAPT.
NSW APL (ePayments) and NSW ACE (OLiV) record as Blank for the Not Yet Started Outcome and the Started Outcome. WA RAPT records as 55 - P for the Not Yet Started Outcome and the Started Outcome.
If the Initial Competency Status has been set in your RTO/VET Settings, this will override the 85 NYS status for future dated enrolments.
Warning: API enrolments will only use the Initial Competency Status set in your RTO/VET Settings or if not set, 85 NYS.
Multi-enrol students into a Class
- Click Enrol
- Search for the first contact you wish to enrol
- Click Enrol Contact
- Click the Plus Contact icon
- Search for the additional contact you wish to enrol
- Click the students hyperlinked Name
- Repeat steps 4 - 6 until all students have been selected
- Update any applicable fields
- Click Enrol Contact
Tips: As an alternative, you can also get to step 4 by enrolling via the Contact Actions on the Contact Details page of the student.
The fields that you select throughout the form will apply to all students.
Notes: If your class has multiple workshops linked to one Unit, you cannot use the multi-enrol tool and the Plus Contact icon will not appear.
This tool cannot be used for tentative enrolments.
Issue certificates
When issuing certificates from the class matrix, you will have the option to issue certificates for any eligible students in the class. If a student is ineligible for certificate issue, there will be a warning next to their name that highlights the reason. If you would like to preview your certificate(s) before issuing, click the Preview button.
- Hover over certificates and click Issue Certificates
- Select the applicable Certificate Type
- Select your Certificate Template
- Select the applicable Issued Date
- Click the checkbox next to the applicable Students
- Enter any other applicable details into the form
- Click Issue Certificates
Tips: As an alternative, you can also issue certificates from the student's enrolment page. If you are unsure of how to do this, please refer to our article on Class Enrolments.
To download all issued certificates immediately after issuing, click the Save/Download Certificates button.
Note: When issuing a certificate, a warning will appear against any student record where fees are outstanding. This will not prevent you from issuing the certificate, it will only be a visual warning. If you would like this warning to be a little stronger, there is a system flag in the RTO / VET tab labelled Issue certificates only if fully paid. If on, this setting will prevent the issuing of full certificates, both accredited and non-accredited, for students with outstanding fees. Note that this setting was previously located at the bottom of the Additional Options tab but has been moved.
Warning: Once a certificate has been issued, it can be deleted, but the certificate number will not be able to be used again.
Download issued certificates
The download certificates option allows you to download pre-issued certificates as PDFs in bulk. This can be downloaded as a .zip file or as a combined PDF file.
This would be useful if your students have provided written permission that their employer (or other applicable party) can receive a copy of their issued certificate. Alternatively, this could also be useful if you have a class of students in a face-to-face session who are ready to receive their paper-based certificates.
- Hover over the Certificates tab and click Download
- Select a Certificate Template
- Select the Issued Date group you wish to download
- Select a Download As option
- Click Download
Note: If no certificate template is specified, the latest certificate of any template will be downloaded.
Send a Template to students in a class
Sending templates from your class matrix will allow you to send this template to all (or selected) students at once.
- Hover over Communication and click Templates
- Please refer to our article on Template Communication for how to use this function
Tip: A contact note will be added to each contact who receives this email with the option to view the email sent, along with any attached invoices (if applicable).
Note: When sending a template to a group of students or selected students, the list of who the template will be sent to will display on the left side of the page after you have selected which template to send. From this step, you are able to check/uncheck any students.
Send emails/SMS to students in a class
This feature allows you to quickly and easily send a simple email or text message (SMS) to selected or all students in your class. This form of communication is different from a merge document or a template in that the message content cannot be saved and then reused later. For this reason, this function is most suitable for one-off messages that you want to send instantly to your selected students.
- Hover over Communication and click Email/SMS
- Select the Type of message as either email (in either HTML or Plain Text format) or SMS text message
- Enter a Message
- Enter any other applicable details into the form
- Click Send Email
Tip: To include your logo in this email, select the type for HTML and upload your logo in the email content for Email Header.
