December 14th
Online Assessments View in Accredited Workshops (AX-14587) Ideas Forum
An Assessments view has been added to Accredited Workshops. This allows you to view the Enrolment details of Online Assessments associated with the Units in the linked Class as well as enrol students into the Assessments.
USI Integration Version 5 (AX-15504)
We have updated our integration to the USI Web services to version 5. This change also means that clients can create USIs using Driver Licences as identity documents as the newly required Card Number field is now supported. Please also be aware that updating the system to use this version of the integration was heavily delayed by issues with the USI service that they have recently resolved.
Contact Custom Fields on the Learner Portal Academic Transcript (AX-15987)
Contact related Custom Fields can now be displayed on the Academic Transcript in the Learner Portal. The “Contact Custom Fields included in Transcript” setting on the Learner Portal System Settings page is used to determine which fields are displayed. This provides more customisability to the information that can be shown in the summary of a Learner's education history.
Assessment Authoring Components (AX-15865)
A Styled Bullet Point List and a Custom Quote Block have been added as new display components to the Online Assessment Authoring area.
Assessment Versioning Class Enrolment Improvements (AX-15494)
When enrolling a student into a Class that contains multiple versions of an Online Assessment, the newest version will now be the only one that is selected by default. The Assessment version number will now also be displayed next to the Assessments shown on this screen.
Assessment View Permission Changes (AX-15794)
A change has been made to the Learner Assessment Results page to allow Assessors assigned to the Assessment to access this view without needing the Assessment Submissions View permission. Previously, only users with this permission were able to access this page, but this was inconsistent with the way Assessors can access information for Assessments elsewhere without this permission.
Duplicate Enrolment Detection Improvements (AX-15927)
Improvements have been made to the way duplicate enrolments are managed when enrolling Contacts into Classes and Workshops. When searching for Contacts, if any Contacts are found that already have an existing enrolment they will be greyed-out and not be selectable. Previously these contacts could be selected and would return a message after enrolment to indicate that duplicate enrolments had been found. This improvement will help to avoid entering data unnecessarily and provide a clearer indication of which Contacts have already been enrolled.
Assessor Full Name Chart Options (AX-15555)
Assessor Full Name has been added to the chart options for the Online Assessment Attempts Warehoused Report. This allows report charts to be created that will display the name of the Assessor who marked a particular Assessment Attempt.
Workshop Created By Contact ID (AX-15857)
Workshop Created By Contact ID has been added as a Display Field to Workshop Reports (both Live and Warehoused). This will help to facilitate Report Row Event Workflow tasks that are aimed at the Contacts who created particular Workshops.
Issuing Units for Completed Qualifications (AX-15948)
The ability to issue Specific Units of Competency for completed Qualifications has been added. This is to help facilitate practical placements for Victorian enrolments that don't relate to specific units. In this scenario, specific units need to be recorded and reported but not displayed on the certificate that has been issued.
Media Previewer Improvements (AX-15952)
Some improvements have been made to the media previewer that is used to view image and video files in areas such as Work-Based Learning and Learner Help Requests. A close option and download button have been added and a blurred background layer has now been set when images don’t fit the container to preserve the aspect ratio of the image.
Ezypay Subscription Interface Improvements (AX-15976)
Improvements have been made to the interface for creating and editing Ezypay Subscriptions to better indicate which fields are required, and which are read-only.
Unassigned Requests Filter for Learner Help Requests (AX-15989)
Unassigned Requests can bow be selected as an option in the Assignee filter for Learner Help Requests. Additionally, an Unassigned default View has been added.
Work-Based Learning Placement Filtering Improvements (AX-16005)
Options for Enrolled and Any have been added to the Placement Status filters in the Work-Based Learning area. This helps to find Placements that have been created but not yet started, as well as show Placements of all statuses.
Training Organisation VET Provider Code Updates (AX-15428)
We have updated the VSL provider list based on the most recent appendix provided by the government.
AX-15674 - An issue has been resolved where transactions were not able to be applied to an invoice due to an error occurring mid-transaction.
AX-15823 - An issue has been resolved where the placeholder image in the filter list would appear on initial page load in the Work-Based Learning area.
AX-15894 - An issue has been resolved where the Waypoint Spinner on the Presets tab would appear in the initial load of the Work-Based Learning area.
AX-15902 - An issue has been resolved where html encoded characters were not being properly displayed in the title field of Merge Docs when adding or editing them.
AX-15903 - An issue has been resolved when enrolling a student, where deselecting an E-Learning Element present in two Learning Plan Modules would prevent the student from being enrolled, even if the Element was still selected in another Module.
AX-15919 - An issue has been resolved where Learning Plan Modules were not automatically updating Unit of Competency completions when optional Elements were left incomplete.
AX-15930 - An issue has been resolved where certain Contacts were not showing up in the search when creating a new Placement.
AX-15932 - An issue has been resolved where text on the assessment card was misaligned.
AX-15936 - An issue has been resolved where User Tasks were showing under the Future tab on the dashboard widget when they should be showing under the Today tab.
AX-15956 - An issue has been resolved where inactive results were not being returned when searching via the /users/ API. An additional parameter has been added for "inActive" which will accept a value of 0,1 or 2 (0 = inactive, 1 = active, 2 = all) to select users with this status. LASTPASSWORDCHANGEDATE and PASSWORDCHANGEATNEXTLOGIN have also been removed as they are now deprecated.
AX-15962 - An issue has been resolved where the incorrect ID could be saved against a class when updating a class with a Learning Plan ID.
AX-15966 - An issue has been resolved where Collapsible Section titles were appearing blank in the Online Assessment preview when the title was bold.
AX-15967 - An issue has been resolved where the entire header box of a Collapsible Section was being deleted when using backspace while typing.
AX-16004 - An issue has been resolved with the styling of Matching List questions in the Assessment Authoring area and when viewing Assessments.
AX-16009 - An issue has been resolved where users were unable to select a saved report with a very long name for a Workflow task triggered by a Report Row.
AX-16010 - An issue has been resolved with the conversion of decimal numbers in credit card payments.
AX-16019 - An issue has been resolved with mobile formatting in the Learner Portal Profile Settings.
AX-16024 - An issue has been resolved where printing marked Assessments would have some of the content cut-off by the header and footer.
AX-16026 - An issue has been resolved where printing a WBL Activity Overview in landscape in Chrome and Edge would bleed out of the bottom of the first page.
AX-16027 - An issue has been resolved where a Record Not Found error was occurring when trying to open an Assessment enrolment.
AX-16028 - An issue has been resolved that was causing the Collapsible Section and Theme Block Assessment Display Components to not have styling (i.e. text alignment) when previewing an Assessment or viewing it in the Learner Portal.
AX-16079 - An issue has been resolved that could prevent students from retrying assessments if a Matching List question was not answered.
What's New in November
November 30th
Learner Help Request File Attachment Improvements (AX-15836)
- Multiple file attachments are now supported
- When clicking on an image file that is shown in the chat, it will open it in a media viewer which provides the option of downloading the file.
- Messages can now be sent with just a file attached and no text. Previously some text would need to be included before the message could be sent.
Work-Based Learning Activity Description Improvements (AX-15624)
Work-Based Learning Activity Descriptions now support more complex content. This allows more freedom in the way the content is formatted such as bolding text or adding links to resources to give Learners more information about a particular Activity.
New Calendar Filters (AX-15397)
Additional filters have been added to the aXcelerate Calendar for Workshop Type, Event Category, and Event Visibility.
Themed Block Assessment Authoring Component (AX-15859)
A new Themed-Block component has been added to the editor in the Online Assessment authoring area. The background colour of the block will change according to the theme that has been selected in the Learner Portal. This component can also have a title optionally included.
Partner Organisation Logo and Theme Colour (AX-15255)
The ability to set a Partner Logo and Brand Colour has been added to the Partner Profile page. This data can be pulled into Templates using the Template Builder to provide dynamic branding based on the Partner associated with the enrolment the template is being sent to. These fields require the Partner Update permission to change them.
Learning Plan Module Enrolment Template Fields (AX-14666)
Learning Plan Module Enrolment Fields have been added to the Template Builder. This allows you to show information such as the name, status and commencement date of each Learning Plan Module enrolment a Learner has in a particular class. These are available under the multi-row tab of the Template Builder and can be used from any Class or Workshop enrolment with a linked Learning Plan to display dynamic information about Learning Plan Enrolments.
New Reporting Fields
- AX-15352 -Trainer Contact ID has been added as a Display Field for the Unit of Competency Enrolments report. This change was made to help support the configuration of Report Row Event workflow tasks to trigger an email to the trainer when a change occurs on a Unit such as when the student becomes competent in a unit.
- AX-14669 - A 'Portfolio Item Created' filter has been added to the Contact Portfolio and Evidence of Trainer Competency reports which supports dynamic date ranges (e.g. Last Month, Last N Days).
- AX-15402 - Class ID has been added as a Display Field for the Certificate Register Report to provide better support for Report Row Workflows related to Certificates.
Trainee Preferred Name Template Field (AX-15582) Ideas Forum
The [Trainee Preferred Name] template field has been changed to now use the Learner's Preferred Name if one exists, or revert to the Given Name if no Preferred Name has been set.
AX-15468 - A Contact Note will now be added each time a User is activated or deactivated to provide better visibility of these changes.
AX-15650 - The methods used to manage credit card surcharges and apply them to Invoice Line Items has been improved to increase reliability.
AX-15862 - When creating an Accredited Workshop, the Learning Plan select field has been moved out of the Accredited Details section. This is so the recent permission changes made to require the Class Instance Add or Update permission to edit the Units and Assessments for the linked Class does not restrict users from selecting the Learning Plan.
AX-15916 - The "Multi-workshop" option will now no longer be available when creating an Accredited Workshop and selecting an existing class to link. This prevents the linking of multiple Workshop instances to the same Accredited Class, which causes other issues.
AX-15340 - Error handling and logging when merging Organisations has been improved to help identify why certain records are unable to be merged.
AX-15433 - All system messages displayed on a page will now be hidden when the Close All button is clicked while ‘Don’t show this message again' is selected.
AX-15913 - We have updated our TCSI integration to report special empty values for fields marked as required for VET but that accept a special empty value. An example is the E348, Language spoken at home. If this field is blank in aXcelerate, it will now be coded as "9999" in TCSI.
AX-15915 - When creating a Placement from the Class Enrolment page, the auto-populated fields in the Placement creation form - such as the contact and enrolment - are now unable to be changed to avoid conflicts with the selected data.
AX-14438 - Improvements have been made to the tooltips displayed on the Template Builder.
AX-15979 - We have addressed an issue where contacts ineligible for VET Student loans due to their citizenship status were showing up as needing to be uploaded to TCSI. These contacts would cause error AX00002, which until now could not be cleared. As part of this release, we will be automatically clearing this error for all ineligible contacts for all clients. Also, users will be able to manually clear any AX error on the TCSI > Errors section.
AX-15861 - An issue has been resolved where messages would take a long time to display in Help Requests with an extreme number of messages.
AX-15931 - An issue has been resolved in the Learner portal where the empty-state text on the Assessments tab was not centred.
AX-15934 - An issue has been resolved where the bar that appears on the Profile page in the Learner Portal to save personal information was overlapping the Help Request widget.
AX-15202 - An issue has been resolved where editing Equipment from the Venue tab of the Workshop Details page would not flag Equipment conflicts.
AX-15762 - An intermittent issue has been resolved where the Add Contact Note button would not work for certain users on the Contact Profile page.
AX-15778 - The error messaging has been improved for when a Trainer is accessing areas of the Trainer Portal when they have not been given a Trainer Profile.
AX-15779 - An issue has been resolved that was causing dates to display incorrectly when using Online Assessment template fields.
AX-15784 - An issue has been resolved where Work-Based Learning Activity Conditions were unable to be saved when the word limit of the label had been reached.
AX-15786 - An issue preventing Workplace ABN from being reported correctly for practical SVTS units has been resolved.
AX-15808 - An issue has been resolved where the Academic Transcript would not accurately reflect the status of an Assessment submission.
AX-15906 - An issue has been resolved where the clicking behaviour of the settings icon on the Placement Schedule page was inconsistent.
AX-15935 - An issue has been resolved where users could get an authentication error when rapidly navigating between Help Request pages.
November 16th
Learner Help Request Views (AX-14917)
Learner Help Requests can now be managed using Views. These are used to save a set of filters and visible table columns so that they can be accessed more easily as well as be shared with others. Views can be set as Global, which means that they can be used by all users in the account. A new Help Requests - Global Views user permission has also been added which allows people to create, update and delete global views.
New Assessment Authoring Display Components (AX-14477)
Some new display options have been added to the Assessment Authoring editor to provide more customisability to the content you can create. Options have been added for a Collapsible Section, Info Block and Divider Line as well as a setting to make a Fill in the Blank Dropdown Select full-width. The new components can be added by right-clicking in the content editor. We will also soon be adding these as dedicated options to the editor as well as adding additional display components.
Default Class Contracts & Schedules (AX-15542)
A default Contract & Contract Schedule can now be set against Classes to help allocate funding information to enrolments more easily. When these fields are set, the selected Contract & Schedule will be applied to all new Learners upon enrolment, but will not affect any existing enrolments if updated. The value set at the Class-level will take precedence over the default Contract & Schedule set within the System Settings area.
