A Work Placement makes up part of a Learner's class enrolment and contains information related to the Work-based Learning component of their study. A Placement will have a Host Employer, Supervisors, a Schedule, and a Logbook. The Learner will access information about their Placement via the Learner App, while the Supervisors will mark attendance and approve Logbook Entries via the aXcelerate App.
Create a Work Placement
To create a Work Placement, you will first need to have a Learner enrolled in a Class and a Host Employer Organisation created. Once a Placement has been created, the Learner will be able to view their Placement in the aXcelerate Learner App.
- Click New Placement
- Search for a Contact with a Class Enrolment
- Select the Enrolment
- Search for a Host Employer
- Set the Start and End Date
- Select a Trainer
- Set the Duration and Duration Type
- Click Create Placement
Tip: You may add additional Host Employers if the Learner is scheduled to attend multiple organisations throughout their placement. The Placement Start and End will be determined by the start date of the earliest Host Employer and the End Date of the latest Host Employer.
Note: The Duration will determine the amount of time the Learner needs to record through Logbook entries to complete their Work Placement. The Duration Type can either be set to require hours or days to be recorded by the Learner.
Manage Placement Host Employers
Once a Placement has been created the details of the Host Employers assigned to the placement can be adjusted using the additional actions menu next to each employer. You may add additional Host Employers, edit the dates of the Host Employer and remove Host Employers as long as at least one Host Employer is remaining.
Note: Host Employer dates should typically not overlap much as this may cause conflicts with the Learner's Schedule.
Add Work Placement Supervisors
Once a Placement has been created, Host Employer Supervisors are able to be linked to the placement. Supervisors will be able to manage the Placement from the aXcelerate App by viewing the Learner's schedule, marking attendance, and reviewing Logbook Entries.
- View a Work Placement record
- Select the Host Employer (if there are multiple)
- Search for and select Supervisors assigned to the Host Employer or click New to add a new Supervisor contact.
Tip: Clicking the star icon next to a Supervisors will assign them as the Primary Supervisor for the Placement. The aXcelerate Learner App will show Learners information about their Supervisors including which is the primary. This helps to show Learners who their primary point of contact should be at the Host Employer.
Note: The Primary Supervisor of the Host Employer will be assigned as the Primary Supervisor of the Host Employer for the Placement by default.
Add Work Placement Notes
- View a Work Placement record
- Click the New button in the Placement Notes area
- Enter the content of your note
- Attach any files you would like to include
- Click Save Note
Manage a Learner's Work Placement Activities
When a Placement is created for a particular Qualification, any Work Placement Activities that are mapped to Units in that Qualification will be available for the Learner to select when making Logbook Entries. Activities can be disabled for particular Placements which will prevent the Learner from including them in Logbook Entries.
- View a Work Placement record
- Click on the Activities tab
- Click on the toggles to enable or disable certain Activities
Tip: Placement Activities can be grouped by Activity Type or by Mapped Units in this view. This will help to enable or disable similar Activities and see an overview of how the Activity Types and Unit Mappings are distributed for this Qualification.
Note: If no Activities have been mapped, click on the Qualification name to update the Activity Mapping and assign Activities to the Placement.
Create a Work-based Learning Schedule
A Schedule can be created for a Work Placement which will generate Work Placement Visits in the Learner's calendar. The visits will be scheduled according to the pattern that is set between the selected start and end dates. Learners and Supervisors will be able to see the scheduled visits in their respective Apps. If visits have been scheduled Supervisors will be able to mark attendance for each session.
- View a Work Placement record
- Click on the Schedule tab
- Click New Schedule
- Select the Host Employer (if there are multiple)
- Set the Schedule Start and Schedule Start
- Select the days of the week the Learner will visit the Host Employer
- Set the Start Time and End Time for each day selected
- Click Create Schedule
Tip: By default, the dates will match the start and end date of the Placement, the Primary Supervisor will be assigned to each visit and the Location will be set as the Host Employer Location. The Location and Supervisor are able to be different for each scheduled visit.
