A Contact Portfolio contains all uploaded documents for a particular contact in aXcelerate. This area of the system enables you to view, add, update and delete portfolio items for a particular contact.
You can also set the types of documents available for upload and create portfolio checklists that students must satisfy to be able to complete an online enrolment.
Benefits of using this area are:
- Quickly access a digital collection of documents
- Create checklists of required documents
- Easily check if all required documents have been uploaded
- Easily see when a document is due to expire
Determine your portfolio category
There are six portfolio categories available to you when adding documents to a contact portfolio or creating a portfolio type. These provide you with flexibility in categorising the type of document you would like to store. The Categories of Portfolio Types that can be created are listed below:
A Licence is a portfolio category that is commonly used to store documents such as a Driver’s Licence or Trade Licences, for example, Electricians Licence or a Forklift Licence.
A Membership is a portfolio category that is commonly used to store documents and record details of a contact’s membership with industry associations, for example, VELG.
A Qualification is a portfolio category that is commonly used to store a contact’s qualification certificates and transcripts.
A Registration is a portfolio category that is commonly used to store a contact’s registration documents such as a registration with an industry body.
A Certificate is a portfolio category used to display all certificates that have been issued to a contact from your aXcelerate system.
Note: The Certificates tab will only display if a certificate has been issued to the contact from within your aXcelerate account.
An Other is a portfolio category that is used to store a contact’s documents such as resumes, passports, visas, insurance details, referee checks, industry currency or professional development activities and historical assessment submissions
Notes: Learners can add and update items in their portfolio via the Learner Portal if the 'Show Learner Portfolio' setting ie enabled. This setting is available from the Learner tab of your System Settings.
Create a portfolio type
This feature allows you to customise Portfolio Types to meet the documentation collection requirements of your RTO. Portfolio Types allow you to set up basic information including a description, validity period and portfolio category, for example, you could set up a Portfolio Type with the description Provide CPR, a validity period of 12 months and a Portfolio Category of Qualification.
- Click Add New Portfolio Type
- Enter the Description of the new Portfolio Type
- Select the Portfolio Type Category
- Click Submit
Tip: You are able to Email all contacts who have uploaded a particular Portfolio Type by using the Mail icon in the list of types.
Notes: Custom Fields can be useful to store additional information, for example, you could create a custom field to collect a Drivers Licence Number.
Enterprise accounts will also have options for Development Plans and Activities.
Update a portfolio type
- Search for the Portfolio Type you wish to update
- Click the Update icon
- Make changes to the Portfolio Type as required
- Click Submit
Delete portfolio types
- Search for the Portfolio Type you wish to delete
- Click the Delete icon
- Click Ok when prompted to confirm the deletion
Note: Portfolio Types with documents uploaded against them cannot be deleted.
Warning: You cannot retrieve a portfolio type once it has been deleted.
Create a portfolio checklist
Portfolio Checklists are comprised of a group of Portfolio Types. The checklist can be used as a mandatory set of documentation that a student must provide before they will be able to complete an online enrolment.
- Click Add New Checklist
- Set the Name of the checklist
- Set the number of Points Required
- Select any Portfolio Types that apply to the checklist
- Set the number of points each uploaded Portfolio Type is worth
- Click Submit
Tips: A Portfolio Checklist will contain a list of Portfolio Types. Each document uploaded for a student will be stored as a Portfolio Item against their contact profile.
Portfolio checklists are able to be used in Document Upload steps in the Config Builder used for Online Enrolments and the Agent and Client Portal.
Note: The required points in the checklist will determine the required amount of documentation that is required before the student can be enrolled.
Warning: You will need to ensure that you have set the Points Required as an achievable number, otherwise students enrolling online where the checklist is mandatory will be unable to complete their enrolment.
For example, if you have 2 Portfolio Types worth 2 points each, the number of required points should be no greater than 4.
Update a portfolio checklist
- Select the Update icon next to the checklist you would like to edit
- Make changes to the checklist as required
- Click Submit
Delete a portfolio checklist
- Select the Delete icon next to the checklist you would like to delete
- Click Ok when prompted to confirm the deletion
Note: Deleting a checklist will not affect the portfolio records against the checklist items. You will not be able to delete a checklist if it is set as the CRICOS Portfolio Checklist in your System Settings.
Warning: If a Portfolio Checklist that is used in an Online Enrolment Form is deleted, it will render the corresponding step unable to be completed.
Upload portfolio items
The add portfolio item feature allows you to add documents against an individual’s contact record. This can be particularly useful when collecting documentation relating to a student’s enrolment. It can also be very helpful for maintaining employee documentation, for example, qualifications, trade licences and resumes.
View Contact Profile
- Click Add New Portfolio Item
- Select the Portfolio Type of the document you will be uploading
- Populate all required fields
- Choose File to upload
- Follow the prompts of your file browser to select the relevant document
- Click Submit
Tips: After creating the portfolio item you will be able to drag and drop multiple files to be uploaded simultaneously.
Students can also make use of document upload through the Learner Portal or Online Enrolment Form.
Note: You do not need to fill in information against all fields, however, we recommend adding as much data as you can. It saves time later as you do not need to open the document to retrieve the information you need.
View a portfolio item
Once a student has uploaded documents against their portfolio, you will be able to view them from the Portfolio tab of their contact profile.
View Contact Profile
- Select the Portfolio Category tab that applies to the item
- Click the name of the Portfolio Item or the Update icon
- Click the Uploaded Document to view the file provided
Tip: Click the Add File button or drag a file onto the upload area to upload additional files to the Portfolio Item.
Update a portfolio item
Portfolio Items are able to be updated once uploaded by viewing the item within a contact profile.
View Contact Profile
- Select the Portfolio Category tab that applies to the item
- Click the name of the Portfolio Item or the Update icon
- Make changes to the Portfolio Item and add or remove documents as required
- Click Submit
Delete a portfolio item
View Contact Profile
- Select the Portfolio Category tab that applies to the item
- Click the Delete icon
- Click Ok when prompted to confirm the deletion
Add custom fields to portfolio types
Custom Fields are able to be created and assigned to particular Portfolio Types during creation or when updating the type. This allows information to be captured against portfolio fields that do not pre-exist within aXcelerate.
- Search for the Portfolio Type you wish to update
- Click the Update icon
- Tick the Custom Fields you would like to apply
- Click Submit
Tip: Portfolio Items used within online enrolments will display linked custom fields to enrolling users.
Note: You will need to create Contact Portfolio Custom Fields before you will be able to assign them to your Portfolio Types. Click Manage Custom Fields to create and update custom fields in your system.
Create a portfolio type for your student ID card
- Click Add New Portfolio Type
- Enter a Description
- Click the Certificate Template dropdown and select your ID card template
- Select your portfolio Category
- Adjust any other form fields as required
- Click Submit
Note: This portfolio type can use any portfolio category.
Issue a student ID card
- Navigate to the students Contact Profile
- Click the Portfolio tab
- Click the Add New Portfolio Item button
- Select your Portfolio Type for your student ID card
- Click Submit
- Adjust any form fields as required
- Click Submit
Note: Prior to issuing a student ID card, you must first create a certificate template for the ID and create a specific portfolio type to contain the student ID card.
Download an issued student ID card
- Navigate to the students Contact Profile
- Click the Portfolio tab
- Click the applicable Portfolio Category tab of your student ID Cards
- Click the Generate PDF button
Note: You must first issue a student ID card prior to being able to download the ID.
Contact Portfolio Webinar
This webinar demonstrates:
- Using Contact Portfolios
- Creating Portfolio Types
- Creating Portfolio Checklists
- Running Portfolio Reports