Active Connection Indicator for Learner Help Requests (AX-14829)
A ‘Learner in Chat’ indicator has been added to Help Requests to show when a Learner is active in a particular request. This will help to better manage the live-chat experience for Admins and Learners. Users with access to a Help Request are able to view this status in the Admin area. Learners will not be shown a status indicator in the Learner Portal.
Written Feedback for Learner Help Requests (AX-15152)
After a Help Request has been resolved, Learners can now provide written feedback in addition to a rating allowing them to give more specific feedback about their experience. The feedback will be shown in the Admin area alongside the Learners Feedback rating.
Learner Help Request Rating and Category Filters (AX-15853)
Help Requests can now be filtered by Category and Feedback rating allowing for more options to view Help Request data.
Include PDF attachments to Billing Emails (LC-119)
We have updated the email templates accompanying your aXcelerate licence fee invoices. The emails will now include a PDF attachment of your invoice. Please note that our Bank details have not changed. There should be no change to your payment process.
Updated Trainer Workshop View (AX-14797)
The Workshop page has been updated for Trainers. Previously Trainers would access a different page that looked very similar to the Admin view, with some additional restrictions. This has previously caused issues where new features or improvements have been added to the Admin view but not the Trainer view.
Many of the same restrictions are still applied to avoid showing Trainers any information they should not have permission to access, but some new options have been made available such as the ability to enrol Learners. These options will still be restricted by appropriate user permissions - such as the enrol button requiring the Enrolments Add permission - to help control what options are shown to particular users. This change should improve the Trainer experience and prevent delaying Trainer access to new improvements to the Workshops area.
Changes to Syncing Workshop Dates with Linked Classes (AX-15761)
The default behaviour of the “Apply Date changes to Linked Class” checkbox has been changed. It will now be unchecked by default on page load. Any changes made to the Start Date, Finish Date or Date Descriptor fields will cause the checkbox to automatically be checked. This should prevent accidental changes to linked Class dates.
Learning Plan Unit Update Changes (AX-15801)
In response to feedback from our users, Learning Plans will no longer inform Unit of Competency start and end dates when system Administrators are updating Class and Workshop enrolments. This feature appeared to be causing more issues than it was helping and so has been removed. Learning Plans will still inform the initial Unit Start and Proposed Unit End dates on enrolment, however adjusting Learning Plan dates will no longer adjust Unit dates. These will need to be manually adjusted. However, the commencement or completion of linked e-learning will continue to set unit dates if enabled in the learning plan settings.
This change will not affect the automatic updating of Unit Dates and Statuses based on the Module commencement and completion triggers.
Assessment Print Improvements (AX-14794)
Support for Hotspot questions has been added to the Assessment Print View. A header and footer have also been added which will include the following information:
- Header
- Learner Name
- Printed Date
- Footer
- Assessment Title
- Version Number
- Published Date
- Page Number
Search Workshops by Client/Owner (AX-14499)
On the Search Workshops page, you are now able to search by Workshop Owner / Client. This is helpful for finding In-House Workshops delivered for particular Clients, or Public Workshops created by a particular user.
eWay Payment Detection Improvements (AX-15490)
Improvements have been made to the way eWay payments that are processed through the system are identified. Additional checks have been added to detect payments, particularly where users close the eWay payment page after purchase but before being redirected back to aXcelerate.
Password Security Changes (AX-15755)
To increase security, we have implemented additional checks for users setting their password to prohibit common, easily-guessed passwords. These changes will only affect new users creating their accounts and not existing users.
Email Return Path (AX-15802)
We have introduced a new advanced setting for Outgoing Mail Settings, Return-path. This allows clients to specify a static return-path for all email failures and bounces. Having a custom return-path address can be very beneficial and increase email success rate. If left blank - which is the default - the system will remain with the current behaviour of setting this return-path to be the email address of the user sending the email. This field can be found in the Outgoing Mail Settings section of your Web & Other Integrations System Settings.
Saved Reports Master Permission Changes (AX-15063)
Admin users with the Saved Reports Master permission will now see all saved reports in the saved reports table, even if the report owner has specified that only other role types have access to that report. The user will still also need to have any other necessary permissions to access the report data.
Display User Registration Contact Notes (AX-15682)
When emailing user invite templates, the system will now save the email content and include it in a Contact Note with the user invite link excluded. Previously, user invite templates were not saved in Contact Notes to avoid user invite links being shared.
AX-15418 - A warning will now be displayed when marking Workshop attendance if the marked duration does not match the scheduled duration. The intention is to help attendance from being marked incorrectly.
AX-14424 / AX-14476 - Some minor visual adjustments have been made to elements in the Assessment Authoring area.
AX-14858 - Placements are now able to be created directly from the Work-Based Learning Host Employers area, making it easier to add enrolments while viewing a particular Employer.
AX-14974 - The CRICOS Provider Code has been added as a dynamic field to the Certificate Template Builder display options. The display list has also been changed to order alphabetically.
AX-15484 - Position, Division and Section have been added as Filters for the Contact Details Report.
AX-15622 - A new reporting format has been added for Victorian AVETMISS Reports - v8.0 (2023). When using this reporting period, an error will be shown for units reported with a superseded outcome (61) that have a blank value for hours attended.
AX-15800 - When creating a new Help Request, Learners are now required to enter both a Request subject and an initial message.
AX-15809 - Some display adjustments have been made to the payment success page shown when processing credit card payments.
AX-15805 - We have removed some old features and hidden settings that were no longer used or have been superseded by better solutions. The settings that have been removed are disabled in essentially all active accounts and should not remove relevant functionality for any users. This does also include the legacy Overdue Invoice page available for Workshops, which was outdated and far better served by templates and our invoicing system.
AX-14579 - The Work-Based Learning area has been updated in a few places to display images associated with particular records where they were not being correctly shown previously.
AX-15770 - An issue has been resolved where Fill in the Blank question feedback was not present on the assessment results page in the Learner Portal.
AX-15708 - An issue has been resolved in the template builder where the buttons at the top of the page could overlap when viewing the page on a small screen.
AX-14191 - An issue has been resolved where adding a Finance Model to an enrolment's Finance Details with a discount already applied, would reset the Course Fee to the original price (pre-discount).
AX-15185 - An issue has been resolved where the indicator for the total number of contacts selected on the template email page was not accurate.
AX-15394 - An issue has been resolved where Workshop Instances that included a '>' or '<' character would not be displayed correctly.
AX-15548 - A display issue has been resolved where Activity Conditions with long names would exceed the bounds of the container.
AX-15596 - An issue has been resolved where searching within the Multi-Row tab of the Template Builder would filter out tooltips and some configuration options.
AX-15601 - An issue has been resolved where an invoice's internal comment couldn't be deleted.
AX-15633 - An issue has been resolved where users could not preview comments set against enrolments within a Group Workshop view.
AX-15647 - An issue has been resolved where the total amount was not automatically populated when creating an Ezypay Subscription.
AX-15677 - An issue has been resolved where attempting to duplicate a Workshop instance would not include the domain in the new Workshop.
AX-15712 - An issue has been resolved where Bulk-Enrolling Learners onto a Workshop with a blank value for date of birth would bypass the matching settings and update existing Contact records instead of creating new ones.
AX-15781 - An issue has been resolved where the Workflow Automated Task process history page would crash due to the number of records displayed. The search will now be limited to returning the last 1000 records.
AX-15790 - The tabbing order of address fields on the Contact add/update page has been adjusted to navigate through all Postal Address fields before proceeding to the Street Address fields.
AX-15791 - An issue has been resolved where the Xero Payment Export page would not show some previously exported payments.
AX-15828 - An issue has been resolved where Default Certificate Templates set against Accredited Workshop Types would cause Certificate Templates to appear twice in the select list when issuing Certificates.
AX-15874 - An issue has been resolved where the Online Booking Email Templates set against a Qualification would not recognise the Email Subject set against the Template.
November 2nd
Stripe Integration Ideas Forum
Get started by going to the Web & Other Integrations tab of your System Settings and selecting Stripe as your payment gateway. You'll then be able to click 'Connect with Stripe' and be taken through an integrated onboarding process to start accepting payments.
Check out our Help Article for more information on getting started or reach out directly to Stripe Support for assistance.
Learner Help Requests Full Release
Help Requests Dashboard Widget (AX-15387)
A Dashboard Widget is now available for New & Open Learner Help Requests. This will let users easily see Help Requests assigned to them or all requests - if they have the Help Requests View permission - directly from the Dashboard.
Help Requests on the Contact Profile (AX-15573)
The Contact Profile will now show a section for Help Requests. This will display all Help Requests where the Contact is set as the Requester.
Help Requests Terminology (AX-15175)
Learner Help Requests can now be renamed to Messages in the Learner Portal & App Settings tab of System settings which will update the terminology throughout the system. This is helpful for clients who may want to use this feature to communicate proactively with students, rather than have students ask for assistance.
Check out our Learner Help Requests Video for more information about the feature.
Work-Based Learning Logbook Improvements (AX-15497)
Significant improvements have been made to the Logbook View in the Work-Based Learning admin area. These changes are aimed at helping to give better insight into the experience that a Learner has recorded in relation to specific Activities and Units.
Total Activity Time recorded is now shown at the top of the list of Activities and will change dynamically based on the filters that have been applied to the list. This is also supported when viewing the Logbook by Entry.
Two new filters have been added to the Logbook Activity View for 'Has Entries' and 'Mapped to Unit'. 'Has Entries' allows you to identify Activities linked to the placement that have, or have not had any time recorded against them to help discover potential gaps in a Learner's training experience.
The 'Mapped to Unit' filter allows you to filter the list of Activities according to whether they have been linked to a particular unit. This helps you to view all of the evidence that a Learner has recorded for a particular unit as well as gauge their experience with Activities associated with that unit including the total time recorded. Filters will also work with the export view, to allow you to export all of the Logbook Activity data related to a specific Unit, for verification of competency.
Some updates have also been made to the Logbook Export view to display the total duration at the top of the export and also include the Unit name if a Unit filter has been applied.
Permission Changes
- Adding Accredited Workshops (AX-15125): The Class Add or Class Update user permission is now required in order to modify details of the linked Class when creating an Accredited Workshop including the linked Units and Assessments. If a user does not have either of these permissions, but is able to create a Workshop, this section will not be editable and will use the default options configured against the Workshop Type. This change was made to make user permission more consistent with the way Class details are updated.
- Bulk Update Assessment Details (AX-15649): The Bulk Update Assessment details page on the class page previously required the Assessments - Update user permission but is now no longer needed. Users now only need the following permissions to access this page:
- Assessments - View
- Assessment Submissions - View
- Assessment Submissions - Update
- In-House Workshop Bulk-Enrol (AX-15727): The In-House Workshop Bulk-Enrol option now requires users to have the Contact Add permission. This is because users are able to add new contacts from this page, by adding contact details to the form that don't match existing contacts.
- Resulting Unit Outcomes During Enrolment (AX-15608): During enrolment, users without the Resulting - Update permission will no longer be able to select an alternative outcome for unit enrolments.
Re-booking Class Enrolments with Linked E-Learning (AX-14879)
When booking students into a class with e-learning, the system will now re-enrol the student in the e-learning activity if the student had previously been enrolled, but then cancelled. This will make class enrolments much easier if a student was previously withdrawn from a similar class.
AX-13237 - Browser tab names have been updated to more accurately reflect the page you are on when in the Work-based Learning, Learning Plans, Assessments Management, and Assessments Authoring areas.
AX-14585 - The Class Trainer filter in the main list of Placements in the Work-Based Learning area now includes results for Trainers assigned as Additional Class Trainers.
AX-14857 - A tooltip has been added to the Additional Information section of the Host Employer page to give more contextual information about it.
AX-14859 - An empty state has been added to the Emergency Contact Details section on the Placement details page in the Work-Based Learning area.
AX-15623 - An empty state has been added to the main lists in each of the Work-Based Learning pages.
AX-15432 - A new 'Notes (exclude HTML)' Display Field has been added to the Contact Notes by Users report. This field can be used to retrieve the raw note text without any embedded HTML formatting.
AX-15683 - The state funding source VSB (VETiS Pilot Program) is now available for QLD enrolments
AX-15613 - Some minor visual improvements have been made to the interface where credit card payments are processed.
AX-15535 - The Activity Start and End Date logic applied by the 'Grant Credit Transfer' page has been updated to be consistent with other methods of applying for Credit Transfers.
AX-14753 - An issue has been resolved where the Tracking Categories tab within XERO import page directs to a page not found error.
AX-15276 - An issue has been resolved where Resulting Outcomes from a Workshop instance to enrol a student in a new unit did not correctly link the unit to the Workshop instance. This resulted in the Result Outcomes tool showing that the units were still Not Enrolled (N.E.)
AX-15441 - An issue has been resolved where loading a large volume of Group Workshops would cause Google Chrome to crash.
AX-15470 - An issue has been resolved where the statuses of E-Learning and Assessments could be inconsistent between the Admin view and Learner view of the Academic Transcript.
AX-15475 - An issue has been resolved where URLs in Contact Notes that contained long numbers were identified as potential Credit Card numbers and erroneously censored.
