Workflow Actions determine the purpose of an automated task. They run according to a schedule or in response to a system event. There is a range of available actions from simple, such as sending a template to contacts, to complex such as queuing AVETMISS validation reports. For further information on general workshop tasks, please view our Workflow Automation guide.
For step by step example guides please see the Workflow Scenario Step by Step help guide article which can be found here.
Tip: Add conditions to your workflow tasks to refine them so that they only run in specific circumstances. For example, you could set a Student Status condition when using the Send Class Template action to only send the template to students including or excluding a particular status such as Tentative, Enrolled or Cancelled. Please refer to our Workflow Automation help article for further information on workflow task conditions.
Add a contact note via Workflow
This action will add a note to a contact record or series of contact records when the Automated Task is run.
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Add Contact Note as the workflow Action
- Set the Contact the note will be created against
- Assign the Note Type to be used
- Set the content of the note
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Save Automated Task
Note: This action alone will not send an email.
Create a user task via Workflow
This action will create and assign a user task when the Automated Task is run.
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Create a User Task as the workflow Action
- Set the Name of the user task to be created
- Assign the Task Requester - by default this is set as the account API user
- Select the Priority of the task
- Set the Due Date of the User Task
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Save Automated Task
Send contact template via Workflow
This action will send a template to contacts. This message can contain template fields in the body of the email or you can use a saved template.
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Send Contact Template as the workflow Action
- Set the Contact who the template will be regarding
- If you want the receiver to be a different contact, set them in the To field.
- Set whether the task will Honour Unsubscribed
- Select the Template to send
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Save Automated Task
Tip: The Max Every field can be used to ensure the contact does not get sent the template more than once over the given timeframe. For example, a value of 30 means that this workflow will fail if the nominated contact has already been emailed this template by an automated task within the last 30 days. The maximum value this field can have is one year or 366 days.
Send email via Workflow
This action will send a simple email directly from the Workflow Engine. The email will always be sent from the workflow email address:
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Send Email as the workflow Action
- Set the Recipient Email
- Set the Subject of the email
- Populate the content of the email
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Save Automated Task
Tip: You may want to use the Send Template action as you will be able to send a preconfigured message as well as make use of Template Fields to populate your message with dynamic data.
Note: Template fields cannot be included in the message. Only plain text or HTML will be able to be sent via this action.
Send template to user roles via Workflow
This action will send a template to all active users of particular user roles. For example, it can be used to periodically send information to all trainers within your system.
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Send Template to User Roles as the workflow Action
- Set the User Role/s which will receive the template
- Set whether the task will Honour Unsubscribed
- Select the Template to send
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Save Automated Task
Create a workshop user task via Workflow
With this action, you can create user tasks for administrators or trainers to do in relation to specific workshops.
For example, you could create a user task for a staff member to confirm the venue booking upon creation of a workshop and set the due date to be a week before the workshop starts.
This action will only run based on Workshop Level triggers.
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Create a Workshop User Task as the workflow Action
- Set the Name of the user task to be created
- Assign the Task Owner - by default this will be set as the workshop owner
- Assign the Task Requester - by default this will be set as the account API user
- Select the Priority of the task
- Set the Due Date of the user task
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Save Automated Task
Note: This and other workshop level date-triggered automated tasks will not run for in-house quotations or cancelled workshops.
Send workshop SMS via Workflow
This action allows you to send an SMS to contacts linked to a workshop. This includes the Workshop Trainer, Owner, Client or Participants enrolled in the workshop.
This action will only be able to run based on Workshop Level triggers.
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Send Workshop SMS as the workflow Action
- Select who the SMS is to be sent to - by default this will be set as the workshop participants
- Select the Template to be sent
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Save Automated Task
Tip: You can filter the participants who receive this message by selecting specific enrolment statuses.
Note: To use this feature, you must have valid SMS settings configured in your account.
Send workshop survey via Workflow
This action allows surveys to be sent to participants of a workshop upon creation, commencement or completion of the workshop.
This action will only be able to run based on Workshop Level triggers.
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Send Workshop Survey as the workflow Action
- Select the Mailout Type
- Search for the Survey to mail
- Select the Template to be sent
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Save Automated Task
Tip: This action also allows you to survey reminders as well as program readings/activities to students in a workshop.
Note: The content of workshop survey emails can be edited from Email Content under the Settings tab. Please refer to the Edit Workshop Survey Content section of this article for further information.
Edit Workshop Survey Content via Workflow
The content of Workshop Survey Mailouts is controlled by Email Parts in the Email Content area. Editing the content in an Email Part will change the information displayed a particular survey.
Workshops Survey Mailouts will always display the Email Header as a blurb at the top of every Survey type. After this, a static section of content will display the recipient's name and a thank you message. This cannot be edited.
