Welcome to the aXcelerate system. Since the system is so vast and packed full of features, it can be hard to know where to start. The purpose of this article is to help you get started and learn core areas of the system in a logical order.
Tip: Each section in this article will link to help resources on a particular topic. If you progress through each section and read through the help articles and watch the training videos you'll find all of the relevant information you'll need to use the system. Another great way to learn the system is to watch the Short Hits of Training (SHOT) videos of the area you want to know more about.
Help resources include: SHOTs, Webinars or Help Guides (like this one!).
Our Refresher Series is also great place to start learning the core areas of the system.
Contacts Help Content
Contacts refer to each person's details that have been stored in your system and Management of your Contacts is the first topic we recommend you learn in the aXcelerate system. These articles will demonstrate how to create contacts and manage their details, notes, organisations & documents.
Note: User Management is also an important part of the Contact Management process for anyone who will be logging into the system.
Trainers Help Content
Trainers can be set up in the system to run and deliver your courses. You can manage their permissions and competencies to control what areas of the system they can access and which courses they are able to deliver.
Resources Help Content
aXcelerate Resources include uploaded files, Rooms, Assets, and Equipment that relate to the training you deliver. These are useful to set up so that you have all of the items needed to deliver training when you begin setting up your courses.
Qualifications and Units Help Content
Qualifications are one of the primary components of accredited training management in aXcelerate and contain Units of Competency. These objects contain the necessary information for reporting and compliance purposes and are linked to the settings of classes in your system.
Class Management Help Content
Classes are used to deliver instances of accredited training and contain enrolment details. You can link Assessments, eLearning, and Workshops to Units in your class to form the learning content the enrolled students will undertake.
Workshops Help Content
aXcelerate's Workshop system enables training coordinators to set up face-to-face training sessions and manage and communicate with enrolled students. Workshops can be Accredited, non-accredited, or linked to a class as a timetabled unit.
Assessments Help Content
aXcelerate's Online Assessments allow you to easily author, organise, view, and modify your Assessments and their enrolments. Students can then undertake deployed Assessments within their Learner Portal. There are many different types of Assessments and questions that can be utilised to deliver a diverse learning experience which can then be mapped back to Units of Competency.
Note: Accounts not on aXcelerate Turbo, will only be able to make use of Standard Assessments. If you would like more information about upgrading to Turbo and the features you will get access to, you can click here to book a demo.
Certificate Templates Help Content
Certificate Templates are used to generate certificates for students who have completed training. Your account will keep a record of which students have obtained certificates that allow them to be mailed to students. Creating certificate templates allows you to configure the layout, content, and styling of the certificates issued to your students from aXcelerate.
Communication Help Content
Communication Templates can be built and then sent out to contacts from various areas in the system. Templates use dynamic fields that will display information relevant to the recipient of the template. This is important to set up so that you can communicate effectively with everyone involved in the training process.
Finance Help Content
Finance features include the ability to raise invoices, record payments, issue credit notes and process refunds. It is also possible to integrate specific payment gateways with aXcelerate to facilitate the processing of credit card payments. Invoices and other financial information created in the system can be exported to external accounting softwares via the use of further integrations, or CSV export options.
Survey Help Content
Custom Surveys are able to be created and sent out to contacts in the system at various points during the training process. Learner Engagement and AQTF Employer Satisfaction (LE/ES) are also able to be generated. The results can then be summarised and viewed to gauge feedback on various aspects of the learning experience.
Reporting Help Content
The Report Builder enables users to create, customise and run reports to extract data from the system. The data that is retrieved and how it is displayed is highly customisable and able to be saved, automated, and displayed within the dashboard.
AVETMISS Reporting Help Content
aXcelerate enables you to generate AVETMISS compliant NAT files for submission to your state training authority or NCVER. The system is also able to integrate with NCVER's AVETMISS Validation Software (AVS) to allow your AVETMISS data to be uploaded and validated directly to your NCVER account through the aXcelerate system.
Workflow Automation Help Content
Workflow automation allows you to work smarter not harder by automating many manual processes within aXcelerate and allowing you to spend time on more important tasks. You are able to automatically send emails and SMS to your contacts, invoice for payment plans, generate and send reports, send surveys, create tasks for your team.
Note: Workflows are a Turbo exclusive feature.