Notes: Once you submit this form, the contents of the email or SMS will be sent to all of those contacts selected in the Recipients list.
You must have an SMS provider and valid SMS settings configured in your account in order to send SMS messages via aXcelerate.
Send a survey to students in a class
This function allows you to send surveys to selected or all students in your class.
- Hover over communication and click Send Survey
- Select a Survey Type
- Select a Survey
- Select the applicable Students
- Select a Template
- Enter any other applicable details into the form
- Click Submit
Tip: If a student has already responded to a survey and they receive the link again, they will not be able to complete the survey again.
Note: Ensure that you included the dynamic field for [Survey Link for Class Enrolment] in your template to link in your survey.
View class survey results
- Hover over Communication and click Send Survey
- Click the Class Survey Results button
Tip: You are also able to view pre- or post-training survey results from the View Responses option under the Quality tab in the main menu.
Print address labels
This page enables you to generate and print contact name and address labels for postal mail-outs. This function uses the Merge Documents feature of the system.
- Hover over Communication and click Print Address Labels
- Select or remove applicable Contacts
- Select the contact Details that you want printed on the address label
- Select the label print Layout using the checkboxes
- Click Print
- Follow the printing instructions on your device or browser
Tip: This action can also be performed via the merge documents area. For more information on how to do this, please see our article on Merge Documents.
Note: This tool is formatted to allow you to print to AVERY L7163 labels only.
Set class enrolment outcomes in bulk
This functionality allows you to bulk update the unit of competency status outcome, key dates and AVETMISS reporting status of multiple students enrolled in a class at once. The form fields at the top of the form such as status and dates when set will define what will be changed for ALL selected students. The matrix below these form fields, showing the students and the units, enables you then to select which students and which unit(s) the bulk changes will apply to.
Use these steps to perform bulk updates to student's enrolment records:
- Hover over Bulk Actions and click Bulk Set Outcomes
- Fill in the Set Unit Competency Status for all Students and for all Units in the Class form as desired
- Check the applicable checkboxes in the Student table to update
- Click Submit
- Click Proceed with bulk change
Note: If the class contains more than 50 students, there are paging controls to access the remaining records. You will only be able to update the page of students you are viewing at one time.
Set contracts in bulk
This functionality allows you to bulk update the funding sources and contract/schedules of multiple students enrolled in a class at once.
- Hover over Bulk Actions and click Bulk Set Contracts
- Fill in the Set Contract Information for all Students and for all Units in the Class form as desired
- Check the applicable checkboxes in the Student table to update
- Click Update Selected
- Click Proceed with bulk change
Note: If the class contains more than 100 students, there are paging controls to access the remaining records. You will only be able to update the page of students you are viewing at one time.
Mark attendance in bulk
This functionality allows you to bulk mark attendance for students enrolled in a class with timetabled workshops.
- Hover over Bulk Actions and click Mark Attendance
- Click the Choose a Session drop-down and select a session
- Mark the attendance as required
- Click Submit
Note: This option will only work for classes with a timetable.
Mark assessments in bulk
This functionality allows you to bulk mark assessments for multiple students enrolled in a class at once.
- Hover over Bulk Actions and click Bulk Mark Assessments
- Fill in the Mark all assessments form as desired
- Check the applicable checkboxes in the Student table to update
- Click Save Changes
Note: This feature only applies to Standard Assessments and is not applicable to the Online Assessment feature.
View student results
The student results view allows you to see a snapshot of all standard assessment results for all students in the class. This view would be particularly useful for printing from your browser.
- Click the Student Results button
- Scroll down to see a list of students results
Tip: To print this page from your browser, right-click in a blank space and select the "print..." option.
Note: The Student Results feature is only used for Standard Assessments (upload/download style assessments) and not full Online Assessments. In order to view class online assessments information use the View dropdown and select the Assessments option.
Create an AVETMISS Report for a class
This feature allows you to produce an AVETMISS Report for only the class selected. This is particularly useful if you have an error in your reporting for only this class, and have to resubmit your AVETMISS data.
