Log in as Learner




  • Calvin Young

    I agree. This is a very helpful feature in moodle for the reasons you mentioned.

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  • Mark Costello

    I agree, this would be very beneficial. 

    aXcelerate does already have this feature for aXcelerate staff to impersonate us during product demos and training, surely it wouldn't be a big task to make that available to us as well.

    It would need to be permissions-based as not all users should be allowed to login as other users.

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  • Corrie Emery

    Mark, I never used the demo, i agree then this should be an easy add on, its crazy it isn't already!

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  • Amelia Daw

    Agree, moodle and catapult have this feature hopefully its one we can have here too. I would also like to see that an administrator could assume the user account of staff for the same reason - setting up their dashboard, trouble shooting etc again only for people with certain permissions

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  • Adrian Date

    even more important with the upcoming New Login Experience as we wont be even able to change user password and log in that way


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  • Julie-Ann Sterritt

    Yes, we would like this to be added too.

    With the upcoming login changes, being able to impersonate or 'act as' another user is a highly sought feature for us as well. Many other learning management systems allow this functionality. 

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  • Kylie Williams

    4 years ago people were asking for this too! This would be extremely helpful! 

    Here is the post.

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  • Mark Gilmore

    Hi All

    We understand this has been a sought-after feature over the past year or so. At this stage, we have not yet planned to develop this, as it is quite a difficult and complex feature for us to implement. Adrian has correctly identified that using the username and password to login to students' accounts will no longer be possible once the New Login Experience is released. 

    We will continue to monitor the feedback on this post as the login experience changes, however in the interim, we would suggest some kind of remote access software such as Teamviewer or Zoom to support students.

    Kind Regards

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  • Adrian Date

    thanks Mark - agreed as far as Teamviewer / Zoom as an option but the issue here is often the people that have issues are those that struggle with technology - asking them to download something etc etc will be problematic. I do appreciate how involved the access to their portal would be though... Thanks


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  • Tony Thomas

    While Team Viewer / Zoom etc. are options they are not necessarily viable options at the time when a client calls with an issue. Quite often an issue can be rectified quickly once we (as aXcelerate administrators) can visualise the issue the client has raised. 

    These options would not facilitate a streamlined, accessible and uncomplicated approach to the situation.

    Adding third party applications would make this process clumsy and as Adrian mentioned difficult for may clients.

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  • Corrie Emery

    Mark let me get this straight.

    you acknowledge that this is something that is sort after by many people! and for some time now.

    but you have no intent to implement this EVEN though it been asked for for some time, as its been put in the to hard basket. (may have just paraphrased)

    and your suggestion is to use a third party software, that can only work if the learner is at their computer to give me remote assess, even though 1. this is a feature in other LMS such as moodle, and more importantly 2. more often then not these issues are reported to me (and i assume others) at times when theses third party issues make it next to useless. My learners report these issues of an evening, and they will be at school or work during the day when im on hand to fix / try to view their issue.

    but you plan on making changes to the login so we as administrators are unable to reset passwords making it even harder for us to support our learners.... seriously!

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  • Corrie Emery

    Mark Gilmore, I would also like to add what is the point in us wasting our times giving you ideas when you simply hen pick the ones to implement!

    This "ideas forum" is quickly becoming a joke!

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  • Mark Gilmore

    Hi All

    Thank you for your continued discussion. 

    I will copy part of my response from here, as I feel it best outlines how we select what gets developed:

    There is no 'rule' for which features get implemented based on the number of votes. We use the votes as an indication for how much interest there is in a particular suggestion. However, there are other things we take into consideration when reviewing suggestions, such as product vision, how many users would benefit from a change, how often users would benefit from this change (e.g., day-to-day, vs only in initial account setup), and the amount of development work required.

    For example, if a suggestion makes sense from a usability perspective, aligns with our vision for aXcelerate, and takes 5 minutes to implement, even with only 1 vote, it is likely that change would be implemented.

    In contrast, if a suggestion makes sense from a usability perspective, aligns with our vision for aXcelerate, has 100 votes yet would take 2+ years to implement, we would need to consider whether the impact of the change (in this case, very large) would outweigh the impact we could have by making 2 years worth of small impact changes.

    At no point did I say we would not implement this; I simply said that it is not a straightforward thing to implement, and therefore can't be something that we just squeeze in amongst our other development priorities.

    Up until now, there has been a workaround to this problem via using the student's username and password, however as Adrian has pointed out, this will no longer be possible. Hence, the impact that implementing this feature would have, has increased. 

    To elaborate on my earlier workaround, a tactic that we sometimes use in support is to use Google Meetings; you just need to create a Google Calendar event and simply email the URL to students when they require assistance. Google Meetings do not require downloading any software and should be very straightforward to implement.

    As I said earlier, we are keeping a very close eye on everyone's feedback, as we understand this will impact everyone a lot.


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  • Laure Rodrigues

    I agree with everyone here. It is already a struggle to provide support without the student view, and I'm already thinking how a mess this will be with the new login experience. 

    We were using Matrix from Cypher Learning as LMS before and they have this feature were you can simply view the platform as a student, and then you choose which student you want to impersonate. 

    For some people, it's honestly too much to ask to get another software installed or to have a Google Meetings for support. I don't think that's the right answer, this feature should be one of your main priority. You have post from 4 years ago asking this feature.

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  • Mark Gilmore

    Hi Everyone

    I want to provide you with an update that our developers have just released the ability to launch the learner portal as a student as a new feature in our internal testing environment. Barring any major hiccups during the Quality Assurance process, this feature will be available prior to the release of the New Login Experience.

    As I outlined previously, your comments and thoughts regarding this feature are extremely important to us. Thank you for your continued support.

    Kind Regards

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  • Mark Gilmore

    Hi Everyone

    I just want to clarify my previous post - this feature will be available with the release of the New Login Experience; not prior. However, it should be available for testing in our staging environment prior to the release.

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  • Mason Smith

    Woohoo! Thanks so much Mark!

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  • Adrian Date

    thanks Mark thats great - out of interest, how will we do that ?


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  • Mark Gilmore

    Hi Adrian

    Here is the Release Note excerpt:

    As part of the New Login Experience, we have added an easy way for administrators to jump into the student portal AS the student. From the contact record (or user record) of a user with a student role, there is a new action to "Launch as Student" - clicking this will open the student portal as the student. The administrator or trainer user must have student or user management permissions to do this and a system contact note will be recorded against the student for tracking purposes.

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  • Adrian Date

    that really is great Mark --- thanks

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  • Laure Rodrigues

    That's great news! Thanks Mark. 

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  • Pip Austin

    That is excellent, thank you Mark and the aXcelerate team! :)

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  • Corrie Emery

    Brilliant, this is exactly what we were after, thanks. I look forward to seeing this in action.

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  • Tony Thomas

    Great news, thanks team for recognising the importance of this feature.

    It will make it so much easier to provide quality support to our clients.

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