Xero is an external Finance Package that aXcelerate integrates with which allows you to export financial data into your Xero account.
Users will need the following permissions to utilise this integration:
Note: This integration is exclusive to aXcelerate Turbo accounts and is included at no additional cost. If you would like to enable the Xero integration, This can be selected in Settings -> System Settings -> Web & Other Integrations -> Select Finance Export Integration.
Setup the Xero integration
- Go to Finance -> Xero Import/Export
- Follow the on-screen instructions.
- Click Save Settings and Finish Setup
Tip: Enable Xero Inventory should be set to yes if you wish to export invoice and credit note item codes to Xero. When this option is enabled line item codes must exist inside Xero in order for invoices and credit notes to be exported.
Note: Enable Xero Tracking Categories should be set to yes if you wish to set tracking categories against finance subcodes. When this option is enabled finance codes must be imported from Xero.
Export financial data to Xero
Financial data in aXcelerate can be exported to Xero. Information that can be exported includes Contacts, Invoices, Payments, Credit Notes, Refunds and Credit Allocations. Tabs should be exported from left to right.
- Click the tab for the information you want to export
- Select dates in the Date Filter
- Select the type of information you wish to export
- Click Search
- Click the Checkboxes next to the record/transaction you wish to export
- Click Export Selected
Tip: If you have Workflow Automation enabled in your account, you can automate the export of your financial data into Xero. Please refer to our Workflow Actions help article for further information.
Note: You will see the following message if your export has been successful: Successfully exported Invoice(s) to Xero.
Warning: Financial data exported from aXcelerate into Xero is locked and finalised.
Import Finance Codes
The Import Finance Codes option enables you to import the account/finance codes used in Xero into aXcelerate, which can support invoicing and payments related to your training services.
- Click the Import Finance Codes tab
- Select the Finance Codes you want to import
- Click Import selected Finance Codes
Note: Finance codes are automatically set to be unique, ensuring that the same finance code cannot be added more than once for reporting purposes. If this is not the case for your Finance Setup as you may utilise multiple cost centre codes, please contact aXcelerate. In this situation, it will also be important to rely on reporting from your finance/accounting package. The Finance code account type must exclusively be Revenue and Sales.
Note: Only Finance Codes within the Sales and Revenue accounts in Xero can be imported. Finance Codes within other accounts (such as Liabilities, Expenses or Other Revenue) will not be visible for import.
Warning: When exporting to an external Finance System the Finance Codes must match.
Import Xero Contacts
Contacts that exist in Xero can be imported as an Organisation or a Contact in aXcelerate. Xero Contacts can either be linked to an existing Contact/Organisation record or created as a new record in the system. Linked Contacts will have their names hyperlinked to the linked record in aXcelerate.
- Go to the Contacts tab
- Select the Xero Contact creation date range for the search
- Select the New Status
- Click Search Xero
- Go to each Contact that appears in the search and select the appropriate action
- Click Submit
Tip: The system will try and detect whether the Xero contact should be a Organisation or Contact in aXcelerate based on the data in Xero. You can change import action for each Xero Contact before importing.
Note: If there are relevant matches in aXcelerate, you will be able to select the appropriate record to link the Xero Contact to.
Warning: If you import an organisation that does not have an associated key contact in Xero, the system will also create a new contact and set it as the key contact of the Organisation. This contact will have the Organisation Name as its given name and a system generated contact note saying why this contact was created.
Import Xero Payments
Payments associated with Contacts that have been linked between Xero and aXcelerate can be imported into aXcelerate and linked to an invoice if applicable.
- Go to the Payments tab
- Select the Xero payment date range for the search
- Select the New Status
- Click Search Xero
- Select Import Payment for each payment you would like to Import
- Click Submit
Tip: We recommend creating contacts in aXcelerate and exporting them to Xero, then importing payments into aXcelerate that have been made directly through Xero.
Note: Before a payment can be imported, the contact in Xero associated with the payment must be imported into aXcelerate.
Ignore Xero Contacts
Any contacts that exist in Xero that you do not want to be imported into aXcelerate can be ignored. This will cause the record to not be imported and be ignored for future searches. Ignoring contacts will not affect data in your Xero account.
- Go to the Contacts tab
- Select the Xero Contact creation date range for the search
- Select the Ignored Status
- Click Search Xero
- Select the Never Import action for the contacts you want to ignore
- Click Submit
Tip: You can view Xero Contact records that you have previously ignored by selecting the Ignored Status in the search filters. When ignored records appear in the search you can select a different action to take for the record if you would like to.
Ignore Xero Payments
Any payments associated with Contacts that have been linked between Xero and aXcelerate that you do not want to be imported into aXcelerate can be ignored. This will cause the payment to not be imported, and be ignored for future searches. This will not affect data in your Xero account.
- Go to the Contacts tab
- Select the Xero payment date range for the search
- Select the Ignored Status
- Click Search Xero
- Select the Never Import action for the contacts you want to ignore
- Click Submit
Tip: You can view Xero Payment records that you have previously ignored by selecting the Ignored Status in the search filters. When ignored records appear in the search you can select a different action to take for the record if you would like to.
Xero Integration Webinar
This webinar demonstrates:
- Configure the aXcelerate Xero Integration
- Exporting data to Xero
Xero FAQs
How do I resolve Xero Import & Export errors?
The majority of these errors are due to a faulty/incorrect contact link between platforms. Please see our "Xero Import & Export Troubleshooting" article for errors and their related solutions.
Why are my student invoices being exported to the Organisation?
It is important to assign a Payer or Employer to each Organisation prior to exporting contacts & Invoices so that student contacts are not incorrectly assumed as the organisational payer. See the "Organisations" guide to assign these.