"View as other user" or "Preview" function for Learner and Trainer portals




  • Tahni Littlejohn

    I completely agree with this. We are not currently using the learner portals but it would be helpful for us to preview what the trainers can see on their accounts specific to their user permissions. This would have been particularly helpful when we were first implementing aXcelerate as it would have helped a lot when setting up the user permissions. 

    I think it would be best if it was added as 'full access' permission group like the 'User Management' permission group. 

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  • Christina Fraser

    This would be ideal for schools as it is important to see a problem when you are trying to provide support

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  • Permanently deleted user

    Definitely agree with this one.

    It would be extremely helpful to be able to view the Learners portal to see what they are seeing. This would assist Admin staff in troubleshooting any upload problems the student may be having. It would also assist in setting up assessments to ensure the student is seeing what you want them to see. 

    Please implement this idea. 

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  • Cindy Geyer

    Out of desperation as a workaround for this I have created a "pretend student" and "pretend trainer" account, but there a lot of shortcomings and issues with using this as a method of "viewing as" another user.

    I am finding this is becoming more and more of a problem for us, as we have more students using the Learner Portal for the coursework/assessments.  

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  • Nicole Yabsley

    Would love this as well. It is very hard to provide phone support when we don't have this option.

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  • Emilie Donovan

    Agree, this is critical. Like others, we are also enrolling dummy students to provide us with the ability to check the learner portal. At this stage, the learner portal is difficult to role out as we are unable to view and check the course information or assist the students in navigating the learner portal.

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  • Kylie Williams

    Hi Team

    Is there any chance this could be done?

    I have students calling and i need to log in as them to be able to see what they are looking at.

    And the same for trainer portals. There are some trainers I want to give additional permissions to and wanted to check they were working. I need to change a trainers password, log in as the trainer and then re-set their password for them. 

    Being able to have a read-only view of what others that use the system can see would be AWESOME

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  • Tony Thomas

    I think this is a feature that must be implemented at soon as possible.

    Everyday, I am guiding students through their Learner Portal.

    My students are tradies, truckies, miners, labourers etc. and are often not computer savvy. For some of them it is overwhelming and they simply need some guidance.

    If I can see what the student is seeing, it would make it so much easier to guide them around their Learner Portal.

    For compliance and security purposes, this would entail a "navigation and read only feature" with no editing rights.

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  • Adrian Date

    this would be great - would also be able to assist students with SCORM package completion

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  • Kylie Williams

    Hi team

    With 24 votes, why is this something that isn't planned?

    It would help SO much when working with students over the phone. 

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  • Adrian Date

    please build this option - currently for us to explain to a student what needs to be done or guide them around the LP we have to change their password - log in as them and describe what they should do. This is especially important when they either say something is "not there" or if they are having trouble with learning material 


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  • Tony Thomas

    I agree Adrian, I have already had to do this this morning.

    In fact I have to do this all the time which is quite frustrating.

    It's about providing quality and timely support to our students so this feature is very important.

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  • Mark Gilmore

    Hi All

    Alongside the release of our New Login Experience, administrators will have the ability to launch the student portal as students. This will be available in staging from the 20th of July.

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  • Tom Clark

    Thanks for the update, Mark.

    Had a quick look and seems to be working well.

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