Canvas E-Learning Activities are either grouped as Assignment Groups or Modules in Canvas. Assignment Groups and Modules are groups of assignments related to a Canvas Course and can be mapped to a single aXcelerate Learning Activity. The aXcelerate Learning Activity can then be mapped to one or more Units of Competency. For example, you could set up an Assignment Group or Module for each Element of a Unit.
Tip: The phrase 'E-Learning Activity' will be replaced in many areas with 'Assignment Group' or 'Modules' depending on the integration type that you have configured.
Note: The aXcelerate Canvas integration will need to be enabled and configured within your account before you will be able to use this area of the system. Please refer to our Canvas Integration Setup help article for further information.
Import Canvas E-Learning Activities into aXcelerate
Once a Canvas E-Learning Activity is imported into aXcelerate, you can enrol students directly into the group. Students will also be enrolled in the E-Learning Activity if a student is enrolled in a unit or class that has been linked to the activity.
- Click Bulk Import
- Select the Canvas E-Learning Activity you would like to import
- Click Import
- Click Proceed
Tip: You are also able to individually import Canvas E-Learning Activity by clicking the Download button next to an activity that has not been imported.
Enrol a student in a Canvas E-Learning Activity
A Canvas E-Learning Activity must first be imported into aXcelerate before a student can be enrolled in it. When a student is enrolled in an activity, the student will receive new Canvas user login details if their email is not already linked to a user account in Canvas.
- Click the Enrol Contact button next to a Canvas E-Learning Activity
- Search for a Contact
- Click on the name of the desired Contact
- Set the Access Start & End Date
- Select a Finance Code
- Set the Cost of the enrolment
Tip: This action can also be done by viewing the activity and clicking 'Enrol Student'.
Note: A Section is used in Canvas as a categorisation of people within a course and is not shared between Canvas courses. Canvas requires that users must be in at least one section at all times. Use the Canvas Section drop-down box to change the Course Section the enrollee is added to.
Class related Canvas E-Learning Activities enrolments can use the Enrollee's Organisation Name or the Class Name (see E-Learning Activites section for the option)
View a Canvas E-Learning Activity
A Canvas E-Learning Activity can be viewed by clicking on the hyperlinked name of an imported activity. When viewing the group you will be able to see the enrolled students, linked classes, related class assignments and details of the Canvas Course.
Update a Canvas E-Learning Activity
- Click on the Name of an imported Canvas E-Learning Activity
- Click the Update tab
- Make changes to the Canvas Activity as required
- Click Update
Deactivate a Canvas E-Learning Activity
- On the Active List, click on the Deactivate icon next to an imported Canvas E-Learning Activity
- Click Proceed
Activate a Canvas E-Learning Activity
- On the Inactive List, click on the Activate icon next to an imported Canvas E-Learning Activity
Delete a Canvas E-Learning Activity
- Click on the Delete icon next to an imported Canvas E-Learning Activity
- Click Proceed
Add course date to your calendar
Canvas E-Learning Activities can be exported as a Canvas iCal File link and imported into various calendar systems.
- Click on the Name of an imported Canvas E-Learning Activity
- Expand the Course Details section
- Click the Canvas iCal File
Download assignment submissions
The submissions for an assignment are able to be downloaded as a zip file from Canvas.
- Click on the Name of an imported Canvas E-Learning Activity
- Expand Related Canvas Assignments
- Click the Download icon next to an assignment
Note: You will need to be logged into Canvas and have permission to download the Assignment submissions to be able to retrieve the file.
View an assignment in Canvas
- Click on the Name of an imported Canvas E-Learning Activity
- Expand Related Canvas Assignments
- Click the Magnifying Glass icon next to an assignment
Note: You will need to be logged into Canvas and have the correct permissions to be able to view the material.
View Canvas E-Learning Activity enrolments
- Click on the Name of an imported Canvas E-Learning Activity
- Click the Students tab
Tip: A student's canvas enrolments can also be viewed from their contact profile by expanding the E-Learning accordion.
Note: Click on the student's Canvas User ID to view their Canvas Profile. You will need to have administrative permissions of the Canvas Course they are enrolled in to view the profile.
Warning: If the Student's name is red and there is a yellow warning icon next to their name; aXcelerate has flagged the enrolment as Invalid. This can happen due to the Canvas enrolment being cancelled or the Canvas user being deleted/merged. You can change this on the Update page.
Results will not be processed for Students marked as Invalid.
The list of possible Assignment Statuses is below:
The Student has not yet submitted against the assignment.
The Student has submitted the assignment but it has not been graded yet.
The Student has submitted the assignment but the grading has not been finalised.
Pending Review
The Student has submitted the assignment but it requires a review.
The Student has submitted and it has been graded as successful (score = 100%).
The Student has submitted and it has been graded as unsuccessful (score is less than 100%).
Update a Canvas E-Learning Activity Enrolment
- Click on the Name of an imported Canvas E-Learning Activity
- Click the Students tab
- Click on the name of a Student
- Click the Update tab
- Make changes to the student enrolment as required
- Click Update Enrolment
Tip: Use the 'Select a Status' dropdown to set the status of a student's Canvas enrolment.
