The aXcelerate Learner App is available for any Learners undertaking a course with a training organisation that uses the aXcelerate system. Once a Learner has been sent login details, they will be able to log into the Learner App or Learner Portal.
Tip: The aXcelerate Learner App is available to download on the iOS and Android App Stores. You can find it by searching for 'aXcelerate Learner'. The main mobile permissions that the Learner App will require are access to your camera and file storage. This is so you are able to take photos and upload files to provide as logbook evidence. A full list of app permissions is available on the app store.
Note: If you do not know what your aXcelerate login details are, please contact your training provider.
Downloading the Learner App
The aXcelerate Learner App is available to download on the iOS and Android App Stores. You can find it by searching for 'aXcelerate Learner'.
The links to download the app are listed below:
Switch Learner App Enrolments
When you first log into the App, you will be prompted to select an enrolment if you have multiple aXcelerate enrolments. You can switch to alternate enrolments by clicking on your profile icon in the top left corner of the screen and selecting one of your available enrolments.
Edit Personal Details in the Learner App
In the Profile tab of the app, you will be able to view and edit your personal information and emergency contact details.
- Click the Profile tab at the bottom of the screen
- Click the Edit Icon in the top right corner of the screen
- Edit your details as required
- Click Save
Note: If you don't see the option to edit your details, your training organisation has not given you access to update your personal details.
Change Learner App Display Settings
Personalised display settings are available to customise. Click on your profile icon in the top left corner and click on settings. From here you will be able to select a theme to use in the App and enable or disable Night Mode.
View Learner App Schedule
The Schedule tab will show any events related to the enrolment that you currently have selected. This could include workshops, Learner Activities or Work Placement Visits. Switch your selected enrolment via your profile icon to see the schedule for other courses you are enrolled in.
Registering Attendance
If you're required to register attendance for a workshop, under the Schedule tab select the day requiring attendance registration.
Tapping "Register Attendance" will request a signature before submitting.
Submit a Logbook Entry
If you have a Work Placement linked to your enrolment you will see a Placements tab at the bottom of your screen. From here you can see the details of your host employer organisation and supervisors as well as submit and view logbook entries. When undertaking a Placement, you will be expected to create Logbook Entry for each time you visit a host employer and engage in work-based learning.
- Click on the Placement tab at the bottom of the screen
- Click New Entry
- Select the Date of your Workplace Visit
- Select your Host Employer & Supervisor
- Select the Activities that you worked on
- Attach any media Evidence you recorded
- Record the Time you spent working that day
- Provide a brief Reflection about your day
- Click Submit
Tip: When creating a Logbook Entry you will should to specify the details of the work you did with your Host Employer. This includes a date, time, duration, activities, reflection and evidence. The more information you provide about your experience, the easier it will be to demonstrate what you have learned and achieved.
Note: Once you have submitted your Logbook Entry, your Supervisor or Trainer will review it and approve it or let you know if it needs to be reviewed. Once approved, the time you submitted will be counted towards your total placement progress. If you have multiple Host Employers linked to your Placement, Supervisors will only be able to see Logbook Entries where their Organisation has been set as the Host Employer. Logbook Entries can also be signed off via the Learner App if the setting has been enabled. This can be useful where Supervisors are potentially not full time Supervisors or a Supervisor isn't able to use the aXcelerate App.
Record Evidence Against Activities
When you are creating a Logbook Entry and selecting the Activities you have participated in, click the attachment icon to view more details about the Activity and record specific evidence against that Activity. Please be sure to check with your trainer and supervisor about the best way for you to capture information in your logbook.
Tip: The better quality information you record in your logbook helps to create a robust digital portfolio of evidence that can be used beyond your training experience.
Note: If there is no icon that appears next to Activities when you are selecting them, recording evidence against Activities is not necessary. You
Activity evidence must be enabled. If no icon appears, you're outta luck matey moo.
Use the Learner App Offline
After you have initially logged into the Learner App, if you lose internet connection you will still be able to access the information at the time you went offline. You can also submit and update logbook entries while offline which will be saved and then submitted once you get an internet connection. This allows you to use the app to record Work-based Learning evidence and submit Logbook Entries while in remote areas that don't have internet access.