The integration allows you to issue Digital Credentials to your learners, providing them with a tangible and convenient method of showcasing their skills and achievements. Learners can share Digitial Credentials through a secure digital link, allowing them to gain a competitive edge in the job market.
In addition to providing Digital Credentials, Learning Vault also offers Digital Certificates, a verifiable and sharable AQF-compliant Digital Credential. Digital Credentials & Digital Certificates will be automatically populated by aXcelerate data, stored within the Learning Vault digital Credential Wallet, and shared with the Learner it has been issued to.
Note: To find out more about Learning Vault, Digital Credentials and Digital Certificates, contact Learning Vault directly.
Set up the Learning Vault Integration
To enable the Learning Vault Integration, there are three steps that you must complete. You must first sign up for an account with Learning Vault, followed by collecting the API Token from your Learning Vault account, and finally enable the integration in aXcelerate and link the two systems together with the API Token.
Follow the steps below to configure the integration:
Signup to Learning Vault
- Head to the Learning Vault enquiry page and submit an enquiry to get in contact with a sales representative
Locate Your Learning Vault API Key and API Token
- In your Learning Vault portal, select the green button under Actions in the API Keys area to generate an API Token
- Copy the API Token
Paste Your Learning Vault Credentials Into aXcelerate
- Open aXcelerate and navigate to Settings > System settings > Web & Other Integrations
- Turn on the Learning Vault integration by changing the option from No to Yes
- Scroll down the page and locate the Learning Vault section, click the Add button and paste the API Token that was copied in Step 2 of "Locate Your Learning Vault API Key and API Token"
- Select Save Web Settings at the bottom of the page
- Navigate back to the Learning Vault section and select Test Connection. You should receive a 'Connection Valid' message if successful
Tip: If the integration has been correctly configured, you should receive a 'Connection Valid' message that indicates the integration is ready to be used.
Warning: If the Learning Vault API Token does not validate, please contact the Learning Vault team for further assistance.
Configure Digital Credential Templates
Learning Vault
Before you can begin issuing Digital Credentials from aXcelerate, you will need to configure some Credential Templates within Learning Vault. Please consult the Learning Vault help videos for instructions on how to do this. Please also be aware that Digital Credential Templates within Learning Vault will need to be marked Active to be used within aXcelerate.
Next, we recommend configuring default Digital Credential Templates for your Workshop Type or Qualification. This will allow your staff to easily issue the correct Digital Credentials when issuing certificates, however different Digital Credential Templates can still be selected at the time of issue.
Workshop Types
- Select a Workshop Type
- Look for the Default Digital Credential Template option, and select the correct Credential.
- Click Submit
- Select a Qualification
- Look for the Default Digital Credential Template option, and select the correct Credential.
- Click Submit
Tip: Digital Credential Templates are not needed for Digitial Certificates. Issuing Digitial Certificates only requires aXcelerate enrolment data and will display the PDF of the generated aXcelerate certificate as the image.
Note: If you are unable to see the option to set a Default Digital Credential Template, the integration may not be configured correctly. Go to the Web and Other Integrations tab of the aXcelerate System Settings and click Test Connection in the Learning Vault section to verify your account has been connected.
Issue a Digital Credential / Digital Certificate
Within aXcelerate, Learning Vault Digital Credentials and Digital Certificates are issued at the point that a Certificate is awarded to a Learner.
- Navigate to the Print Certificates page, either from a Workshop, a Class, or a Class Enrolment.
- The Certificate Type that you select will determine whether you can issue a Digital Credential or a Digital Certificates
- Choose which Credential to issue via the Credential Template dropdown. If you have set a Default Credential Template, it will automatically be selected, however this can be changed as needed
- Some validation logic will automatically apply. For example, if you select Certificates, the option to Hide Internal Units will be automatically selected. Whilst this validation is intended to guide you, it is your responsibility to ensure that you are issuing the correct type of credential
- Complete the form and click Submit
- If successful, you will then receive a success message and the Digital Credentials / Certificates will have been issued
Tip: Once a credential has been issued from Learning Vault the details will be sent to the Learner via email and they will be able to sign up to Learning Vault or store the credential in their Digital Credential Wallet.
View a Learner's Digital Credential or Certificate
You can view all digital Credentials and Certificates that have been issued to a Learner from the Certificate Register in their Contact Portfolio.
- From a Learner’s contact profile, select the Portfolio tab
- Select the Certificates tab
- Where digital credentials have been issued, an icon will appear in the Digital Credential column
- You can differentiate Digital Credentials and Certificates by the icons and their tooltips
Digital Credential and Certificate FAQs
What is a Digital Credential?
A Digital Credential is a validated indicator of accomplishment, skill, quality or interest that can be earned in various learning environments. They are similar to Credentials that you can earn through organisations such as Scouts Australia, only digital!
How does a Digital Certificate differ from a Digital Credential?
Digital Certificates are completely AQF-compliant and can act as standalone Certificates. Digital Credentials are not considered an AQF-compliant certificate and should not be used as such.
How can I signup for Digital Credentials?
Get started by contacting Learning Vault directly and signing up for an account.
What are the fees associated with a Digital Credential / Certificate?
Yes, there is a fee for each Digital Credentials and Certificate that you issue. Please be aware that aXcelerate is not involved with the pricing of Credentials and Credentials that are issued. Please contact Learning Vault directly for more information.