Note: All Assignments in a Canvas E-Learning Activity must be Passed at a minimum for aXcelerate to mark the Learner in the Learning Activity as Complete. If the 'E-Learning Completion Updates Subject' setting is enabled and all related E-Learning the student is enrolled in is Complete, aXcelerate will update the Student's linked Unit outcome to 'C'. This setting can be enabled or disabled from the Web & Other Integrations tab of your System Settings.
Delete a Canvas E-Learning Activity Enrolment
- Click on the Name of an imported Canvas E-Learning Activity
- Click the Students tab
- Click the Delete icon
- Click Ok to confirm the deletion
Warning: Deleting the student's enrolment will also remove their course enrolment from Canvas.
Send a template to a Canvas student
- Click on the Name of an imported Canvas E-Learning Activity
- Click the Students tab
- Click on the name of a Student
- Hover over the Actions tab and select Template
Tip: Please refer to our Template Communication help article for further information regarding sending templates.
Check Canvas activity results
Performing this action will update the student results for a particular Canvas E-Learning Activity in aXcelerate with those in Canvas. Student activity results will return as incomplete, failed or passed. Results for a particular student can also be checked individually by going to the student's enrolment and selecting the 'Check For Results' action.
- Click on the Name of an imported Canvas E-Learning Activity
- Hover over the Actions tab and select Check For Results
- Click Proceed
Tip: Canvas activity results can be checked automatically through use of the Workflow engine. Please refer to our Workflow Actions help article for further information.
Note: This will action may take a while to load depending on how many results are being processed.
Verify Canvas students
This function will check whether a student is able to be accessed by aXcelerate and can have their activity results updated.
- Click on the Name of an imported Canvas E-Learning Activity
- Hover over the Actions tab and select Verify Students
- Click Proceed
Note: If the student cannot be verified this means that aXcelerate is unable to access the student's information from Canvas. This can usually be resolved by deleting the student's enrolment and re-enrolling them. Please be aware that this will also un-enrol the student from the activity within Canvas.
View a Student's Canvas Assignment Status
The status column shown next to the assignment will signify the progress that a student has made for a particular assignment.
- Click on the Name of an imported Canvas E-Learning Activity
- Click the Students tab
- Click on the name of a Student
- Expand Canvas Assignments
Note: If a student has been excused from an assignment in Canvas, aXcelerate will mark their Learning Activity enrolment status as complete when results are checked.
Tip: Students' assignment statuses are a reflection of what is in Canvas.
Link a Canvas E-Learning Activity to a unit
The Canvas Learning Activity is the aXcelerate representation of the Assignment Group or Module from Canvas. When a student is enrolled in a Learning Activity on the aXcelerate side, the student will also be enrolled in the corresponding course within Canvas.
As the Student completes Assignments within the Canvas as part of a course, the aXcelerate Learning Activity enrolment will detect the changes when Canvas Activity results are checked. This update will include any submissions, activity changes or teacher comments.
Please refer to our Unit Management help article for information on how to set a Canvas Activity as the default E-Learning activity for a unit.
Tip: Canvas E-Learning activities can also be linked to particular units within a class. Please refer to our Class Management help article for further information.
E-Learning Completion Updates Subject Business Rules
The following rules are used by aXcelerate when determining whether an associated unit should be changed to a competent outcome in aXcelerate as Canvas Completions are checked within Canvas:
- A unit will NOT be updated to competent if there is any future dated learning scheduled. This means that if there are attached workshops to the unit and the workshop finish dates (or latest complex date) is in the future, the unit is not considered finished and will not be automatically marked.
- A unit will NOT be updated to competent if there are any other attached E-Learning activities that are not yet complete or cancelled.
- A unit will only be marked as competent if the initial competency code is an interim status which has already started (i.e. W or CNA will not be updated).
If ALL of these checks return without error then the outcome will update.
Below is the outcome mapping which will be followed if the checks pass successfully. The unit status will be set to C (20) if the previous outcome was:
- CA (70)
- NYS (85)
- Blank ( )
- NYA (90)
- N.R.
The unit status will be set to C (1) if the previous outcome was:
- P + E (5)
- P (55)
- NoSt (105)
- N.R. (in WA class)
Learning Series Webinar
These chapters from Episode 13 of the aXcelerate Learning Series demonstrate:
- Importing Canvas Courses into aXcelerate
- Linking Canvas Courses to Units of Competency
- Enrolling Students in Canvas Courses via Classes
- Managing Canvas completion syncing with aXcelerate
Canvas Integration Webinar
This webinar demonstrates:
- Integrating Canvas with aXcelerate
- Importing Assignment Groups
- Linking Canvas Courses to Units of Competency
- Enrolling Students in Canvas Courses
Canvas E-Learning Activities FAQs
Why aren't Canvas Completions pulling through?
The first thing to check is the Canvas Integration settings in the Web & Other Integrations tab of your system settings. If the integration is connected, please check Canvas to ensure the API User has been added as a Teacher in the relevant Canvas Course and has permission to view students in all sections. We also recommend checking the workflow to ensure the workflow has not been paused.