Agreements / VET in Schools Emergency contact / Parent communications




  • Official comment
    Jack Christensen

    Hey All,

    This is a good suggestion and we have been considering adding a guardian field and obviously including it in all the different areas. 


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  • Ben Poppy

    This is a great idea. We also have to send agreements for parents to sign, and when we create the contact of the parent there is no way in linking it to the student.

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  • Bekky Sommer

    We are currently discussing potentially allocating the parent against the 'Manager/Supervisor' or 'Coach/Mentor' field to assist with this issue but then potentially could run into conflicts if the student was to be allocated work placement / apprenticeship etc.

    Would be a lot cleaner if there was a 'Guardian' option to link to though.

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  • Bekky Sommer

    Thanks for commenting Jack, hopefully something we see in the release in the relatively near future. Would be a game changer for many RTOs I am sure.

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