- Click the AVETMISS Report button
- Please refer to our article on General AVETMISS Reporting for how to use this page
Note: This will differ from a standard AVETMISS Report when selecting filters as the class will be listed as a filter.
View class timetable
The class timetable view allows you to see a snapshot of the linked workshop timetable. From here you can select when the 'lunch break' should appear and choose to show or hide any conflicts for students.
- Click the Class Timetable button
- Configure the applicable fields as necessary
- Click Show Report
Download the class timetable
The class timetable can be downloaded as a PDF. This is particularly useful when you want to distribute the timetable to your trainers or students.
- Click the Class Timetable button
- Click the Download as PDF checkbox
- Click Show Report
Check cloud assess enrolments
This feature allows you to check for any cloud assess completions in your selected class if this feature option is activated for your account.
- Click the Check Cloud Assess button
- Click Ok
Tip: The number of new results found will display at top of your screen.
Filter the class matrix by status
The Filter by Status feature allows you to only see a select group of students determined by their enrolment status. As your class becomes larger, the filtering options will become more useful.
- Click the Filter by Status drop-down
- Select the applicable status option from the list
Tip: The default filter selection is Completed + In Progress.
Use the standard view
The standard view allows you to see a high-level overview of your class and enrolments. This includes a list of students, their units, their unit status, the units within the class and their groupings. This view will also provide you with many hyperlinks to guide you to other linked pages.
- Click the View drop-down
- Select Standard View (or Modules)
Tip: Your standard view will be the default view unless the class utilises modules.
Use the attendance view
The attendance view displays similar to the standard view, however, the cells that would normally display the unit status will display the marked attendance for the student's linked workshop/s. This allows you to easily see an overview of the attendance of the students in your class.
- Click the View drop-down
- Select Attendance Mode
Tip: Click the Unit code to see an Attendance Report for all students enrolled in that workshop for that unit.
View workshop enrolments
The workshop enrolment view displays extended cells for each student to show an overview. This includes dates, training contract type (SBA), qualification stage, percentage complete, the student's linked employer (if applicable) and the unit list with the applicable status.
- Click the View drop-down
- Select Workshop Enrolment
Tip: If you have enrolment related custom fields, you can use the Custom Fields dropdown to add these to your view.
Note: The Stage column refers to qualification stages.
This is an optional feature that can be enabled in your account that allows you (for traineeships and apprenticeships) to set the number of discrete stages a qualification will have. Once these have been set at the qualification level, the students can be eligible to progress to the next stage based on time or percentage of units complete.
If you would like this enabled, please contact our Customer Support Team.
View student online assessments
The assessments view allows you to see a quick, colour coded overview of the assessment status for all students in your class.
- Click the View drop-down
- Select Assessments
Each enrolled assessment task will have a colour code to easily identify the status of the assessment. Please see an explanation of this below:
This means that the student has been not yet been enrolled in the assessment. This option will also show an Enrol icon to enrol the student if required.
This means that the student has been enrolled in the assessment but has not yet commenced.
This means that the assessment is in progress and is not able to be marked at this time or the assessment has been attempted and marked as unsatisfactory, however, there are attempts remaining.
This means that the assessment has been submitted but has not yet been marked.
This means that the assessment has been submitted and marked as unsatisfactory.
This means that the assessment has been submitted and marked as satisfactory.
Tip: Hover over the magnifying glass icon to see the status of the assessment or click the magnifying glass icon to go to the student's assessment enrolment.
Note: This view is only available for our Online Assessments feature (exclusive to aXcelerate Turbo). For further information, please contact our Customer Success team.
Bulk enrol students into a class assessment
This option will enrol all students into all linked online assessments for this class if the student is enrolled in the linked unit.
- Click the View dropdown
- Select Assessments
- Click the Bulk Enrol Assessments button
- Click Submit
Warning: There is no way to bulk un-enrol students from online assessments.
View Assessments
The Assessments Matrix View allows you to quickly view a colour coded overview of the Assessment status for all Learners in your Class.
