Onboarding is the process that new users of aXcelerate undertake to become set up in the system and start using it in a live capacity. This process starts upon sign-up with aXcelerate and finishes with the unassisted live usage of the system. Onboarding involves system training, consultation, Data Migration and an Online Enrolment Project if applicable.
Tip: Allocating adequate time to attend training sessions, populate your system with data and share your learnings with other administrator users in your account is a crucial factor in the timely completion of your Onboarding. We also have a range of Webinar Recordings that you can refer to for self-paced learning.
Note: The Onboarding team will help you to learn the system and answer any questions you have about system setup, however, with the exception of Data Migration, we do not populate your account with training information specific to your organisation.
Warning: Please be aware that if you have purchased an Online Enrolments Feature, the project cannot commence until you have adequately configured your aXcelerate account. Please refer to the System Requirements for Online Enrolments for further information.
The Onboarding process
- Completed aXcelerate Licence Agreement is returned
- An aXcelerate Customer Success Team member will call to welcome you to the aXcelerate family and introduce you to your Onboarding Consultant
- A project planning session is organised between you and your Onboarding Consultant
- Training in the use of the system is delivered by your Onboarding consultant
- Data is migrated into your account from your previous system
- You populate and configure your account with relevant settings, data and information
- If applicable and requirements met, your Online Enrolment Feature project commences
- You begin using the system in a live capacity
Tip: Please refer to our help article for further information on the Data Migration process.
Note: Once you have completed the Onboarding process, please feel free to contact our Customer Success Team with any technical issues you encounter. Please be aware that training in the use of the system is outside the scope of technical support. If you require any additional system training, we are happy to organise a training session with our Onboarding team.
Onboarding Welcome Call
After signing up with aXcelerate, a member of our team will call you to welcome you to the aXcelerate family. We will ask you a few additional questions about your business and confirm features that your account will have activated. After this call, both your Live and Staging aXcelerate accounts will be created and made available for you to access.
Onboarding Project Planning Session
This is the first session with your Onboarding Consultant and will typically take an hour and is used to discuss your business requirements and develop an appropriate schedule for training and implementation of the system. The objectives of the session are listed below:
- Clarify and confirm your business requirements
- Define objectives and expected timeframes for Onboarding
- If applicable, define objectives of data migration
- Explain our training processes and plan your Onboarding
- Explain our Onboarding project review and action-planning approach
- Clarify and agree on expectations for both your organisation and aXcelerate
Tip: It is helpful to book the next few training sessions during this session to keep the Onboarding process on schedule.
Booking an Onboarding Training Session
A support ticket will be created to manage the Onboarding process. At any stage you would like to organise training, you can request times in this ticket and your Onboarding consultant will organise a suitable time for training. If you have already completed the Onboarding process, you can contact our Customer Success Team to organise additional training sessions.
Onboarding Service Hours
As part of your aXcelerate Licence Agreement, a quantity of Onboarding Service Hours will have been purchased. The time utilised by your Onboarding Consultant during the onboarding process will be tracked against the relevant task and will be deducted from your pre-paid hours. This includes account creation, onboarding project planning, training delivery, pre and post-training administration, completion of required tasks, review meetings, email assistance, phone calls to your Onboarding Consultant or Support for training related enquiries, and follow up on any of your specific questions and requirements. Ideally, your Onboarding should be completed before your hours are depleted, however, you can purchase additional training hours for continued service as required.
Tip: Please refer to our Onboarding terms and conditions and your aXcelerate license agreement or our Terms of Use for further information on service hours.
Onboarding Training Cancellations
If you need to cancel your training session, you are required to give at least 48 hours notice prior to the session. Cancellations made within 48 hours of the session will consume 50% of the training time that was booked. This time will be deducted from your remaining Onboarding service hours.
Note: The first occurrence where training is cancelled without notice will only receive a warning. Afterwards, the cancellation penalty will apply to all training cancellations within 48 hours of the session.
Preparing for Online Enrolments
If the Online Enrolment Feature has been purchased, an Online Enrolment Project will be part of your Onboarding process. Please be aware that your aXcelerate system essentially needs to be ready to use in a live capacity before the project can commence.