Then the corresponding Email Parts will be displayed according to the type of survey being sent and the role of the person receiving the survey. The types of surveys and associated Survey Types are listed in the table below.
Finally at the bottom will be the link to the survey itself. The way the link is displayed and the position it appears in cannot be edited.
Email Content
The types of Workshop Surveys and the corresponding Email Parts are listed below:
Pre-Program survey
The content displayed in this survey type and sent to students in a public workshop is managed by the Auto Pre-Survey - Main Body Email Part.
The content displayed in this survey type and sent to clients for In-House workshops is managed by the Auto Pre-Survey - Intro Addressed to Client Email Part.
Pre-Program survey reminder
The content displayed in this survey type and sent to students in a public workshop is managed by the Auto Pre-FollowUp - Participants Email Part.
The content displayed in this survey type and sent to clients for In-House workshops is managed by the Auto Pre-FollowUp - Intro Addressed to Client and Auto Pre-FollowUp - Client Body Email Parts.
Trainers will be sent an email notification when this reminder is sent. This message is static and not customisable.
Pre-Program reading/activity
The content displayed in this survey type and sent to students in a public workshop is managed by the Auto Pre-Reading - Body Email Part.
The content displayed in this survey type and sent to clients for In-House workshops is managed by the Auto Pre-Reading - Intro Addressed to Client and Auto Pre-Reading - Body Email Parts.
Post-Program survey
The content displayed in this survey type and sent to students in a public workshop is managed by the Auto Post-Survey - Participants Email Part.
The content displayed in this survey type and sent to clients for In-House workshops is managed by the Auto Post-Survey - Client Email Part.
Post-Program survey reminder
The content displayed in this survey type and sent to students in a public workshop is managed by the Auto Post-FollowUp - Participants Email Part.
The content displayed in this survey type and sent to clients for In-House workshops is managed by the Auto Post-FollowUp - Client Intro and Auto Post-FollowUp - Client Body Email Parts.
Post-Program reading/activity
The content displayed in this survey type and sent to students in a public workshop is managed the Auto Post-Reading - Body Email Part.
The content displayed in this survey type and sent to clients for In-House workshops is managed by the Auto Post-Reading - Intro Addressed to Client Email Part.
Tip: The 'Email Header' Email Part should contain your company logo and perhaps some generic contact information. This content will display at the top of all Workshop Surveys and some other areas in the system.
Note: The In-House Email Parts will only display if the 'Include In-House Client' option is ticked in the Workflow task.
Send workshop template via Workflow
This action allows you to send a template to contacts linked to a workshop. This includes the Workshop Trainer, Owner, Client or Participants enrolled in the workshop.
When the template is being sent to participants, you can filter the recipients of the template by selecting specific enrolment statuses.
This action will only be able to run based on Workshop Level triggers.
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Send Workshop Template as the workflow Action
- Select who the template is to be sent to - by default this will be set as the workshop participants
- Set whether the task will Honour Unsubscribed
- Select the Template to send
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Save Automated Task
Tip: Certificates associated with the workshop are able to be attached to the workshop template by ticking Attach Non-accredited Certificate or Attach Accredited Certificate.
Note: A template can be included as a PDF attachment to the workshop template by selecting an Attachment Template. Only one Attachment Template can be included in the email sent through this action.
Send workshop booking template via Workflow
This action allows you to send a template to individual students linked to a workshop.
This action will only be able to run based on Workshop Booking Level triggers such as the creation of a booking or when a booking status changes.
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Send Workshop Booking Template as the workflow Action
- Set whether the task will Honour Unsubscribed
- Select the Template to send
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Save Automated Task
Note: Only key booking status changes will trigger a status change. Workflows will not be triggered when a non-key status, such as "Attended" or "Paid" is added to a workshop booking. See the table below for a list of key statuses.
Warning: Be mindful of the conditions you set for these workflows as they will trigger for each and all workshop bookings, include those timetabled with accredited class enrolments.
Workshop Key Statuses
Booked (B)
Moved (M)
Approved (A)
Replaced (Y)
Completed (Co)
Tentative (T)
Waitlisted (W)
Cancelled (C)
Create an enrolment user task via Workflow
With this action, you can set up user tasks for administrators and trainers to do, in relation to specific classes.
This action will only be able to run based on Accredited Training Enrolment Level triggers.
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Create an Enrolment User Task as the workflow Action
- Set the Name of the user task to be created
- Assign the Task Owner - by default this will be set as the class owner
- Assign the Task Requester - by default this will be set as the account API user
- Select the Priority of the task
- Set the Due Date of the user task
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Save Automated Task
Send class SMS via Workflow
This action allows you to send an SMS to contacts linked to a class. This includes the Class Trainer, Owner, Client or Participants enrolled in the class.
This action will only be able to run based on Accredited Training Enrolment Level triggers.