AX-15493 - An issue has been resolved where duplicate webhooks could be created for payments made through Ezypay resulting in rare cases of issues with payments.
AX-15548 - An issue has been resolved where extremely long Work-based Learning Activity Condition names could exceed the confines of the container.
AX-15551 - An issue has been resolved where a Draft Invoice was always issued with an invoice number prior to collecting payment. Draft invoices are now only issued an invoice number after collecting payment. Within the Eway Platform the invoice number field for payments of Draft Invoices will be empty.
AX-15583 - An issue has been resolved with the display of the Template Builder sidebar when using Safari.
AX-15638 - The text that is displayed when a user submits an Assessment has been updated
AX-15687 - An issue has been resolved where Workshop statuses would be inconsistently displayed incorrectly in the Academic Transcript.
What's New in October
October 19th
Set Activity End Date when Transferring Class Enrolments (AX-15374)
When transferring Class Enrolments, you will now be able to set the activity end date for redundant units that are not transferred to the new class. This helps to streamline the class transfer process and avoid needing to set the dates separately.
Contact Page Keyboard Navigation Improvements (AX-14482) Ideas Forum
The Contact Add/Update page has been updated to better support keyboard navigation and have a consistent focus style for each element to improve accessibility.
User Access Types (AX-15451)
When creating or updating users there is now a new Access Type field. This controls whether users access the system through Standard Login - which is used by the vast majority of users - or whether the user accesses the system via the API as a Web Service User. Any users that are linked to Web Service Tokens for Online Enrolments or external integrations will be given Web Service/API Access as well as Standard Login Access. All other users will only have Standard Login Access which will also be the default option selected when creating a new user. For the vast majority of most users, only the standard login will be relevant to use.
This setting enables a more secure configuration of user access as you can restrict standard users from accessing the API and prevent Web Service Users from standard login access. Additionally, for clients on user-based pricing, these web token users will not be counted against their quota.
Short Course Billing Account Statistics Updates (AX-15533)
The learner numbers report linked to the Account Statistics page in the System Settings has been updated to show relevant data for clients who have the Short Course Billing licence model. The data shown in the Total Billable Learners section will now be in the context of the current month, to reflect data relevant to Short Course Billing.
AX-15520 - Units in Victorian classes with the unit codes PRAC000001 and PRAC000002 will now have their delivery modes and predominant delivery mode reported as ‘NNN' and 'N’ respectively.
AX-15426 - The Workshop Time shown on the Learner Portal Course Overview will now be hidden if there are multiple sessions (complex dates) linked to the Workshop. This change was made to avoid showing an overall time for the Workshop when each session doesn't have a consistent start and end time.
AX-15648 - The Submit Help Request button in the Learner Portal will now be disabled while a Request is being created to help prevent the creation of duplicate Requests.
AX-15538 - When changing your Payment Gateway from the Web & Other Integrations tab of the System Settings, a warning will now be displayed if Credit Card Surcharge is set. This is to prevent the user from unknowingly double-setting a surcharge in both aXcelerate and their payment gateway.
AX-14999 - The Organisation Tree hierarchy is now ordered alphabetically based on Organisation name.
AX-15455 - A Contact note will now be added to a Contact's profile when they are sent a Workshop survey via Workflow.
AX-15609 - E-Way has been removed as a selectable Payment Gateway as it has been superseded by E-Way Rapid.
AX-15198 - An issue has been resolved where accredited workshop information linked to the class enrolment would not return correctly via the API.
AX-15345 - An issue has been resolved where the first admin role created in the system was unable to be deleted even after no users are assigned to the role and another valid admin role exists.
AX-15395 - An issue has been resolved that resulted in additional resource versions being created in the Resource Library when a resource was edited but a new file was not submitted.
AX-15452 - An issue has been resolved in the Unit of Competency Enrolments and Completions report where the main date filter would not filter results properly.
AX-15512 - An issue has been resolved that was causing an error to be shown when deleting a class enrolment that is linked to a Work-Based Learning Placement.
AX-15521 - An issue has been resolved where the default value of the Survey Contact Status field was not displaying correctly.
AX-15544 - An issue has been resolved when updating a Learning Plan enrolment that prevented changing both the Override Value and dates for a Module Enrolment at the same time.
AX-15598 - An issue has been resolved where adding a unit to an accredited workshop type, then deleting that unit and creating an instance of that Workshop type would generate an error.
AX-15603 - An issue has been resolved where an error could be encountered on the Ezypay Payment Plan Mapping page by a Mapping being created without a linked Payment Plan.
AX-15607 - An issue has been resolved that prevented students from switching between question filters when undertaking an Online Assessment in the Learner Portal.
AX-15612 - An issue has been resolved where changes made to a Learning Plan would not be saved when rapidly toggling Learning Plan settings.
AX-15635 - An issue has been resolved where assessor notes would not carry over to the next attempt for File Upload questions when using Build on Attempts.
October 5th
Work-based Learning Activity Conditions (AX-15523)
Customisable Conditions are now configurable for Work-based Learning Activities. This allows you to create a set of checkboxes that will be available for Learners to use to provide additional information relating to the circumstances of their experience when submitting Logbook Entries for on-the-job training.
Activity Conditions facilitate new types of information to be captured in relation to each Activity at the time it is recorded. Examples of this could include:
- The level of assistance provided to a Learner
- The equipment or types of materials used by the Learner
- The type of environment the Learner worked in
Condition Sets can be configured for all Activities within an Activity Type or customised for each Activity. They can also be re-used across multiple Activity Types and Activities.
Multiple WBL Logbook Entries Per Day (AX-15492)
Learners are now able to make multiple Work-based Learning Logbook Entries for a particular day to help support scenarios where a Learner is visiting different Host Employers on the same day. The display of Logbook Entries has also been updated in the admin interface and mobile apps to display the time of the Entry to help differentiate between Entries made on the same day.
Edit Host Employer Addresses while Scheduling (AX-14488)
Host Employer addresses can now be added directly from the Schedule of a Placement in the Work-Based Learning area to make managing locations for Placement Visits more streamlined.
Academic Transcript Filters (AX-15119)
Filters have been added to the admin view of the Academic Transcript. This allows you to toggle whether certain types of information are displayed. These selections will also determine the content shown in the Print view to give a more flexibility to which records you would like to show.
Default Certificate Templates (AX-15065)
You are now able to set Default Certificate Templates for specific Workshop Types and Qualifications. The Templates set will be the default options selected when anyone goes to issue certificates for those courses. For Accredited Workshop Types, you will be able to set a Template for both Accredited Certificates and Non-Accredited Templates. You may also enable a setting to 'Only Allow Default Certificates to be Issued' which will force the selected Certificate Template to be issued and is useful to enforce a specific template to always be used for a particular course.
Marked Assessment Submissions Dashboard widget (AX-15178)
A new tab has been added to the Online Assessments Dashboard Widget for Marked Submissions. This tracks assessment attempts that have been marked, but not finalised. This improvement was made to accompany the recently added Assessment Submissions - Finalise permission to help facilitate oversight and final approval of Online Assessment Submissions.
Update Help Request Status When Sending Messages (AX-15480)
In the Learner Help Requests admin area, users will now have the option to update the request status when sending a message to help make managing the status of Requests simpler.
AX-15382 - Searches made in the Learner Help Requests admin area will now ignore filters that have been applied in order to return more intuitive results.
AX-15453 - Learner Help Requests can now be enabled for Trainer Users through the main navigation menu.
AX-15456 - A notification message will now be displayed next to the setting to enable Learner Help Requests recommending that the feature is tested in staging. This message will no longer be shown after the feature has been enabled.
AX-15463 - A tooltip has been added next to the Learner Help Requests user permission to indicate that updating permissions can take up to a few minutes before they are applied.
AX-14839 - The new Template Builder panel now supports searching for alternative terminology to help return better search results. As an example, users can now search for "Student" or "Learner" to find Trainee-related fields.
AX-15265 - Ideas Forum In the Report Builder, the Assessment selection dropdown is now segregated by status to help differentiate between active and archived assessments.
AX-15507 - The date that a Learning Plan module was last modified along with the user who modified it is now shown when viewing a Module.
AX-15306 - A new field has been added to enrolments in Victorian Classes called ‘Commencing Program Cohort Identifiers’. This field is required for all 2023 Victorian reporting.
AX-15126 - Template fields have been added for [Workshop Type ID] and [Qualification ID] to help embed dynamic website enrolment links that can be sent to Learners.
AX-15388 - Template fields have been added for Partner Organisations to allow you to dynamically include the Name, Email, Website, Optional ID, ABN, Phone number and address of Partners in communications.
AX-15473 - We have improved validation for credit card payments made through eWay Rapid.
AX-15513 - We have tested and confirmed that the latest version of our Moodle plugin is compatible with version 4 of Moodle.
AX-14368 - We have updated credit card surcharges to recalculate GST if a new credit card surcharge is manually added, or an invoice line item is edited.
AX-12944 - The SCORM Engine database has been updated to MySQL version 8.0.
AX-15361 - An issue has been resolved where resources with long names would not wrap correctly in the Learner Portal.
AX-15353 - An issue has been resolved where the Assessment Bulk Update page was not showing the correct Assessor name.
AX-15369 - Various visual defects have been resolved in the Work-Based Learning admin area.
AX-15372 - An issue has been resolved that caused <div> tags to appear in the subject of some emails sent from the system.
AX-15401 - An issue has been resolved where selecting a checkbox would prevent a student from submitting their response to a Multi Short Answer question that contained only optional response areas.
AX-15409 - Resolved an issue that allowed for a New Assessment version to be created while one was already pending approval.
AX-15410 - An issue has been resolved that was causing an error to appear on the Canvas Modules page.
AX-15423 - The Legacy iFrame Integration settings will now be hidden on the Web & Other Integrations when the Legacy Iframe Integration setting is disabled.
AX-15448 - An issue has been resolved where the Assessment Results screen in the Learner Portal would incorrectly round down when dealing with Passing Percentages that resulted in non-whole numbers being displayed.
AX-15476 - An issue has been resolved where the minimum enrolment value set in a Workshop Type would appear as 0 when creating workshops.
AX-15531 - An issue has been resolved where Custom End Screen content would appear to have not saved when editing an Online Assessment.
AX-15545 - An issue has been resolved where selecting a unit with no linked assessments in the Bulk Assessment update UI resulted in an error.
AX-15554 - An issue has been resolved where Online Assessments with the 'Task Visible to Student' setting disabled could be shown as the “Up Next” element when in a Learning Plan.
AX-15575 - An issue has been resolved that caused an infinitely loading spinner to appear when a note failed to be created when marking an Online Assessment.
AX-15577 - An issue has been resolved that prevented the Columns button from working on the Instances and Enrolments tables in Assessment Management.
What's New in September
September 21st
Significant improvements have been made to the Template Builder interface to help make searching for fields and adding them to the content area much easier. A new collapsible panel is now available on the side of the page that displays all of the available dynamic template fields and allows you to search the list of fields and copy the inputs by clicking on them. You can then add them to the content area by pasting them (Ctrl+V/Cmd + V) or using the paste option in the content editor.
Multi-Row Fields: In the new panel, Multi-Row fields are made much simpler as they will allow you to select the Multi-Row field, and any specific fields of information to include within the rows of data and copy all of the content you need. This means that you will no longer need to input the information manually into the 'Source' tab of the template builder, as you will be able to directly paste it into the content area. Some Multi-Row fields will also have additional options for ways to easily filter or adjust the information displayed which previously required IDs or data statuses to be manually added.
Manual Fields: The Manual tab of the panel provides a way to easily create Manual input fields and allow you to specify the name, type and maximum length (where applicable) to again improve upon the manual method previously used.
The previous list of template fields will still remain at the bottom of the page for a period while we gather user feedback and ensure that the new list of fields contains all of the necessary information before eventually removing the old list.
Smart & Skilled and CSQ Contract Reconciliation Payment Import (AX-15474)
The Auto Contract Reconciliation tool now supports importing spreadsheets of payments from Smart & Skilled (S&S) and Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ). This tool allows you to take payments provided by the government for funded course enrolments and import them into the system where they will be matched against the appropriate enrolments. You can refer to our Help Documentation & SHOTs for more information on how this feature works.
Contract Schedule Unit Mapping (AX-15222)
To accompany the new payment import formats, we have also added the ability to set specific payment amounts against individual units within a contract schedule. This should help to reduce the number of different Contract Schedules that need to be created within a contract - particularly for CSQ funded enrolments. CSQ payment defaults have been added to the “Import Defaults” option when setting up QLD Contract Schedules to allow quick setup of CSQ Schedule Payment Outcome Rules.
Account Verification Improvements (AX-15294) Ideas Forum
We have made some improvements to the signup procedure for new users to give them the option to resend the verification email or SMS or change their chosen sign-up method. This change was made to help resolve intermittent issues where users would not receive their verification link and become unable to sign-in. This should provide these users with another path to resolve their login issues without admin intervention.
Display Status Changes for Assessment Items (AX-15356)
Change logs for Online Assessment Item Responses are now displayed when marking an Assessment Attempt under the Logs tab. These logs will track when a Response was created, submitted and marked. Additionally, a Clear Result button is now available to reset a Response that has been marked, but not finalised, back to an unmarked status.
