Send certificates to employer / JSA via templates




  • Official comment
    Wes Manuta

    Hi everyone, and thanks for your recent comment Florida

    The functionality to allow the sending of Templates (and Certificates) to non-student Contacts was added to the Workflow Automation engine in November 2021. 

    Here is the Release Note from 3 November 2021:

    Sending Templates to Alternate Recipients via Workflow

    Workflow Automated tasks now support emailing a contact regarding a booking or enrolment of another contact. Previously, only certain relationships were supported, such as emailing a class trainer regarding their student. Now, this feature is much more flexible and is available for all triggers, including report row, assessment submission/completion, and workshop booking events. You can update any automated tasks you would like to take advantage of this functionality for after this release.

    Please reach out to our Support team if you have further questions about the setup .

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  • Mick Dunn

    This would be a huge help (big time saver) !!

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  • Anthony Cottee

    Couldn't agree more!

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  • Juliet Volz

    absolutely!!! very useful! please make this happen

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  • Tess Martin

    Agree - has a workaround been developed yet?

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  • Jill Keen

    I find it difficult to understand why this has not been looked at after the first comment some four years ago!!!!  I also find it difficult to understand why the system does not allow a workflow for certificates to be sent to employers as well and students.

    There are other SMS's that provide this function - why not aXcelerate?

    Can this be looked at promptly please?

    Do these 'idea forums' get looked at, actioned and any feedback to clients who post here?

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  • Kaycie Bradley

    Hi Jill, 

    Thank you for your comment! 

    I can confirm that these posts are reviewed on a weekly basis by our Product Management Team. 

    I'll escalate this one to the team for the next meeting and see if we can get some action on this, we'll let you know via this post either way. 

    If there's anything else we can help with, please don't hesitate to reach out! 

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  • Permanently deleted user

    Also throwing my support behind this - we cover the privacy issue by ensuring our students sign a disclaimer upon enrolment. 

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  • Permanently deleted user

    Any further update? This simple change will save our admin staff so much time if they can simply include employers on the email to have employers receive the certificate. Due to the nature of the industry we work in, we do have a number of people that aren't particularly IT savvy, so it's almost a must for them to be able to send to employer as well.

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  • Adrian Date

    If privacy is an issue have it set up so the student can change or remove a CC email address. This option is such an important thing for RTO's delivering large volume courses for staff of companies that need copies of certifications on file


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  • Permanently deleted user

    Agreed, Adrian.

    Our predominant workload is delivering to employees. The training is organised by their employers and we have our students sign off that they're OK with it, so we are not concerned about the privacy side. Makes it a bit hard getting the certificates to employers.

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  • Melissa Dobbs

    Agree with all of the above.


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  • Ange Harragon

    Hi Ax, any update on this feature being implemented? I am not sure when the 'planned' tag was added.


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  • Florida Asiata

    I am absolutely behind this and agree with all comments made above. Is there an update with where this is at? I'm surprised it still hasn't been implemented yet. Would love to have this up and running asap and look forward to it but can we please have an "ETA"?.

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  • Stephen Robertson

    Can someone please let me know what the status of this is?

    From reading through the comments it makes it sound as though it has been implemented but then when I try and do it the system doesn't allow me to.

    If it's to do with RTO requirements of only providing certificates to students etc - it's odd that the client portal would allow an employer to access the certificate that way.

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  • Marissa Baggio

    I have also looked into setting this up using the release notes. As far as I can tell, you need to specify one contact. This does not work if you want to use a dynamic address for the participant's employer email. Using the "Participant Employer" option via the class template does not allow for the Certificates to be attached. 

    We have the same concerns as the other users, and we also have consent for this written into our Enrolment forms to conform to the RTO Standards. 

    Could someone please explain if and how they have done so, or how aXcelerate has expected this to work for this issue?

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  • Nick Holden

    Any updates on this one? Other SMS' allow bulk downloads for employers via a link. 


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