Please be aware that this project cannot commence until you have met the System Requirements for Online Enrolments. Your web developers will also need to ensure that your WordPress website has met the WordPress System Requirements for Online Enrolments. Meeting these requirements ensures that the aXcelerate WordPress plugin functions correctly on your website and that the project can run smoothly.
The process is as follows:
- Setup your aXcelerate account to meet the relevant system requirements
- Meet with the Online Enrolment Team to scope your Online Enrolment requirements
- Provide any outstanding details not specified during the meeting
- A Project Scope will be provided by the Online Enrolment team
- Once written confirmation of the scope is provided in the Online Enrolment support ticket, the configuration will commence
- The Online Enrolment team will notify you when the site is ready for internal testing by our Quality Assurance team
- Once internal testing is complete, the details of the site will be provided to you for User Acceptance Testing
- You will need to test the enrolment process and notify the Online Enrolment team with any feedback
- Once you have tested the enrolment process and any feedback that has been raised during internal testing has been addressed and written confirmation of project completion is provided, we can set the form to be used in a live capacity
- The project will be closed and you can now accept enrolments in a live capacity
Tip: You can learn more about the Online Enrolment Process from our Demo website.
Note: There may be additional areas of your aXcelerate system that need to be configured after the scoping meeting. These areas of your system will need to be set up as soon as possible to prevent delays in the project.
Technical Support Services
Our Customer Success Team is available to assist with any technical issues that you encounter in aXcelerate. All Technical Support issues should be made by the Key Contact from your business and should typically be no longer than 10-15 minutes in duration.
Tip: Any assistance provided by our Customer Success team during your Onboarding that fall outside of the scope of Technical Support will detract from your Onboarding Service Hours balance.
Note: For further information on the extent of our technical support services, please refer to your license agreement or our Terms of Use.
Onboarding FAQs
How long are my Onboarding Service Hours valid?
Onboarding Service Hours will remain valid for 6 months after purchase. The Onboarding team will notify you when your hours will be expiring soon so that you can utilise them. You can also pay a fee of $185+ GST to extend the expiry date of your remaining Service Hours by 3 months.
What is the cost of training?
Scheduled one-on-one over-the-phone/web training per hour - $185.00
Scheduled on-site Onboarding services - per half-day - $900.00
Scheduled on-site Onboarding services - per full-day - $1,500.00
Scheduled on-site Onboarding services - two full days - $2,850.00 (5% discount)
Scheduled on-site Onboarding services - three full days - $4,162.50 (7.5% discount)
Scheduled on-site Onboarding services - four full days - $5,400.00 (10% discount)
For any on-site consulting (onboarding/training services) which includes travel additional fees will apply:
If the training is being delivered to an organisation outside of a 50 km radius from the CBD, there is a travel time fee of $50.00 per hour and a distance charge of $0.78 per kilometre that will be charged to your organisation from the CBD and return.
All airfares, taxis, transfers and airport parking are charged at cost. All estimates for airfares are approximate only and will be charged at cost on the day and time of actual flight booking. Accommodation and meals are charged via a travel allowance at the published standard ATO non-executive rate.
All prices are exclusive of GST.
Are training hours transferable?
If you complete your Onboarding and still have additional service hours remaining, you may credit them towards other professional services that we provide.
What happens if I run out of Onboarding Service Hours?
If you require additional training and consultation after your Onboarding Service Hours have been utilised, you can purchase additional service hours as required. Please contact our Customer Success Team or your Onboarding consultant to purchase additional service hours.
Will aXcelerate populate data in my account?
The Onboarding team will not set up your aXcelerate account for you. During your training sessions, you will be shown how to use key areas of the system. It will then be your responsibility to ensure that your system is populated with the relevant data and configurations. This excludes our Data Migration services where we will import data you provide from your previous system into your aXcelerate account.
When can my Online Enrolment Project start?
Online Enrolment Projects require the aXcelerate System Requirements and the WordPress System Requirements to be met before it can commence. This is to ensure that the Online Enrolment process functions as intended and to prevent delays during the project. This process is not immediate and will commence when you have adequately addressed the aforementioned requirements. Delays in commencing this project are often related to the belated setup of the aXcelerate system. Please work with your Onboarding consultant to ensure that your system is configured in a timely manner.
Note: For further information on the services that we provide, please refer to your license agreement or our Terms of Use.