Assessment Mapping Permission Changes (AX-15366)
A change has been made to the user permissions required to access the Assessment Mapping area. Previously this just required users to have the Assessment View permission, but has been changed to require the Assessment Update permission. This change was made as - based on user feedback - we felt that the restrictions around the Assessment Mapping Area should align with the ability to update Assessments as opposed to just view them as many users with lower-level access can do.
Group Workshop Enrolment Updates (AX-14215)
The Enrol button on the Group Workshops page has been updated to use the newer Contact select popup that is currently used for general Workshop Enrolments. The Actions section on the Group Workshops page has also been updated to match what is displayed when viewing a single Workshop.
AX-15188 - We have added support for duplicating Contract Schedules to help reduce the setup time of Contracts with multiple Schedules that share similar data.
AX-15446 - Leading and Trailing spaces will be removed from Ezypay credentials upon being saved in System Settings to help avoid entering details incorrectly.
AX-15045 - Users are now able to download report results as a CSV file even when the results exceeds the maximum number of rows displayable in a print format. Previously this option was unavailable when the display limit had been reached.
Learner Help Requests
Here are some improvements we have made to the recently released Learner Help Requests feature:
Sending File Attachments (AX-15390)
You can now attach files to messages sent through Learner Help Requests which should greatly help users to demonstrate or resolve issues relating to open Requests. This is supported through both the Learner Portal as well as the Admin/Trainer view and allows attachments of up to 200MB in size.
Message Sending Improvements (AX-15358)
Improvements have been made to the process of sending messages via Help Requests to make it more clear when messages have successfully been sent. Failed messages are now also displayed and will allow users to attempt to resend them. These improvements should help to give more immediate visual feedback to users when sending messages and make the interface feel more responsive and snappier.
Saving Filters and Sorting Preferences (AX-15381)
The current filters and ordering set in the admin area when viewing Help Requests will now be preserved when leaving and returning to the page. This should help to save time in finding the right information and avoid needing to continually set the same preferences each time you load the page. The information will be saved in your browser so your preferences will not be stored if you are to change devices or clear your cache.
User Permission Responsiveness (AX-15429)
Improvements have been made to the admin area to more clearly indicate which actions the user is able to perform in relation to their user permissions. This will help provide a smoother experience for admins and trainers with lower-level permissions.
AX-15464 - Empty state images and messages have been added to the Help Request search results in the admin area to help inform users when no results are available with their current filters.
AX-15431 - Some adjustments have been made to the subjects and text of the aXcelerate Help Request email notifications.
AX-15383 - Paragraphs sent in Help Request messages will now be shown in the Learner Portal widget. Learners can also now send paragraphs using the Shift + Enter keys.
AX-15467 - Some changes have been made to support the use of Help Requests for merged contacts.
AX-15066 - An issue has been resolved where students were still being enrolled in Learning Activities despite being automatically awarded Credit Transfers. Another issue was also resolved in which different methods of selecting Contacts to book in a workshop instance would cause the Credit Transfer table to display duplicates.
AX-15167 - An issue has been resolved where School and School Type enrolment details were not being saved when the VET in Schools field used the default class value.
AX-15247 - An issue has been resolved where Warehoused reports that exceeded the maximum number of rows did not allow the user to add the report to the queue.
AX-15327 - An issue has been resolved where an error message is not displayed when attempting to re-publish an older assessment version.
AX-15329 - An issue has been resolved where Learners would not be displayed on the 2nd page of records of the Bulk Update Assessment Details page when choosing to expand the amount of records displayed.
AX-15380 - An issue has been resolved where adding or updating an eCAF was throwing javaScript errors on the edit VET Student Loan Fees and Status page.
AX-15419 - An issue has been resolved where Xero payments were not being filtered by from date during import.
AX-15422 - An issue was resolved that prevented Work-Based Learning from appearing for Trainers in non-Turbo accounts
AX-15430 - An issue has been resolved where the 'Invoices by Organisation Category' filter in the Invoices Report was not filtering data correctly.
AX-15439 - An issue has been resolved where students without a middle name were causing a validation error to appear for eCAF enrolments.
AX-15505 - An issue has been resolved where previewing an Online Assessment from the management area would require refreshing the page to function.
September 7th
Manage Account Key Contacts (AX-14455)
A new Account Management tab has been added in the System Settings that allows system administrators to manage their Key Contact information and designate who should be receiving notifications about updates to the system. You'll be able to set an Account Owner as well as multiple Key Contacts. The Account Owner will need to receive all types of updates, whereas each Key Contact can have different mailing preferences set to determine whether they get updates about:
- Changes to the System
- Billing Information
- System Usage
- Improvements to the Product
- API Information
When you first access this page, there may be some existing information that we have on record for your account. You'll just need to confirm that these details are still valid or make any necessary changes by clicking 'Update & Confirm Key Contact Details'. When any changes are made to personal information of Key Contacts, you'll need to reconfirm their details to ensure that correct and valid information is is reflected in our systems.
Please be aware that during the early periods after this becomes available, the notification preferences set may not always be exclusively followed. This is to allow time for users to set the correct information and ensure that important updates are still received by those who haven't necessarily configured this information. We do highly recommending setting up your Key Contact information as soon as you can so that we are better able to contact the relevant staff from your business in the easiest way possible. We also aim to add more to this area of the system in the future to help consolidate important information and actions relevant to your aXcelerate account.
Finalise Assessment Marking Permission (AX-15150)
A new Online Assessment Submission permission has been added to control whether users are able to Finalise Assessment Attempts. Users with this permissions will be able to Finalise Assessments as they have been able to previously whereas any users without this permission, will instead only be able to set an outcome of an Assessment Attempt, but not be able to finalise it. This is to help facilitate scenarios where assessors are able to mark Assessments, but still need a supervising assessor to check the result and provide the outcome. Some additional improvements are planned to support this change, including a new status against Assessments Submissions to indicate when it needs to be finalised as well as a history log of changes made to the marking of individual items within the attempt. All Admin & Trainer User Roles will be given this permission upon release as it will grant them no additional functionality. It is only when users have the ability to mark an assessment submissions, but do not have this permission that they will see any changes to the interface.
Learners Can Download Certificates from their Academic Transcript (AX-14976)
Learners are now able to download certificates they have earned directly from their Academic Transcript in the Learner Portal to help them access all of their achievements and learning records in one place. A certificate icon will be displayed next to the status of Qualification enrolments or next to the name of Workshop enrolments and let Learners download issued certificates. The 'Learners can download Certificates when available' setting will need to be enabled from the Learner Portal & App settings page for this functionality to be available to Learners.
Sync Workshop Date Descriptor with Workshop Dates (AX-14459)
A setting is now available for the Date Descriptor of Workshops to ‘Sync with Start and End Dates’. When this is enabled, any changes made to the Start Date or Finish Date of the Workshop will automatically update the Date Descriptor to match. This means that when changes are made to the workshop from external places - such as the calendar - while this setting is enabled, the date descriptor will be updated to reflect these changes. When this is setting is disabled, you can still have your date descriptor be more customised and not be changed automatically.
Credit Transfer Unit Date Changes (AX-15182) Ideas Forum
Upon enrolment, units with the Credit Transfer outcome will have their start and end dates default to the enrolment/workshop commencement date only if is in the future. Past commencement dates will result in today's date being used instead.
Display Overridden Assessment Submissions to Learners (AX-15192) Ideas Forum
We have made a change to the way Online Assessment Questions with overridden responses appear to Learners when reviewing results. Previously, this would show as correct to the Learner, but will now show the incorrect result they gave alongside the Assessor Feedback.
Learner Portal Time Zone Display Adjustments (AX-15219)
We have updated the workshop display time in the learner portal. Previously, the time displayed to a Learner for Workshops would be determined by their local time zone in relation to the account time zone of their training provider. This has now been changed to always display the same time as Admins or Trainers would see without being dynamically changed. The times shown for Virtual Classrooms will continue to be shown in the Learners' time zone as this is most applicable for online learning.
Edit Ezypay Subscription Invoice (AX-14423)
An improvement has been made to the Ezypay integration to allow existing Subscriptions to be edited and linked to a different invoice. This is aimed at giving more flexibility to managing subscriptions and avoid the need to cancel and create new Subscriptions. To change the invoice, the new invoice must be assigned to the contact with at least one payment made, and its balance be greater than the remaining amount to be paid.
Login Email Verification Improvements (AX-15396)
We have made an improvement with the user sign-up experience that should make things a bit easier for those users who choose to sign up with their email addresses. If the user signs up with the same email address that the invite link was sent to, they will no longer have to perform the additional step of clicking a verification link after sign-up. Note that using a different email address or a mobile number will still require a verification step to ensure the user has access to that email or mobile number.
This also means that - in order to preserve the integrity of the link and ensure that it was accessed from that email address - the email body for these invite templates that go out to these students will no longer be saved. Contact notes will still be added, but the "View Email" link that sometimes goes with the note will not appear for signup invites.
Work-Based Learning Supervisor Signatures Display Improvements (AX-14445)
Signatures provided by Supervisors for Log Book Entries in the Work-Based Learning area will now be rendered in the UI without needing to download the attachment. This has also been updated on the Log Book evidence export view to show the signatures in the PDF that is generated that summarises the evidence.
Class Enrolment Page Performance Improvements (AX-15307)
Improvements have been made to the load time of Assessment information displayed on the class enrolments page. This should reduce the load time of class enrolments with a significant number of linked Online Assessments.
USI Concession Card Proof of ID (AX-14906)
The Centrelink Concession Card type has been added as a valid Proof of Identity for creating USIs.
Learner Help Requests
In our previous release the Learner Help Requests Beta was made available to Turbo users. Since then we have been gathering user feedback and making improvements to the feature. You can check out our Help Video to find out more about how to get started.
Here are some upcoming improvements we have made to Learner Help Requests that will be available in our next release:
Learner Help Requests Icon Position Preferences (AX-15181)
A 'Widget Position' setting has been added which controls the positioning of the Help Requests widget in the Learner Portal. This can be configured to either display in the Bottom Right of the screen or in the Top Bar. This setting is available in the Learner Portal & App settings page alongside the other Learner Help Requests settings.
Auto-Focus Changes (AX-15357)
The behaviour of focusing user input into the main message text area has been adjusted so that now in both the Learner Portal and Admin area the message text area will always be focused after creating and viewing a Request as well as after a message has been sent. This makes it easier to get in and start sending your message as well as send multiple messages in quick succession.
Updates to Learner Notification Emails (AX-15389)
Improvements have been made to the Help Request notification messages that students receive, so that the link sent to them will be relevant to launching into the learner portal. The link sent to admins and trainers will remain the same and continue to launch into the admin area.
Other Updates:
AX-15360 - An ‘Any’ option has been added to the Status filter to make it easier to search for threads without knowing the status.
AX-15377 - When returning to the main list of all Help Requests after viewing a particular Request, the table sort order will be preserved if one has been set.
AX-15378 - Various fixes have been made to improve the usability of Help Requests on small screens and mobile devices.
AX-15386 - Paragraphs in Help Request messages are now preserved when being displayed to the user. The default table sort in the Admin Help Request view has also been changed to display Help Requests from Newest to Oldest.
AX-15322 - Various UI improvements in the admin area.
What we're working on:
- Adding support for sending file attachments in messages
- Adding Help Requests to the navigation menu for Trainers
- Providing better indication for which actions users cannot perform due to permission constraints
- Saving Help Request Filters
- Improving consistency with loading messages and accessing requests
AX-14121 - A display issue has been resolved in the Assessments view of the Class Matrix area caused by long Assessment names.
AX-15233 - An issue has been resolved that was preventing qualification package rules being validated when adding units to an enrolment using a module.
AX-15270 - An issue has been resolved causing the Qualification filters on the Classes page to not filter as expected.
AX-15298 - An issue has been resolved where user accounts that have both a verified email and phone number were only able to send a one-time sign-in code to their email. Now the system will send it to whichever method they choose.
AX-15344 - An issue has been resolved that was causing Learner Engagement survey links to be incorrect when sent via the workflow system. All responses from invalid links will still be accessible in the LE/ES survey results.
AX-15348 - An issue has been resolved in the bulk enrol tool where the class instance list would not be loaded in certain situations.
AX-15368 - An issue has been resolved in Enrolment Groups on the Contact View page where the fields that were saved in the database were not pre-loading when opening the popup form.
AX-15370 - An issue has been resolved where templates sent to multiple contacts that include an attachment may fail part way through without notice. This fix should improve both the mailout and error notification reliability.
What's New in August
August 26th
Learner Help Requests & Messaging - Beta Release Ideas Forum
When this feature is enabled, a chat icon will be available in the Learner Portal that lets Learners create new help requests and view existing ones. Admins and Trainers will then be able to view, respond and resolve requests from within the system. Requests can be handled as a live-chat or be more of an inbox-style system depending on what suits your business which you can indicate to Learners through the use of a customisable Notice Message.
Turbo Accounts can enable this feature from the Learner Portal & App settings page. We recommend testing this out in the Staging environment before enabling it in your live account. Go check it out.