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Send Class SMS as the workflow Action
- Select who the SMS is to be sent to - by default this will be set as the class participants
- Select the Template to be sent
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Save Automated Task
Tip: You can filter the participants who receive this message by selecting specific enrolment statuses.
Note: To use this feature, you must have valid SMS settings configured in your account.
Send enrolment survey via Workflow
This action allows surveys to be sent to participants of a class upon creation, commencement or completion of the class.
This action will only be able to run based on Accredited Training Enrolment Level triggers.
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Send Class Enrolment Survey as the workflow Action
- Select the Survey to send
- Set whether the task will Honour Unsubscribed
- Set the Template to send as the body of the email
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Save Automated Task
Note: The template selected to send with the survey must contain the field: [Survey Link For Class Enrolment].
Send LE/ES survey via Workflow
This action will send an email to either the participant or their employer with a link to complete a Learner Engagement or Employer Satisfaction Survey. If the individual has already completed this nominated survey in the current calendar year, the action will not send an email and report as failed.
This action will only be able to run based on Accredited Training Enrolment Level triggers.
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Send LE/ES survey as the workflow Action
- Select the Survey you wish to send
- Set the type of contact that the survey will be sent To
- Set the Max Every value
- Select the Template to be sent
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Save Automated Task
Tip: The Max Every field is important for LE/ES surveys as it will ensure that the contact does not get sent the template more than once over the given timeframe. A value of 30 means that the survey will not be sent if the contact has already been emailed this template by an automated task within the last 30 days. The maximum value this field can have is one year or 366 days.
Note: Learner Engagement surveys can only be sent to student contacts who have participated in training.
Send a class template via Workflow
This action allows you to send a template to contacts linked to a class. This includes the Participant enrolled in the class, but also the Class Trainer, Owner, Client, or Participant's Employer.
This action will only be able to run based on Accredited Training Enrolment Level triggers.
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Send Class Template as the workflow Action
- Select who the template is to be sent to - by default this will be set as the class participants
- Set whether the task will Honour Unsubscribed
- Select the Template to send
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Save Automated Task
Tip: The Participant's Employer is determined by either being set directly against the Participant's Contact Record or by being set as the Employer Contact against a Participant's Organisation.
Create a marketing user task upon enquiry via Workflow
With this action, you can set up user tasks to be created and assigned to contacts in the system based upon enquiries. The user task will be able to capture the opportunity cost and name of the course associated with the enquiry.
This task is particularly useful in tandem with our WordPress plugin or a Custom API Integration which allows students to submit enquiries through your website.
This action will only be able to run based on Enquiry Event triggers.
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Create Marketing User Task as the workflow Action
- Set the Name of the marketing user task to be created
- Set the Description of the marketing user task to be created
- Assign the Task Owner - by default this will be set as the class owner
- Assign the Task Requester - by default this will be set as the account API user
- Select the Priority of the task
- Set the Due Date of the user task
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Save Automated Task
Tip: Tasks can be assigned to different contacts based on which course the enquiry is for. This is achieved by setting a condition for particular Workshop Types or Qualifications to apply to this Automated Task.
Send an enquiry template via Workflow
This action allows you configure automated responses to online enquiries. You can send a template to a contact in the system upon an enquiry being made as well as notifying internal staff of enquiries received.
This task is particularly useful in tandem with our WordPress plugin or a Custom API Integration which allows students to submit enquiries through your website.
This action will only be able to run based on Enquiry Event triggers.
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Send Enquiry Template as the workflow Action
- Select the recipient of the template
- Set whether the task will Honour Unsubscribed
- Select the Template to send
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Save Automated Task
Tip: Specific templates can be sent based on which course the enquiry is for. This is achieved by setting a condition for particular Workshop Types or Qualifications to apply to this Automated Task.
Handle assessment status change via Workflow
This action enables you to configure automated notifications when an assessment status changes. Recipients can include participants, respondees, assessors or markers.
An assessment status changes when it is submitted by the participant or has been finalised as completed. For example, you could email assessors a generic message with a link to mark the assessment following an assessment submission.
This workflow action only applies to aXcelerate accounts with the Online Assessments Feature enabled and configured.
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Handle Assessment Status Change as the workflow Action
- Set the recipient of the email
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Run Wizard
- Configure the second workflow action when prompted by the wizard. By default, the action will be set to Send Contact Template
- Click Update Step
- Click Save Automated Task
Tip: This action can only run as a Multi-Step Workflow, select the Run Wizard icon for assistance in configuring the second workflow action.
Note: The change in assessment status is only recognized by the Online Assessments Feature and does not apply to Legacy assessments.
Export finances to XERO via Workflow
To use this feature, you must have the Export to Xero feature switched on for your account and correct Xero integration settings saved.