Edit a Work Placement Schedule
After a Schedule has been created for a Work Placement, the pattern is able to be adjusted. This will delete any future scheduled events and create new events based on the newly set pattern. Any past-dated visits will still remain in the calendar.
- View a Work Placement record
- Click on the Schedule tab
- Click Edit Schedule
- Select the Host Employer (if there are multiple)
- Configure the details of the new schedule
- Click Update Schedule
- Click Update to confirm
Tip: Click Cancel to return to the Schedule view without making any changes to the Schedule.
Schedule a Work Placement Event
After creating a Schedule for a Learner's Placement, you are able to schedule individual visits in the calendar.
- View a Work Placement record
- Click on the Schedule tab
- Create a Schedule if one does not exist
- Click on a blank area in the calendar
- Select the Date
- Set the Start Time and Finish Time
- Select the Host Employer (if there are multiple)
- Select the Address
- Select the Supervisor
- Click Create
Tip: Click on existing events to edit their details and mark attendance.
Note: The addresses available for the Host Employer come from the addresses available against the organisation. You can add more addresses from the Organisation Update page.
Review Work Placement Logbook Entry
When a Work Placement has been created for a Learner, they will be able to create and submit Logbook Entries through the aXcelerate Learner App. As part of the Logbook Entry, Learners will be able to record the Activities, date, time, duration, media evidence, reflection and sentiment for that visit.
- View a Work Placement record
- Click on the Logbook tab
- Select a submitted Logbook Entry
- Approve the Entry or set it to Needs Review
Learners will be able to select from the list of available Activities in their Placement to record what tasks they did for that particular Work Placement visit.
Duration (Hours/Days Logged)
The duration of the visit determines the amount of time that is put towards the total time recorded against the placement if the Duration Type of the Placement is set to Hours. If the Duration Type is set to Days, the number of Logbook Entries will be counted instead. By default, the duration will be the time between the start and finish time, however, the duration can be manually set by the Learner to account for breaks during the visit. The total duration recorded against the Placement will only show for Logbook Entries that have been approved.
The reflection is used to record a brief description of the visit by the Learner. This allows the Learner to provide any additional information they would like to include that is not captured by the Activities they selected.
Sentiment (Learner Rating)
The sentiment will appear as an image of a face with an associated value ranging from 1 - 5 indicating the Learner's happiness with the visit at the time the entry is submitted. The average sentiment from all entries submitted for Placements at a particular Host Employer will be shown on that Host Employer's profile (Average Learner Satisfaction).
Evidence is comprised of media files that have been uploaded by the Learner and attached to their Logbook Entry.
Tip: You can add Feedback when reviewing an entry that will appear to Learners when viewing reviewed entries within the Learner App.
Note: Once a Logbook entry has been approved, Learners will not be able to make any further changes. Approved entries will have their duration count towards their Placement Progress. If an entry is set to 'Needs Review' the Learner will need to go and make some changes to the entry and resubmit it. It is useful to add feedback to inform the Learner why the entry needs to be resubmitted.
Bulk Update Pending Logbook Entries
Pending Logbook Entries are able to be updated in bulk for a particular Learner. All pending entries can be set to a single status (Approved or Needs Review) or you can select a group of particular entries and update them as needed.
- View a Work Placement record
- Open the additional actions menu (Click the 3 Dots in the top-right corner of the screen)
- Click Bulk update Logbook Entries
- Select the entries you would like to update
- Select the New Status
- Click Update Entries
Record Manual Work Placement Duration
The total time recorded against a Placement is predominantly determined by the combined duration of each approved Logbook Entry or the number of entries in recorded days. However, administrators are also able to set a value of manually recorded hours/days to count towards or subtract from this total.
