Quote and Invoicing



  • Stuart Johnston

    LOVE the idea Joshua and have added my vote to this.  I can see some complications with the click and pay function, especially if aXcelerate isn't being used as the primary finance system - but surely a function like this could integrate with eWay, EzyPay and other finance systems to facilitate that?  I can definitely see value in enhancements to the quoting functionality and some automation around changing from a quote into an invoice or even a course/workshop shell.

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  • Joshua Fisk

    thanks mate.. yes maybe, but if it can integrate with Stripe (and XERO) already this id think wouldn't pose an issue, nor would a deposit function which stripe can do (EzyPay cant but at the Axcelerate day have said its at the top of requests and roll out as a function)..also a ongoing request for B2B and B2C clients.. ??

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