This action allows you to schedule the finance export to Xero on a regular basis, for example, the end of every week.
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Export Finances to Xero as the workflow Action
- Select the Type of export
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Save Automated Task
Tip: Create a multi-step workflow with 5 steps to export Contacts, Invoices, Payments, Credit Notes and Refunds.
Generate payment plan invoice via Workflow
This action will generate an invoice for a payment plan instalment for an accredited enrolment. To use this action, you must have the Payment Plan switched on for your account.
This action can only be triggered by a Report Row Event. This means that you will need to set up a saved report that has a Payment Plan Instalment ID as one of its Display Fields.
- Run a Payment Plans Live Report
- Set the Date range to match the frequency that will be used in the workflow (e.g. "Today" for same day & daily, "This Week" for same week & once weekly) it is not recommended to run monthly.
- Save the Report and share it internally
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Generate Payment Plan as the workflow Action
- Select the saved report to use for the Report Row Event
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Save Automated Task
Tip: Please refer to our Workflow Automation help articles for further information on setting up Schedules. Please refer to our Example Reports help article for further information on running a Payment Plan Instalments report.
Note: The Payment Plan Instalment ID will be set by the saved report you have selected for the Report Row Event. You will need to ensure that the report is Shared Internally as the workflow engine is another user in the system and requires permission to use your saved report.
Queue AVETMISS validation report via Workflow
This action runs an AVETMISS Report and generates a file of validation errors and warnings. A template will then be sent to contacts so that they may download the report.
The validation errors/warnings that the report generates are the same as found on the AVETMISS Report article. Refer to that article for more information on AVETMISS and troubleshooting validation errors and warnings.
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Queue AVETMISS Validation Report as the workflow Action
- Select the reporting Period
- Select the Format of your report
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Run Wizard
- Configure the second workflow action when prompted by the wizard. By default, the action will be set to Send Contact Template
- Click Save Automated Task
Tip: This action can only run as a Multi-Step Workflow, select the Run Wizard icon for assistance in configuring the second workflow action.
Note: The file generated by this action will be available for download for 48 hours.
Queue saved reports via Workflow
This action allows Saved Reports to be run in an automated capacity. The results of the report can then be sent to contacts in the system for download.
You must first save a report to have it eligible to be queued by this action. After the task has been run, reports will be generated and be available to be downloaded.
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Queue Saved Report as the workflow Action
- Select the Report you wish to run
- Select the Format of your report
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Run Wizard
- Configure the second workflow action when prompted by the wizard. By default, the action will be set to Send Contact Template
- Click Save Automated Task
Tip: This action should be run as a Multi-Step Workflow, select the Run Wizard icon for assistance in configuring the second workflow action.
Note: Saved reports will be run as the API user. Unless you are the API user, the saved report must be shared internally in order for the API user (and consequently the workflow engine) to have permission to run it. You can also login as the API user and setup/save the reports from this user account instead.
Run Moodle Completions via Workflow
When this action is run, aXcelerate will poll your Moodle server and return completion data for every Moodle course you have imported.
This action will return a count of the number of courses that the completions were run for. Please be aware that this action cannot report the results of the polling as this request can take some time and is therefore queued and handled by a separate process.
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Run Moodle Completions as the workflow Action
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Save Automated Task
Tip: It is recommended you run this every hour or so to keep Moodle and aXcelerate in sync.
Note: The action will only check for courses that have participants eligible for completion, such as students that have an interim status against their Moodle enrolment.
Run Canvas Completions via Workflow
When this action is run, aXcelerate will check your Canvas account and return completion data for each Canvas course you have imported into aXcelerate.
This action will return a count of the number of courses that the completions were run for. Please be aware that this action cannot report the results of the polling as this request can take some time and is therefore queued and handled by a separate process.
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Run Canvas Completions as the workflow Action
- Set When to Run the task
- Click Save Automated Task
Tip: It is recommended you run this a couple times a day to keep Canvas and aXcelerate in sync. For example, once in the morning and once in the evening.
Send Contact SMS via Workflow
This action will allow you to send the selected SMS to one or more contacts.
- Set the Name of the workflow task
- Select Send Contact SMS as the workflow Action
- Select a Contact
- Select a Template
Enter a Message - Select a Trigger Type
- Select a Schedule
- Click Save Automated Task
Tips: If you are triggering this workflow via a report (recommended), click the Dynamic Value button to use the contacts from that report.
Note: This will only work if you have SMS settings configured for your account.
Workflow Actions Webinar
This webinar demonstrates:
- Configuring Workflow Settings
- Running different Workflow Actions
- Setting 'what to run' and 'when to run'
Workflow Actions FAQs
How can I use Workflow to send an email to all of my In-Progress students?
Please click here for a video which will explain in detail how to setup an automated workflow task to achieve this