Online Assessment Reporting Performance Improvements (AX-15240)
Online Assessment reports have been refactored to improve performance. To achieve this, significant changes have been made to the Assessors Display Field. This field should be updated on all Saved Reports, however if you experience any issues with reports using this field, it should be able to be resolved by removing and re-adding the Assessors field, then running and saving your report.
Displaying Account Information in System Settings (AX-15089)
Your Account ID as well as the name of your Account Cluster will now display at the top of the system settings area. Your Account ID is specific to your account while the Account Cluster refers to group of aXcelerate servers that your system is running on. If there is planned maintenance or system issues, aXcelerate communications will often reference this information to help you identify whether your account will be affected.
AX-15002 - Ideas Forum A link has been added to the Class Matrix page to return to the linked Accredited Workshop if one exists to help make navigation easier.
AX-15029 - The main navigation menu for Trainer users has been updated to give them access to Online Assessments, Learning Plans and Work-Based Learning if they have the corresponding permissions to access those areas of the system.
AX-15165 - The contact search bar in the navigation menu can now be used to search by USI, numerical Optional IDs and Historic Client IDs to find contacts.
AX-14570 - Some minor improvements have been made to the Learner Portal navigation when using it on a mobile device.
AX-14571 - Some visual adjustments have been made to the Assessment Results page in the Learner Portal.
AX-15189 - Users can now select all Not Enrolled modules in a Learning Plan when viewing a student’s enrolment, rather than having to select each module individually.
AX-15212 - We have updated the eCAF integration to be ready for the upcoming change where a new Middle Name field will be added. Note that for eCAFs created from this release until such time as the new field is live, the student's middle name will not be part of the eCAF data.
AX-14945 - Students without a user record will now show "Number of Logins" = "0" rather than blank when running reports. This means you can find all contacts who have never logged in when running warehoused reports.
AX-14987 - An issue has been resolved where there would not be a Payment Plan value when using the Payment Plan Installments and a custom payment plan had been created for a class enrolment.
AX-15040 - An issue has been resolved where workshop status is not displayed correctly in the Academic Transcript when the linked course has been completed.
AX-15166 - An issue has been resolved that prevented the date fields from populating when creating workshops via the Calendar.
AX-15172 - Changes have been made to the 'Sending Booking Confirmation' button for workshops to prevent it from being clicked multiple times and causing issues.
AX-15174 - The step icon displayed for locked Assessments in a Learning Plan has been changed from a play icon to a circle.
AX-15190 - An issue has been resolved when creating a new workshop from the calendar, that was causing the In-house contact to need to be selected twice.
AX-15191 - An issue has been resolved that was preventing users from creating contacts from a Class if they did not have the Organisation Search permission
AX-15204 - Units of Competency with a finalised outcome can no longer be moved to a new workshop when transferring class enrolments. This change was made to resolve an issue with Unit dates being incorrectly set during transfer of finalised unit enrolments.
AX-15225 - An issue has been resolved that was preventing units from appearing on previewed certificate templates
AX-15229 - An issue has been resolved with Learning Plans where students who were not enrolled in a prerequisite, were still unable to access later courses. For Learning Plans, if a student is not enrolled in the prerequisite of an element, that requirement is ignored.
AX-15249 - An issue has been resolved that could cause duplicate student enrolments to appear in classes.
AX-15269 - An issue has been resolved where Multi Short Answer text areas could occasionally grow in size with each character typed when using Firefox.
AX-15274 - An issue has been resolved in the Qualification modules page that occurs when a user tries to insert a duplicate entry. The system will now skip this instead of throwing an error.
AX-15299 - An issue has been resolved when previewing a Lesson where an incorrect result would be shown directly after creating a new question.
AX-15321 - An issue has been resolved where an extra space in a Fill in the Blank question would display as incorrect in the Assessment Marking UI, even though it was considered correct by the system.
August 11th
Google Calendar Integration Ideas Forum
Click Here to learn more.
Custom End Screen Content for Assessments & Lessons (AX-15146)
Optional Multi Short Answer Responses (AX-14694) Ideas Forum
Multi Short Answer Online Assessment questions now support Optional Response Areas which students do not have to fill out to move to the next question. While editing a response area for a Multi Short Answer question in the Authoring area, there will now be an 'Optional Response' setting that can be enabled. This provides additional flexibility to the types of Assessments that can be created particularly where Learners are filling out a simulated report.
AX-14805 - File Upload Online Assessment Question types now have a 'Written response is required' option available. When this setting is enabled, learners must add at least some text to the text area when responding to the question as well as upload the relevant file.
AX-15171 - Ideas Forum Course Fee has been added as a Display Field to the Class Report Builder. This makes it easier to get a consolidated view of the costs associated with your Classes.
AX-14483 - A ‘Save Answer’ button has been added for Short Answer and Multi Short Answer Online Assessment question types in the Learner Portal. This enables Learners to save their responses without submitting the question.
AX-14545 - Learners are now able to upload .mpp files via the Learner Portal.
AX-15127 - The placeholder text for Multi Short Answer questions is now shown when printing the Assessor Guide for an Assessment.
AX-15149 - The interface to send Learner Engagement surveys has been improved to reflect who has already completed the survey in the reporting year that had been selected on the previous page.
AX-14995 - Transferring a student to another class has been improved where the Units have scheduled dates in the new class. If the new class is marked as "Activity dates apply to all Students", the unit enrolment dates will be changed to match. This logic may be overridden by linked workshops if they exist, but in simple scenarios, it will generally follow the new class dates.
AX-15244 - Online Assessment files will now be downloaded using the actual file name, rather than a unique ID.
AX-15057 - When enrolling students in accredited workshops, the primary workshop trainer will no longer be inserted as the trainer against the individual accredited class enrolment. This allows the trainer sync between workshop and class to work as intended as the trainer will not be overridden at the class enrolment level.
AX-14987 - An issue has been resolved where there is no longer a value in the Payment Plan Active section when using the Payment Plan Installments when a new custom payment plan is created for a class enrolment.
AX-15195 - An issue has been resolved where the incorrect Assessment Version number could be displayed in certain situations in the class interface.
AX-15199 - An issue has been resolved where the 'Hide Locked Elements' setting on Learning Plans would not show the visual saving indicator.
AX-15216 - An issue has been resolved where inactive Moodle courses were appearing as unimported on the Moodle course listing page.
AX-15237 - An issue has been resolved where students were unable to add workshop attendance signatures via the Learner Portal.
AX-15256 - An issue has been resolved where when updating a class, the word ‘undefined’ would sometimes be shown beneath Online Assessments instead of the Assessment Version number.
What's New in July
July 27th
Variable Learner Portal Course Terminology (AX-12710)
From the Learner Portal & App System Settings, you can now adjust the title that is displayed for Classes, Workshops & Accredited Workshops in the Learner Portal. This provides further customisability and flexibility to the information that is displayed to Learners and your course naming conventions.
The options available are listed below:
- Qualification Name
- Class Name
- Learning Plan Name
- Workshop Name
- Workshop Type
Accredited Workshops
- Workshop Name
- Workshop Type
- Linked Qualification
- Linked Class Name
- Linked Learning Plan Name
Work-Based Learning Trainer Workflow Support (AX-13984)
The Trainer of a Placement has been added as a possible recipient for “Placement Event” workflows. This allows you to configure automated actions for events and triggers related to Work-Based Learning that involve Trainers. This might include sending a template to a Trainer when a Placement they have been assigned to is created.
AX-14962 -Class and Enrolment Custom Fields have been added as optional Filters and Display Fields to the Class Enrolments - Warehoused report.
AX-14975 -The Contact Details form shown on the Registration Form tab of the System Settings has been disabled as this applies to an outdated online enrolment method and caused confusion for most users who encountered it. If you are actively using this area of the system and require it to be re-enabled, please contact aXcelerate support. The Class Enrolment Form section on this page is unaffected by this change.
AX-15100 - The file size limit for assessors uploading files when marking has been raised to 1GB. Additionally, improvements have been made to increase system stability and speed up file downloads for assessors.
AX-13150 - The way resources are loaded in the Resources Library has been optimised for Trainer users. Trainers who are linked to a large number of courses will now be able to load the "Training Related" resources much faster.
AX-15019 - The Trainer Utilisation page has been optimised for accounts with large numbers of trainers. The page was previously experiencing issues when being used with over 1000 trainers.
AX-15090 - A new system setting has been added to control the Workshop Cancellation Finance Notification. This determines whether a notification will be sent to your system Finance Contact when a Public Workshop booking that has been invoiced or paid is cancelled. The intention of the notification is to inform the finance team that they may have to process a refund. This setting is controlled from the Additional Options System Settings tab and is enabled by default.
AX-14582 - The styles used in the Host Employer and Preset main lists have been updated to be consistent with the rest of the Work-Based Learning area.
AX-14994 - Some improvements have been made to workflows that update aXcelerate with SCORM course data to be more performant.
AX-14953 - A new QLD state funding code 'PP1' has been added for the GTO Pre-Apprenticeship Program.
AX-15135 - The Show Learner Transcript setting in the Learner Portal & Apps System Settings tab has been moved outside of the Show Portfolio section.
AX-13886 - An issue has been resolved where HubSpot contact engagements were not displaying in the correct timezone. Another issue has also been resolved where dates synced between aXcelerate and HubSpot could occasionally change due to a timezone discrepancy.
AX-14940 - An issue has been resolved where importing contract schedule default payment configuration was not working as expected.
AX-14750 - An issue has been resolved that could cause Timetabled Workshop dates to not display correctly.
AX-14846 - An issue has been resolved where refunded EzyPay Subscription payments were not being recorded correctly in aXcelerate.
AX-14977 - An issue has been resolved where inactive E-learning packages would appear as a selectable option when adding elements to a Learning Plan.
AX-14992 - An issue has been resolved in the Workshop Bookings Summary report where fields relating to the number of students were being incorrectly calculated.
AX-15032 - An issue has been resolved where Workshops with Complex Dates were not displaying date and time correctly in the Learner Portal.
AX-15035 - An issue has been resolved where the Do Not Export checkbox on invoices was displaying incorrectly on certain operating systems.
AX-15045 - An issue has been resolved where exporting results as a CSV file would not work when the report exceeded the maximum number of rows displayable in print format.
AX-15061 - An issue has been resolved where adding LTI resources would have the incorrect launch URL.
AX-15068 - Selecting the Learning Plan button for a course on the Learner Portal dashboard will now navigate directly to the Learning Plan tab, regardless of the Default Course Overview tab setting.
AX-15094 - An issue has been resolved in the Unit of Competency Summary - Warehoused report where the information displayed in the report could not match the Display Fields selected in the Report Builder.
AX-15109 - An issue has been resolved where the dropdown options for Fill in the Blank questions could be blocked by the footer in the Learner Portal.
July 13th
- The Assessment view of the Class Matrix
- The Learning Plan view of the Class Matrix
- The Enrolment Page
- Bulk Updating Assessments
- The Class Update Page
AX-14956 - A Display field for Additional Trainers has been added to the Class Enrolments Warehoused report. The Trainer filter for this report will now also include results for Additional Trainers.
AX-14963 - Some visual changes have been made to the Dropdown Select Fill in the Blank Online Assessment question type and the character limit for the input options has been increased to 100.
AX-15042 - The Student Submission box shown when marking File Upload and Marking Criteria questions will now be displayed even if the Learner has not provided a written submission.
AX-12450 - When issuing Certificates for a Workshop that has enrolments that are linked to multiple different classes (as opposed to the single linked class for an Accredited Workshop), a warning will now be displayed to identify these Learners and provide a link to their class enrolments where certificates need to be issued from.
AX-14867 - Cancelled enrolments in Accredited Workshops will now no longer display by default when resulting outcomes for Learners.
AX-14952 - A link to the Learning Plan Authoring area is now available when editing a Class with a Learning Plan.
AX-14879 - For clients who use multiple E-learning enrolments in the same SCORM/TinCan activity, the system has been improved to better match up the correct Learner record with the linked Class. This improvement will only work for newly created class enrolments.
AX-14411 - An issue has been resolved where the Accredited E-Learning Enrolments report would show results for E-Learning that is not linked to a Class and could result in duplicated entries.
AX-14689 - An issue has been resolved where enabling Assessment Mapping for diplomas/qualifications with a large number of units could cause an error.
AX-14779 - An issue has been resolved in the Contact in Class filter on the notes report which was preventing the ability to search by Class.
AX-14871 - An issue has been resolved where Attendance Signatures would prevent Workshop Complex Dates from being deleted.
AX-14912 - An issue has been resolved in the Learner Portal where an Online Assessment would appear to reset soon after a new attempt had been started.
AX-14941 - An issue has been resolved where selected values for AQTF Conditions and Standards against a resource in the resource library were very hard to differentiate from other values in some browsers. Selected options will now clearly display a grey/darker background in all supported browsers.
AX-14950 - An issue has been resolved where the statuses of Workshops linked to Classes were inconsistent on the Academic Transcript.
AX-14980 - An issue has been resolved where in certain circumstances Agent details would not be displayed in Agent Template Fields.
AX-14985 - An issue has been resolved where workshop invoices exported to Xero would not retain spacing between the Contact and Workshop name in its description.
