Templates can be sent from multiple areas in the system. The process of sending a template remains quite consistent throughout the system; the area of the system used to send the template will determine the recipients. For example, sending a class template will set the recipients of the template as those enrolled in the class by default.
Send a template
Templates can be sent from a student's contact record, to a class or workshop as well as through workflow automation.
As templates can be sent from many different areas of the system, the initial action may vary slightly but will either involve clicking Templates or selecting the Template icon.
- Click Template/s or the Template icon
- Select the template you wish to send
- Click Submit
- Select the recipients of the communication on the left pane (if sending to multiple recipients)
- Click Email
- Edit the email Subject if applicable
- Set the sending address of the message
- Click Send
Tip: You can preview the template before sending by clicking Print/PDF View.
Note: If Manual fields exist in the template you are using, the data that you enter into the manual fields will be saved so it is available the next time you load that same template with the same contact/course enrolment combination. When entering data into a template, you can Save and Email the template in one step, or, you have the option to Save the template data without sending an email. This option is only available if the template has manual fields. If you wish to PDF the template you should Save the data first after filling in your manual fields. This will cause the content of manual fields to appear in Print/ PDF View.
Warning: If a word contained within square bracket — for example [UnitName] — is displayed next to a field, this means that the information required by the field could not be accessed or does not exist.
Attach files to a template
Files can be attached to a template directly or from the resource library. The template selected is also able to be set as an attachment of another template in the system.
- After selecting a template to send, click Email
- Select the Format of the template
- If Send Template as PDF Attachment has been selected, choose the template which will make up the body of your email
- Choose any Attachments from the resource library you wish to include
- Upload any additional documents directly by clicking Add File/s
- Click Send
Tip: The Format field allows you to select whether the template you have chosen should make up the body of the email or be sent as an attachment.
Communication Webinar
This webinar demonstrates:
- What is Communication in aXcelerate?
- Communicate with a Contact
- Template Setup
- Communication via Workshop
- Communication via Class
- Attaching Certificates to Correspondence
- Learner Portal Announcements