- View a Work Placement record
- Open the additional actions menu (Click the 3 Dots in the top-right corner of the screen)
- Click Record Manual Hours/Days
- Select the Number of Hours/Days
- Select whether the value will be added or removed from the total
- Click Update Hours/Days Recorded
Tip: The total number of manually recorded hours/days will appear in the Learner's Placement Progress
Send Work-based Learning Templates
Work-based Learning related information can be pulled into communication templates sent to contacts using the Work-based Learning - Placement and Host Employer Fields. Host Employer Fields will show information about the Host Employer(s) linked to the Placement such as Organisation name and Primary Supervisor Name. Placement Fields will display details about the Placement like the Progress Percentage and Start Date.
- View a Placement
- Click the Additional Actions Icon next to a Host Employer
- Click Send Template
- Select a Template
- Adjust the content as required
- Click Email
- Select the recipients and set the details of the email
- Click Send
Tip: For Placements that have multiple Host Employers, sending a template with Host Employer Fields for a class enrolment will show information about all host employers related to the enrolment. To send information about a particular Host Employer, use the Send Template action next to a Host Employer when viewing a Placement.
Note: For more information on creating templates, please refer to our Template Builder help article.
Complete Placement
A Work Placement can be completed at any stage after it has commenced, however it is recommended that this is done when the required number of hours/days have been met first.
- View an In-Progress Work Placement record
- Open the additional actions menu (Click the 3 Dots in the top-right corner of the screen)
- Click Complete Placement
Tip: Completed Placements can be recommenced from the additional actions menu.
Note: If the Placement is being completed without meeting the required number of hours/days, you will be prompted to manually update the recorded time before completing the Placement. If the Placement is being completed while there are still pending Logbook Entries remaining, you will be prompted to Review Logbook Entries.
Cancel Placement
Canceling a Work Placement will cause it to no longer appear in the aXcelerate Learner App for the enrolled Learner.
- View an In-Progress Work Placement record
- Open the additional actions menu (Click the 3 Dots in the top-right corner of the screen)
- Click Cancel Placement
Tip: Cancelled Placements can be recommenced from the additional actions menu.
Note: A Placement can be permanently deleted once it has been canceled if there are no Logbook Entries recorded.
Export Work-based Learning Logbook
Once a Learner has completed their Placement, you may wish to export the evidence they have gathered during their Work-based Learning experience as a PDF. This information will be stored digitally in the system in perpetuity, but a PDF can also be useful to provide as evidence in some circumstances.
- View a Placement
- Click on the Logbook Tab
- Click Export
- Click Print
- Save the generated PDF
Download the aXcelerate aXcelerate App
aXcelerate users will be able to go to the App store on their personal device and download the aXcelerate App. In the App, they will be able to view information about Placements they have been assigned as the supervisor for, mark attendance, and review logbook entries.
The links to download the app are listed below:
- Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.axcelerate.max_axcelerate
- iOS: https://apps.apple.com/au/app/axcelerate-supervisor/id1537511897
You can send Supervisor Users a link to our help article on how to use the aXcelerate App.
Tip: Admin, Trainer and Supervisor users will be able to sign into the aXcelerate App. Supervisor users will be able to access the App, but not be able to log in to the main aXcelerate application. Contacts must be created as users and provided with login credentials to be able to access the App.
Note: Tip: You may wish to update the New Supervisor User Default System Template to include a link to the aXcelerate App. You can find more information on this in our Default System Templates help article.
Download the aXcelerate Learner App
Learner users can go to the App store on their personal device and download the 'aXcelerate Learner' App. They can use the App to view information about their course as well as their Work Placement if one exists. Learners will be able to create and view Logbook Entries and view their schedule.
The links to download the app are listed below:
- Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=au.com.axcelerate.ax_learner
- iOS: https://apps.apple.com/au/app/axcelerate-learner/id1489681763
You can send Learner Users a link to our help article on how to use the Learner App.
Tip: Learners must be created as users and provided with login credentials to be able to access the App.
Note: You may wish to update the New Learner User Default System Template to include a link to the Learner App. You can find more information on this in our Default System Templates help article.