AX-15003 - An issue has been resolved where Online Assessment signatures saved by students using dark mode would appear to be blank.
AX-15020 - An issue has been resolved where users would be unable to scroll the list of their user accounts if they had too many user accounts linked to their global login method.
AX-15067 - An issue has been resolved where switching the question type against an Online Assessment/Lesson item would not reset the labels on the marking scale.
What's New in June
June 29th
Work-Based Learning Launch
The Work-Based Learning Beta will be coming to a close at the end of June as we prepare for the full launch in July. Thank you to everyone who participated and gave us feedback during this period.
Please be aware that access to the WBL area will be disabled for any accounts that have not signed up. Any WBL data that has been set up during the Beta will remain in your account and become accessible once more should you choose to continue using WBL.
Click Here for more information on Work-Based Learning in aXcelerate and how to get started.
Improvements to Reassigning Trainers to Courses (AX-13311)
When updating the trainer of a Class or Accredited Workshop an option is now available to also update the Trainer of the linked Class or Workshops. If Online Assessments are linked to the Workshop/Class being updated, there will also be an option to set the new Trainer as an Assessor for each of the linked Assessment instances. Previously, you would need to individually allocate the Trainer at the Workshop, Class, and Assessment, but this can now be done at the point of the Trainer being updated. This makes it easier to manage Trainer updates and ensure the changes are applied everywhere in the system they are needed.
Trainer Competency Management Permissions (AX-14719)
Specific permissions have been added to control whether users are able to manage Trainer Competencies. Any users who currently have the Trainer Management permission - which previously gave access - will be given the new permission at the time of release. This allows greater control over which users in your account have access to view and manage Trainer-related information.
All functions related to Trainer Competencies - including the Trainer Competencies report - will require the new Trainer Competencies permission. All other functions currently controlled by Trainer Management that do not relate to Trainer Competencies will continue to be controlled by the Trainer Management permission.
AX-14617 - Improvements have been made to Credit Transfers applied via the Class Enrolment page for multiple enrolments. When existing unit completions exist for the Learners being enrolled, there will be an option available to 'Apply Credit Transfers for each enrolment'. You can also view the details of existing Unit completions for the students being enrolled before applying them.
AX-14749 - 'Number of Units of Competency Competent' has been added as a display field and filter to the Class Enrolments - Warehoused report.
AX-14729 - When creating a Workshop as a user that does not have the 'Workshop Finance' permission, finance-related fields will now be completely hidden from the user. When the Workshop is created, the values will be inherited from the Workshop Type or another Workshop if it is being duplicated. Previously, in this scenario, any finance-related fields on a new workshop would have defaulted to $0.00.
AX-14789 - The Assessment Version history log will now record when an Assessment is 'Submitted for Approval' by users without permission to publish Assessments.
AX-14879 - For clients who use multiple E-learning enrolments in the same SCORM activity, the system has been improved to better match up the correct learner record with the linked class. This improvement only applies to newly created Class enrolments.
AX-14537 - The ordering of Workshops, Units, and Qualifications has been updated on the Academic Transcript to appear chronologically based on the finish date (the earliest finish date appears first).
AX-14873 - The maximum width of the content area when undertaking an Online Assessment has been increased to 800px to match the effective width in Online Assessment Authoring.
AX-14966 - When searching for a class in the Report Builder, you can now enter the Class ID as a search term.
AX-14781 - An issue has been resolved where an unintended gap would appear at the bottom of the Assessment result pages in the Learner Portal.
AX-14697 - An issue has been resolved where an error would be encountered when running the "Workshops - Warehoused" report in the data table view.
AX-14741 - An issue has been resolved where Bulk importing Moodle Courses would erroneously indicate it was importing Learners from inactive courses.
AX-14806 - An issue has been resolved where the organization invoice offset due date didn’t apply correctly to invoiced created from In-House workshops.
AX-14818 - An issue has been resolved where the Waiting List report link shown in a contact note was not working correctly.
AX-14910 - An issue has been resolved where a contact's address was unable to be completely removed from the Contact Update page.
AX-14923 - An issue has been resolved where a verified USI could be removed from contact when updating that contact while enrolling them into a Workshop.
AX-14932 - An issue has been resolved where users attempting to upload a sizable SCORM/TinCan package were getting timeout and 502 errors.
AX-14965 - An issue has been resolved where in certain instances Additional Trainers and Assessors would be removed from a Class after an update
June 15th
Work-based Learning Activity Evidence (AX-14377)
When Activity Evidence is enabled, it allows Learners to record time and evidence against specific Activities that they have selected when creating a Logbook Entry in the Learner App. Learners will be able to click on individual Activities they have selected to view details about the Activity and provide details about their experience with that particular Activity.
Allowing evidence to be recorded about particular Activities will help Learners to capture more granular information about their Work-Based Learning experience which will facilitate better reporting capabilities. This will also give you access to customise the information displayed to Learners for each activity that can be configured in the Activities area. From this area, you will be able to set a description as well as select which fields are accessible within the Learner App.
This setting will be enabled by default and can be toggled from the Learner App settings on the 'Learner Portal & Settings' tab of your System Settings.
You can read more about these changes here.
Dropdown Select Fill In the Blank Questions (AX-14308)
We have added a 'Dropdown Select' option for Fill In Blank Online Assessment questions. This will give Learners a list of selectable options to use as their answer instead of being a free-text entry as it is by default. You can enable this option by clicking on a blank-space element that you have added to a question in the Assessment Authoring area. The order of the options in the list will be randomised when it displays to users in the Learner Portal.
Changes to LE/ES Survey Reporting (AX-14602)
There has been a major update to AQTF LE/ES Surveys. The system previously relied on users sending surveys and the students to complete the survey in the same year that they completed their training. Now, the reporting year can be selected before sending survey links. This allows for RTOs to send LE/ES surveys in the first months of the following year and ensure that those particular responses are counted towards the previous year when reporting on results. Please note that automated workflows will use the current year unless the enrolment completion date exists and it is in the previous year.
Public Workshop Booking Form available for In-House Workshop Bookings (AX-12534) -
The enrolment method available for classes and public workshops is now also available for In-House workshops. There will be two buttons available, 'Enrol Learners' and 'Bulk-Enrol Learners'. 'Enrol Learners' will use the new enrolment process while 'Bulk-Enrol Learners' will give access to the previously available enrolment form. The aim of this change is to give users the opportunity to use the newer more streamlined enrolment process while still giving them the flexibility of using the previous method.
AX-14397 - An option to 'View Contact' has been added to the actions available for each Learner displayed on the Class Matrix. This helps to more easily access the Contact Profile from this view, while still directing to the Learner's enrolment when clicking on their name.
AX-14493 - The number of Class Enrolments will now be displayed on the Class Matrix. This number will change to show the number of enrolments for the selected filters being applied.
AX-14784 -The Work-based Learning menu link label has been updated from “Beta” to “New” in preparation for the end of the Beta on July 1st. In addition to this, for any accounts that do not have Work-Based Learning enabled, admin users with User Management or Master Settings permissions will now be able to see Work-Based Learning in the courses menu. For these users, the link will direct them to our website for more information on how to get started with WBL.
AX-14667 - Feedback and Notes for Online Assessment submissions are now able to be included when printing Assessments. Click the “Include internal notes in this export” checkbox to include this information in the printed content.
AX-14802 - Additional Class Trainer details are now able to be displayed in Templates using the Trainer Related Multi-Row field. Formerly, the IDs that could be used to either display all trainers (allTrainers) or only extra trainers (extraTrainers) only supported workshops, but now also support Additional Class Trainers. More information about this behaviour can be found in the Trainer Related Fields tooltip.
AX-14692 - Organisation Custom fields are now available as filters in the Organisation Details Warehoused Report.
AX-13973 - You are now able to control whether GST is applied to Workshops at the Workshop Type level using the ‘GST NOT Applied' field. This allows you to more easily control whether GST is applied to particular Workshops without needing to correctly set it each time a Workshop is created.
AX-14252 - The Qualification column on the Class Search page now includes the stream name after the Qualification code and name.
AX-14630 - A summary of unit-level values that override the Host Organisation enrolment field for reporting purposes will be displayed with a yellow warning icon for better consistency with other enrolment-level fields and better visibility of data.
AX-14770 - Chart display options have been added to the Online Assessment Attempts Report. This allows you to get a more graphical representation of Assessment Attempt data such as viewing the number of unmarked Online Assessments per Trainer/Assessor as a pie chart.
AX-14783 - For clients using their own Identity Provider for user login purposes, the system will now attempt to match logins with existing contacts on both email and alternative email when users first log in.
AX-14786 - A notification will now be shown to Admins and Trainers connecting contacts to Ezypay that do not have a mobile phone number. This is to ensure Ezypay has the appropriate information to contact payees regarding important payment information.
AX-12675 - Parchment issue date and number will now be hidden from the NAT00130 file when reporting skillset qualifications (with a program recognition ID of 13 or 16) to SA to better reflect SA-specific reporting requirements.
AX-14584 - Various improvements have been made to the display of the Academic Transcript in the Learner Portal to better support different screen sizes.
AX-14718 - The submit button on the Create/Update Contact page will now be disabled after being pressed to prevent accidental additional clicks and avoid creating duplicate Contacts.
AX-14842 - The Online Assessment Authoring info text that appears when creating a new Assessment Version has been updated to more accurately reflect the system behaviour.
AX-14441 - An issue has been resolved with Finance Statements where the results were not being filtered from the start date correctly.
AX-14629 - An issue has been resolved that was causing workshop announcements to not be shown in the Learner Portal under certain circumstances.
AX-14673 - An issue has been resolved where users were unable to download a certificate preview on unsupported mobile browsers.
AX-14732 - An issue has been resolved where Recent Results would not be retrieved immediately on the Learner Portal Dashboard if the student was enrolled in a Learning Plan class and had no standalone enrolments.
AX-14755 - An issue has been resolved where students could occasionally start on the wrong question when starting a 'Build on Attempts' Online Assessment attempt.
AX-14778 - An issue has been resolved where students were still able to sign workshop attendance in the Learner Portal when the “Attendance Signatures” setting is turned off.
AX-14782 - An issue has been resolved where the UserID search in the Report Builder was not showing Learner users correctly.
AX-14789 - An issue has been resolved where submitting an Assessment for 'Approval' was not displaying correctly in the Assessment Version History log. It will now show as 'Submitted for Approval'.
AX-14831 - An issue has been resolved where the Trainer and WBL Primary Supervisor were being automatically set as default recipients for a template if the class had a linked Work Placement. This will now only happen if a template is explicitly sent from the Placement details page.
AX-14832 - An issue has been resolved where if a user tried to pay for an invoice using Ezypay with a missing surname or email in contact data, an incorrect error message would display. This message has now been updated to more accurately reflect the issue.
AX-14863 - An issue has been resolved where the Skills TAS funding source was not accessible.
AX-14877 - An issue has been resolved where the Launch Learning button would be shown on E-Learning enrolments in the Learner Portal that could not be launched.
AX-14889 - An issue has been resolved where Credit Notes couldn't be created from an existing invoice.
June 1st
AX-13121 - The header of the 'Actions' column on the Learner Restrictions page for class enrolments has been updated to now be 'Access'. The controls for this column have also been updated from radio select options to show & hide resources/assessments to now instead be a single checkbox to show the resource. This also now allows all items in the table to be enabled/disabled in bulk from the checkbox in the table header.
AX-13979 - The Set all Competency Statuses page has been updated to account for the "Max Amount Per Calendar Year" cap amount that can be set against finance models for WA classes. It is now possible to lock each course fee and resource fee field individually to prevent making changes to existing values that may have been reported. The calculation of the course fee on the Student Unit of Competency Summary page has been updated to show a breakdown of fees and to show when the course fee has been capped.
AX-14128 - The visual status indicators for Learning Plan elements have been made more distinct and recognisable.
AX-14616 - We have made improvements to the way SCORM/TinCan packages are uploaded to the system to better support adding large files.
AX-14693 - 'Invoice Order Date' has been added as a filter and display field to the 'Transactions with Line Items' Report.
AX-14430 - Reportable Hours calculations for enrolments have been updated in Reports to be consistent with other parts of the system. The values stored in the 'Withdrawn Hours' field will always be ignored unless the outcome code is set to 'Withdrawn'.
AX-14516 - A message is now displayed when attempting to merge contacts with Assessment data to convey that the contact can not be deleted.
AX-14676 - The ANZSCO Identifier field has been updated with codes from the 2021 release. ANZSCO values will now display which release version they belong to when searching to allow for easy differentiation between versions.
AX-14648 - Timestamp fields in the Online Assessment Reports now display that the times are shown in UTC.
AX-14601 - An issue has been resolved where manually creating an invoice for a contact and searching for an item with 3 decimal places, will round the Unit Price column to 2 decimal places.
AX-14553 - An issue has been resolved where versioned Assessments would not be automatically added to a Linked Class when creating a Workshop with a linked Learning Plan
AX-14590 - An issue has been resolved where changing a class enrolment from tentative to in progress would not automatically enrol the Learner into the linked Learning Plan.
AX-14631 - An issue has been resolved where workshops are not able to be filtered by Domain on the 'Search Workshops' page in accounts where only one Domain exists.