- Click the View drop-down
- Select Assessments
Columns represent each Assessment Task attached to the Class, with each value in the matrix representing the Assessment Enrolment Status.
The Learner has used all of their attempts for the Assessment, without achieving a Satisfactory outcome.
The Learner has submitted the Assessment, but it requires manual marking by an Assessor, which has not occurred yet.
The Learner has commenced the Assessment, but not submitted it yet.
The Assessment has a Satisfactory outcome recorded.
No enrolment into this Task exists for this Learner. Click the button to enrol them.
Tip: Click the Enrolment Status in the matrix to access the Assessment Enrolment.
Note: This view is only available if at least one Assessment is linked to the Class.
View eLearning
The eLearning view allows you to see a quick, colour coded, overview of the eLearning status for all students in your class.
- Click the View drop-down
- Select eLearning
Each enrolled eLearning task will have a colour code to easily identify the status of the task. Please see an explanation of this below:
This means that the eLearning has been failed.
This means that the student has been enrolled in the eLearning but has not yet commenced.
This means that the eLearning has been submitted and marked as satisfactory.
This means that the eLearning is in progress and will not be able to be marked at this time or the assessment has been attempted and failed, however, there are attempts remaining.
Tip: Click the magnifying glass icon to go to the student's eLearning enrolment.
Note: This view is only available with an eLearning integration. For further information, please contact our Customer Success team.
View standard assessments
Viewing standard assessments via the class matrix allows you to see an overview of the assessment status and unit competency status for all students in your class for the unit selected.
- Click the Unit Code hyperlink
- Scroll across to see further units (if applicable)
Tip: Hover over the assessment icon to see them when the assessment was submitted or click the assessment icon to go to the student's assessment enrolment.
View portfolio checklists
The Portfolio Checklists view allows you to see a quick, colour coded, overview of a specified portfolio checklist for all of the students in the class.
- Click the View drop-down
- Select Portfolio Checklists
- Select a portfolio Checklist from the dropdown
Each enrolled Portfolio Checklist item will have a colour code to easily identify the status of the task. Please see an explanation of this below:
This means that the applicable portfolio item has been uploaded and is current.
This means that the portfolio item has expired.
Tip: Click the Columns button to select additional display columns. An example of a useful additional column is adding the Enrolment or Commencement date display field.
View Learning Plan Module and Element Enrolments
This view displays all enrolments in modules/elements for a learning plan assigned to the class.
- Click the View drop-down
- Select Learning Plan
- Select a specific module from the Module dropdown or click on a module header in order to view all elements within that module.
Note: The Learning Plans feature must be enabled and a class must be assigned a learning plan before this option will appear.
Export class matrix
This feature allows you to export the class matrix view to either .xls or .pdf format. This could be particularly useful for an audit situation where you are required to provide paper-based evidence.
- Using the filtering and viewing options, navigate to the appropriate view
- Click the applicable Export button
Find a specific student
When you have a larger class or are struggling to find a specific student's enrolment from the class matrix, this function will allow you to quickly search and select only that student.
- Click the Find a Student dropdown
- Search for the student's name (if applicable)
- Click on the Students Name
Tip: Alternatively, you can change your results per page using the list dropdown to display a larger list of students.
Managing Contracts Webinar
This webinar demonstrates:
- Update the Contract at the Unit of Competency Level
- Overriding Contracts from the Enrolment Page
- Removing Contracts from the Enrolment Page
Attendance and Work Placement Webinar
This webinar demonstrates:
- Marking Attendance against a Class
- Marking Attendance against a Workshop
- Managing Work Placement
Resulting Assessments and Units Webinar
This webinar demonstrates:
- Individually Resulting Assessments and Units
- Bulk Resulting Assessments and Units
- Auto triggering Unit Outcomes
Class Matrix FAQs
Why aren't students receiving SMS messages from aXcelerate?
Please check your SMS Provider account to ensure you have sufficient credit available. If sufficient credit is available, please ensure your SMS Provider settings are correct in the aXcelerate System Settings.