Acknowledging Policy/Company documents within Learning Plans




  • Mark Gilmore

    Hi Georgia

    We don't currently have the functionality that you describe, but I can share that we have plans to allow Agreements to be added as an Element to a Learning Plan, that we hope to get to soon.

    I've noted your interest in this against the planned improvement - the more attention things get, the higher up our priority it goes :)


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  • Christina Deskar

    Thanks Mark :)

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  • Tom Clark

    That would be quite helpful, Mark. Great to hear.

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  • Riley Kent

    Agreed, would like to see this

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  • Claire Hezlett

    This would be a great feature!


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  • Michal Mutnansky

    Hi Georgia,

    Not sure if this is relevant, but one option (using the current tools) would be to create a new assessment type based on the Online Quiz base type called "Acknowledgement" or any other suitable name. 

    Within the assessment itself, just have Content items with links to documents in the resource library or any external documents/videos, etc. You can also have some Multiple Choice questions where students have to tick that they have read certain bits and pieces, and when they submit this "assessment" you can capture their declaration and signature same as with a normal assessment.

    This assessment can be included in the learning plan and even set as a prerequisite before the eLearning and/or assessments unlock.

    The advantage of having a separate assessment type just for this is that you can have a different wording of the declaration that students sign and also can filter it out in certain workflows (such as notification of a marked assessment).

    I hope it makes sense and helps at least a little :)

    If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.


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  • Christina Deskar

    Hi Michael, this did not work for me (I didn't realise you don't work for aXcelerate and responded to this as an email with what I had set up in Staging not realising you didn't ever receive it).

    I set up a new assessment type and called it Acknowledgement.

    I set up a new assessment and published it (doesn’t look as I’d expected as I thought I could link to the policy in Resources but that doesn’t seem to be an option so I had to use an URL)

    Added the assessment to my Learning Plan (I cant link it to a related competency, should I be able to?)

    Cant include the assessment in the Class 


    What do you think I have done wrong?


    Unfortunately, all this is in Staging and that will be wiped next week so I'll have to set this all up again to test.


    Kind regards




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  • Michal Mutnansky

    Hey Georgia,

    Can you send me an email at


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  • Christina Deskar

    Hi Michael

    I've played around with this today and it works perfectly!  It's exactly the solution we needed. Thank you so much for being so generous with your time today.

    Kind regards


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