AX-14663 - An issue has been resolved where the Default Agent Commission Rate did not correctly apply when confirming a tentative class enrolment.
AX-14675 - An issue has been resolved where Additional Trainers on a Class could not update Unit Enrolments.
AX-14678 - An issue has been resolved where searching for duplicate contacts to merge with apostrophes in their name was not working correctly.
AX-14681 - An issue has been resolved where using the 'Num In-House Invoices' filter and display field on the Warehoused Workshops report would not show Workshops with no In-House invoice generated.
AX-14684 - An issue has been resolved where deleting Online Assessment instances would result in an error.
AX-14688 - An issue has been resolved where downloading the Finance Records of a Contact with an apostrophe in their name as a CSV was not working correctly.
AX-14739 - An issue has been resolved where the Preview button on the Learning Plan Authoring page would occasionally not open the preview.
AX-14744 - An issue has been resolved where if the font size in an Online Assessment question was left unchanged, the font sizes would be different between Authoring and undertaking the question.
AX-14760 - An issue has been resolved where a user’s browser settings could affect the default font size in Online Assessment authoring.
AX-14768 - An issue has been resolved where the status for an assessment could be incorrectly hidden on the Assessment Results tab within classes with a Learning Plan.
AX-14774 - An issue has been resolved where an error message would be incorrectly displayed when repeating a Completed Lesson.
What's New in May
May 18th
Work-Based Learning Logbook Activity View Export (AX-14101)
When viewing a Logbook in the Work-Based Learning area, you are now able to export Logbook evidence with the information grouped by Activity. The export was previously only available when grouping the Logbook by Entries. The evidence for each Activity can also be individually exported or filtered by Activity Type. This provides more flexibility to the way logbook evidence can be utilised.
Online Assessment Previewing Improvements (AX-14490)
A Preview Button has been added to the top-right of the Online Assessment Management page. Users are now able to preview the Assessments if they have the ‘Assessment - View’ permission but not the ‘Assessment - Update’ permission. Previously, the 'Assessment - Update' permission was needed to access the Assessment Preview while authoring. This makes it possible for users who don't have access to author Assessments to still view the Assessments their Learners will be undertaking.
AX-14387 - The State & Suburb list for addresses has been updated to use the latest official AusPost data as of 10/05/2022.
AX-14507 - The Payment Receipt No. field is now editable for manual payments.
AX-14665 - Assessments and E-Learning are now hidden in the Learner Portal for Workshops linked to classes with a Learning Plan.
AX-13238 - An issue has been resolved where custom unit templates fields were not being saved when sending a template.
AX-14414 - An issue has been resolved where scheduled workshops could appear a week earlier than they were meant to in the class timetable.
AX-14568 - An issue has been resolved where an error would occur when trying to delete a placement.
AX-14583 - An issue has been resolved where clicking the 'X' icon on the organisation field when creating a new Host Employer would not deselect the organisation.
AX-14591 - An issue has been resolved where Elearning and Assessments were not correctly shown on the Academic Transcript.
AX-14624 - An issue has been resolved where the Approved Applications Register was not always correctly being synced.
AX-14662 - An issue has been resolved where the available trainers to assign to a workshop would not be filtered by trainer competencies when a workshop was being duplicated.
AX-14682 - An issue has been resolved where Assessment Evidence would sometimes be rendered against the wrong question in the Learner Portal Results view.
AX-14696 - An issue has been resolved where creating an organisation would sometimes show an error.
May 4th
AX-14290 - New Workshop-related fields have been added to the template builder: Purchase Order Number, Finance Code, Job Card ID.
AX-14557 - The character limit for Online Assessment section overviews has been increased to 5120.
AX-14170 - An error code now displays when no required parameter is sent via API.
AX-14466 - The DOB can now be deleted from the 'Update Contact' page.
AX-14522 - A Qualification's Stream Name is now available via the course/details API endpoint.
AX-14548 - Model Answers will now display for Marking Criteria questions when only two items are present on the marking scale.
AX-14577 - In the Work-Based Learning placements search, toggling the switches for each item in the 'More Filters' dropdown will now change the visibility of the corresponding filter.
AX-14614 - 'Order Items' questions are no longer skipped when set as the first question in an online quiz.
AX-14620 - A 'Field is required' error no longer displays on completed fields when editing Online Assessments.
AX-14626 - An issue has been resolved where HTML code would be shown in the last feedback note in the Assessment Summary.
AX-14632 - Line items with a GST value of 0% no longer have tax applied when exporting a credit note to MYOB.
AX-14642 - An issue has been resolved where credit transfers were not being detected when enrolling a contact into a class.
What's New in April
April 20th
A new field has been added to Classes to allow Additional Trainers to be specified. Trainer users logged in to aXcelerate will see all classes where they are assigned as the Default Trainer or as an Additional Trainer. This will help control and provide more flexibility for which users have access to particular classes within the system. This was a modification of the existing Assessors field that was available for accounts using Online Assessments. All Additional Trainers, as well as the Default Trainer, will be added as Assessors for any Online Assessments linked to the Class.
Credit Transfers for Multiple Workshop Enrolments (AX-13642)
Improvements have been made to Credit Transfers applied via the Workshop Booking page for multiple Accredited Workshop enrolments. When existing unit completions exist for the Learners being enrolled, there will be an option available to 'Apply Credit Transfers for each enrolment'. You can also view the details of existing Unit completions for the students being enrolled before applying them.
New Enrolment Status Qualifiers (AX-14475)
New Class Enrolment Status Qualifiers have been added for the following statuses:
- Offered
- Confirmed
- Pending Payment
- Pending Supporting Documents
In Progress
- Pending Suspension/Deferral
- Pending Payment
- Pending new Letter of Offer (CRICOS only)
- Pending Payment
- Pending Supporting Documents
- Release (CRICOS only)
- Pending new Letter of Offer (CRICOS only)
Class Enrolment Host Employer Reporting Updates (AX-14194)
AX-14017 - We have now added a new button on the enrolment status page that will allow users with the "Compliance Reporting" permission to generate a new Victorian Program ID for SVTS Class enrolments.
AX-14067 - Deleted payments are now unable to be imported when using the Xero integration.
AX-14261 - The Assessment Version number has been appended to the Assessment Name in the Online Assessment report filters.
AX-14291 - A new display field has been added for 'In-House Purchase Order Number' in the Workshop Warehoused Report.
AX-14320 - When enrolling students into a Learning Plan, the system will now by default deselect modules if there is no E-learning content for the student to do for those modules either because they were granted CT for the related units or the E-learning or units were simply not included for that student's enrolment. Previously, modules were still selected if they contained an element of information content.
AX-14325 - Contact Categories have been moved into the main information section on the Contact View page. Previously this was in the Additional Information tab.
AX-14417 - We have made some improvements to the way user sessions are handled which should improve the speed and reliability of the system.
AX-14463 - Headings have been added to Group Workshops displayed on the Workshop page. This is to help distinguish between Group Workshops and related Workshops.
AX-14535 - "Skills" has been added as a new terminology option for Work-Based Learning Activities.
AX-14497 - Some changes have been made to the permissions required for specific Work-Based Learning actions:
- Placement and Host Employer Notes now only require Work-Based Learning “Update” permission instead of “Add” and Notes Management “Add”
- Activity Mappings now require Work-Based Learning “Update” permission instead of “Add”
- Activity settings (Requires advanced mode activities enabled), now require Work-Based Learning “Update” permission instead of “Add”
AX-14546 - The state funding code JEG - Jobskills and Embedded Trainer Grants - is now available for classes in the Northern Territory.
AX-14567 - We have updated the Web & Other Integrations system setting tab to hide API tokens from view. For aXcelerate generated tokens, such as the Web and API tokens, these can still be viewed by clicking "Show".
AX-14597 - The style of the Contact Message displayed on the Contact View page has been adjusted to make it appear more prominently.
AX-14139 - A Back button is now available when using Templates for EzyPay Subscriptions.
AX-14292 - Workshops with Simple Dates and the duration type set to Day/s as well as workshops with Complex Dates and duration type set to Session/s will automatically have the duration updated if the dates are modified.
AX-14503 - After making a Workshop Booking and going to send a 'Booking Confirmation with Invoice Attached' the default template selected will be the 'Online Workshop booking invoice template' default system template.
AX-14529 - Multi Short Answer responses will now correctly display paragraphs when being viewed in the marking area.
AX-14530 - An issue has been resolved where running a new submission of an already attempted Assessment with 'Build on Attempts'' enabled will open a question that has already been answered correctly. This will now instead start on a question that has been previously answered incorrectly.
AX-14106 - An issue has been resolved where the column order of unit tables in certificate templates was unable to be changed.
AX-14334 - An issue has been resolved where the USI field label was misaligned on the Contact Search page.
AX-14429 - An issue has been resolved where large images or broken formatting inserted into Contact Note content could cause part of the Contact Notes table to be hidden (particularly on smaller screen sizes).
AX-14465 - TinCanID will no longer be added to newly imported SCORM packages. This is part of resolving an issue that could cause Learning Activities to be inaccessible.
AX-14469 - An issue has been resolved with Assessment Versioning where the number of Assessment Instances to be migrated could cause an error.
AX-14470 - An issue has been resolved where the Trainer field was not being populated when opening the update modal for a Placement in the Work-Based Learning area.
AX-14474 - An issue has been resolved with Learning Plan date scheduling where any times set would be offset from Brisbane time.
AX-14481 - An issue has been resolved where the Num of Learning Modules Completed display field could cause reports to fail.
AX-14500 - An issue has been resolved where an error would be shown when trying to update the maximum number of attempts for an Online Assessment enrolment.
AX-14511 - The tooltips for User-related Default System Templates have been updated to display information relevant to the new login experience.
AX-14524 - An issue has been resolved where the 'Total Expected Days in Enrolment' Display Field was not tallying results as expected.
AX-14532 - An issue has been resolved where the Calendar navigation buttons were not visible when a System Message was being displayed.
AX-14533 - An issue has been resolved where the Assessment Assessor Feedback template field would display the most recent note of all types, not just feedback notes.
AX-14565 - An issue has been resolved where navigating to a course enrolment would occasionally fail to pull Placement details from the Work-Based Learning area.
AX-14569 - An issue has been resolved where Workshop Automated Tasks set to email an "other" contact were not sending to the recipient correctly.
April 6th
AX-14485 - The 'Hide in Learner Portal' setting available for Portfolio Types will now also prevent any items uploaded with that type from appearing to Learner. Previously this would only prevent Learners from uploading new items for that Type, now the items will also be hidden in the Learner Portal. This allows you to add documents against a Learner's portfolio that Learners will not be able to see even when a Learner's Portfolio is made accessible to them.
AX-14298 - We have added the ability to view comments for tentative bookings with "unknown" details. Comments can be viewed by hovering over the Comment icon shown next to the bookings of this type that have comments provided.
AX-14310 - Learner names displayed on the attendance marking UI are now hyperlinked to their contact profile.
AX-14188 - 'Learner Email’ and ‘Learner Mobile Number’ have been added as dynamic fields to the Certificate Builder. This allows you to include the Mobile and Email of Learners on Certificates that are issued.
AX-14356 - The Report Builder charts have been improved to focus on the highest values when running a report with too many values to put on the chart. All the remaining values will be added together to form an "Other" value. Note that this only applies to a simple bar or pie chart and only when the chart value is a field that is summed.
AX-14291 - 'In-House Purchase Order Number' has been added as a new display field to the Workshops Warehoused Report.
AX-14090 - The design of the dashboard course card in the learner portal has been updated.
AX-14293 - Some minor visual updates have been made to the login screen.
AX-14287 - We have added the ability to page through all Statements in a Learner's SCORM E-Learning Activity Stream. Duration calculation has also been improved to show the statement durations for the current page as well as for the whole stream. This is only available at the learner level and not at the course level.
AX-14388 - The assessors select dropdown on the Bulk Update Assessment Details page has been improved to allow for more flexibility when searching on assessors that have a preferred name defined.
AX-14501 - Learners are now prevented from clicking on Learning Plan Elements when the corresponding “Show Assessments/Learning” setting is disabled.
AX-14010 - A new API endpoint 'course/instance/extratrainer' is now available to view, create, update and delete Workshop Extra trainer(s).
AX-14405 - Information about Workshop Close Days is now available to retrieve via the '/course/instance/detail' API endpoint. Some updates have also been made to the documentation for the '/course/instance/detail' & '/course/instance/ endpoints'
AX-13897 - An issue has been resolved where when exporting an invoice belonging to an organisation that has been linked using the Xero Contacts tool, the contact name is appended with the contact ID despite it being unique in Xero.
AX-14041 - An issue has been resolved where the email subject set in a workflow task was being overridden by the subject set against the template.
AX-14331 - An issue has been resolved where trainers would not correctly appear for non-accredited workshops added via the calendar with the trainer competencies feature enabled.
AX-14364 - An issue has been resolved where adding a Contact from an Organisation profile was not working correctly.
AX-14436 - An issue has been resolved where the wrong page could rarely be shown when navigating in Online Assessments and Learning Plans.
AX-14461 - An issue has been resolved where a global system message could cause the Work-Based Learning navigation bar to become hidden.
AX-14473 - An issue has been resolved where the Learner Portal would display 'null' in certain date fields that had no value. A blank value is shown instead.
AX-14478 - An issue has been resolved in our API relax console that allowed users to specify complete URL paths. The console will now only call APIs within the domain you are using it in.
AX-14479 - An issue has been resolved where video content would not show after adding in a Learning Plan module overview.
AX-14504 - An issue has been resolved where the “View Placement” link on the class enrolment page would not take the user to view the Placement linked to that enrolment.
AX-14508 - An issue has been resolved where learners are taken back to the login screen when opening the Register Attendance Modal to register their attendance.
What's New in March
March 23rd
Work-Based Learning
Learner & Supervisor App Notifications (AX-13986)
Push notifications are now available for the Learner App and Supervisor App for events related to Work-based Learning. This will mean that users will be notified when important changes are made regarding placements they are associated with. This includes a Learner being notified when the status of their Placement is updated, or a Supervisor being notified when a Logbook Entry has been submitted that they need to review. This will be available by default for users of the Apps, but can be controlled using the 'Enable App Notifications' setting on the Learner Portal & App tab of the System Settings. Users will also be able to disable these notifications on their personal devices through their notification permissions.
AX-13649 - The Schedule in the Work-based Learning area has been updated to now better display activities that start before 7am or end after 10pm. By default, the calendar timeframe will show between 7am - 10pm, but will show a broader timeframe if visible events exist outside of that time range.
AX-14353 - The Work-based Learning admin area has been made more responsive to user permissions. This will affect users who have Work-based Learning view permissions, but not permission to add, edit or delete. Anywhere where there are options to create new system objects (such as new Placements, Activities, and Presets) the option will be unavailable if users do not have the add permission. This works similarly for options to edit and delete available in the Work-Based Learning interface.
AX-14354 - An issue has been resolved where users were unable to select a trainer when creating placement from the class enrolment page.
AX-14296 - An issue has been resolved where Work-Based Learning template fields did not get populated based on Workflow Placement triggers. Those that have already set up automation tasks for placement events will need to save them again in order for the fields to be populated as intended.
SVTS Unit Update Warnings (AX-14240)
We have added a validation check to the Set all Competency Statuses and Student Unit Summary pages for Victorian classes to present a warning icon when a unit is updated from NYS or NR to an active/completed outcome more than 60 days from the unit start date.
AX-13034 - We have updated both the import Moodle user and the Moodle completions feature to attempt to read the enrolment date from Moodle and set this date as the Booking status log for the learner. The status log will have a comment if set automatically in this way. Note that the Enrolment date in aXcelerate will not be updated, this will continue to be the date the enrolment was imported or added to the aXcelerate SMS. Only the booking status log entry date may change.
AX-12814 - The Model Answer is no longer shown when marking Marking Criteria question types in Online Assessments.
AX-14063 - We have updated the focus state style for fields on the Contact View page to help users identify the field they are modifying.
AX-14085 - We have added an option to restore a certificate file if it can no longer be found. This is to help resolve rare intermittent issues where a file can't be found. When the error is now shown to say the file is missing, a link is now available to restore the file.
AX-14158 - The Invoice Line Items report now has a filter for contact categories that are applied to the invoice contact.
AX-14164 - A new system setting has been added to the RTO and VET settings to “Automatically create Workshop session”. If enabled, when creating a Workshop that spans a single day, a complex date will also be created for the same date and time. Complex dates are needed to mark workshop attendance, so this will now make it easier to set up a single-day workshop that requires attendance marking.
AX-14227 - You can now group Workshop Bookings reports by 'Key Student Status Enter By' which refers to the contact who entered the booking into aXcelerate.
AX-14278 - We have improved the Learner Portal Calendar and Virtual Classroom notifications to account for the Timezone set in the Account Settings.
AX-14318 - The Bulk Update Assessment Details page now has the ability to show all assessments without displaying any student information via the new 'Show All Assessments' button located beneath the 'Find Learner' dropdown. This allows for all enrolments under all assessments of the class to be updated in bulk via the new check-all checkbox in the left-hand column of the table. Additionally, when selecting a single student, all assessment columns will be displayed.
AX-14288 - A new certificate field for 'All Workshop Dates List' has been added to workshop certificate types. This will display a list of all training dates set up against the workshop and will use either complex dates or a simple date range and output a line for each date.
AX-14277 - The [Unit Assessment Methods] template field will now display the assessment alias where no abbreviation has been supplied, or the original label if neither alias nor abbreviation is present.
AX-14316 - An issue has been resolved where some clients that have integrated with our login, were not seeing the user properly redirected if they hit it when logged into aXcelerate.
AX-14412 - An issue has been resolved where, due to site Referrer Policy settings, the Ezypay payment method form would not correctly complete enrolment. This issue did not affect the aXcelerate system, only external websites where the Referrer Policy was explicitly set to "no-referrer".
AX-14341 - An issue has been resolved where the resume point is not retained when the user navigates back to the assessment in Learner Portal.
AX-14034 - An issue has been resolved where the announcements for cancelled enrolments were being shown in the Learner Portal.
AX-14289 - An issue has been resolved where contacts could appear multiple times in the email content when performing a mailout.
AX-14300 - System messages have been excluded from being displayed on areas where the information is able to be printed. This includes the print attendance area and the print view of Online Assessments.
AX-14319 - An issue has been resolved where when enrolling a contact in a Qualification, the contract and schedule did not carry over to the final confirmation screen.
AX-14324 - We have moved the System Action migration message to the top of the page to reduce interference with other areas within the system.
AX-14374 - An issue has been resolved where deactivated users would cause errors to be thrown if they had been assigned as assessors for Online Assessments.
AX-14389 - An issue has been resolved on the Bulk Update Assessments page where page controls would be shown that should have been hidden.
AX-14419 - An issue has been resolved in the Learner Portal where when opening a workshop, navigating back to the home page, then opening the class again would disable any Learning Plan features associated with that workshop.
AX-14432 - An issue has been resolved where the time of workshops and virtual classrooms displayed to students in the Learner Portal was being calculated incorrectly. The time will now be displayed based on the user's local time in relation to the timezone determined in the account settings.
March 9th
Other Improvements
- An issue has been resolved where for bulk-duplicated workshops, the “Workshop Created By” reporting fields reflected the user who created the original workshop rather than the one who performed the bulk-duplication. The user captured in the workshop log is always an accurate reflection of the system user responsible for creating the workshop.
- When bulk-creating accredited workshops, the “Owner” of the auto-generated accredited classes will now be set at the “Workshop Owner” for public workshops and will continue to be set as the user who created the workshops for other workshop types.
AX-14239 - An issue has been resolved where certain .m4a files could not be uploaded as an assessment submission.
AX-14271 - An issue has been resolved where units linked to a new version of an Assessment in a Learning Plan would not be automatically commenced/completed in some cases.
AX-14299 - An issue has been resolved where adding multiple Contact notes would cause the "Add Note" button to instead say "Update Note" under certain instances.
AX-14344 - An issue has been resolved where Virtual Classroom Recordings would be hidden if all workshop sessions had finished but the workshop end date had not passed.
February 23rd
In-house Workshop Invoice Template Improvements (AX-13992)
A new template link has been added to in-house workshops next to each invoice. This lets users create templates that have access to both workshop-related and invoice-related fields together to allow for more complex templates to be created. This also means that invoice templates can be issued which include the list of Workshop participants as well as the appropriate financial information.
Work-based Learning in the Trainer Portal (AX-13982)
Work Placements are now accessible via the Trainer Portal for Trainer users who have been given Work Placement user permissions in accounts where the Work-based Learning feature is enabled. Trainers with access will be able to view this area from the Courses menu with the list of Placements being filtered down to those that the Trainer has been assigned to by default. Other areas of the Work-based Learning area (Acitivities, Presets, and Host Employers) are not available for Trainers as these are intended for use by Administrators.
Other Improvements
AX-13559 - The price for Finance Items now supports three decimal numbers which should help improve GST calculations.
AX-14084 - Improvements have been made to the error message shown when deleting an organisation linked to a Host Employer in the Work-based Learning area. The Delete Host Employer button has also been disabled when there are placements linked to the Host Employer and it cannot be deleted. The Host Employer can still be deactivated instead.
February 9th
Other Improvements
AX-13948 - The Placement Cards that appear in the Primary list of Placements of the Work-based Learning area have been updated. The icons now include a status icon to indicate whether the Placement is “In Progress”, “Completed” or “Cancelled”. There is also a number badge indicating the number of pending logbook entries available.
AX-13119 - An issue has been resolved where the question number would not be shown for certain Assessment question types when being printed if the question had an optional title.January 27th
Work-based Learning
View Logbook Entries by Activity (AX-13404)
When viewing a Learner's Logbook, you are now able to group evidence by Activity instead of the default view by Entry. Grouping by Activity helps to give insight into what tasks Learners are participating in overall while working with their host employer.
AX-13666 - When viewing media evidence recorded in a Logbook Entry, you can now use the arrow keys to cycle between each file and click the escape key to close the media viewer.
AX-13672 - Logbook Entries will now show a thumbnail image when there is at least one image uploaded against the log entry. This will also be shown in the list of entries displayed in the Learner and Supervisor Apps.
AX-13949 - Qualification name is now displayed below the Learner's name in the header of the placement details page.
AX-13987 - A template field has been added for 'Work-Based Learning Placement Trainer'.
AX-13945 - An issue has been resolved where opening Logbook Filters would cause the first entry in the list to become selected.
AX-13950 - An issue has been resolved where the filters on the Placements tab could become out-of-sync when swapping between tabs.
Work-based Learning was released into open Beta for all Turbo accounts late last year. We are continuing to gather feedback and make improvements to make the feature the best it can be.
In addition to general improvements and fixes, we're currently working on:
- Allowing Learners to record time and evidence against each activity within a Logbook Entry
- Making Work-based Learning more accessible to Trainers
We're also hosting a Work-based Learning Webinar on February 2nd to talk about the feature, answer questions from the community and gather feedback which you can sign up for here.
If you're new to Work-based Learning, click here for more information on how to get started.
Other Improvements
AX-14015 - A new Assessment Type setting has been added to control Automatic Question Numbering. When the setting is disabled, only the Question Title will be shown, if it exists.
AX-13511 -The Contact Street Address State and Postal Address State are now available as filters in most reports.
AX-13976 - We have updated the Assessment area menu to direct to the new Learning Plans page.
AX-13696 - We have updated the Skills TAS validation rules for ANZSIC and ANZSCO fields to allow for blank values when a learner is unemployed.
AX-13895 - Improvements have been made to duplicate contact detection. Contact duplicate detection now matches on the email address or date of birth of a contact where their given name and surname are the same. A warning has also been added to the contact page for when other active contacts are detected with the same USI.
AX-13960 -When an Accredited Workshop instance is created assigned to a Partner, the linked class will also now be assigned to the Partner.
AX-13977 - Recognised Revenue now supports finance models so the calculation for the "Total value of Enrolment" field will consider "per unit or "per hour" rules.
AX-13994 - The list of NCVER Validation Collections is now ordered by the latest year and period.
AX-13878 - The Assessment Overview will now only be shown on launch and will not be displayed when resuming an Assessment.
AX-13751 - New finance endpoints are now available via our API:
- /accounting/invoice/. - Get an array of invoices for an account (GET). Or create a new invoice (POST).
- /accounting/invoice/:invoiceID - Get the details of an invoice / Update an invoice
- /accounting/creditnote/ - Get an array of credit notes for an account (GET). Or create a new credit note (POST).
- /accounting/creditnote/:creditnoteID - Get the details of a credit note / Update a credit note
- /accounting/catalogueitem/ - Get an array of catalogue items for a account (GET). Or create a new catalogue item (POST).
- /accounting/catalogueitem/:itemID - Get the details of a catalogue items (GET). Or update details of a catalogue item (PUT).
AX-12739 - An issue has been resolved where E-Learning completions would not set a class enrolment as complete when the 'E-Learning Completion Updates Subject' setting was enabled.
AX-13704 -We have removed the "E-Learning Completion Updates Subject Start Date" setting. This setting was problematic and caused more issues than it solved - working for only a very niche use case. Going forward, if you would like for E-learning launches to automatically update unit start dates, this functionality is available as part of commencement, not completion.
AX-13844 - An issue has been resolved where users would be unable to upload a profile picture in the Learner Portal on some mobile devices.
AX-13855 -An issue has been resolved where it was possible for users to be charged twice for the same invoice payment by credit card using EzyPay.
AX-13889 -An issue has been resolved where a Workshop with complex dates and multiple venues would overflow the Workshop Overview section in the Learner Portal.
AX-13923 -An issue has been resolved where attempting to update a Workshop type could unintentionally truncate the name.
AX-13959 - An issue has been resolved with the manual contract reconciliation tool where certain combinations of schedule outcome rules and unit enrolment attended hours against withdrawn units would cause an error when attempting to generate the invoice.
AX-13972 - When multiple System Message modals are shown on a page, the selection made for the 'Do Not Show' field will now be applied to each subsequent message when cycling through them.
AX-14019 -We have altered the system behavior when launching/commencing E-Learning from our Learner Portal, especially SCORM packages. Previously, when a student launched E-Learning, this would trigger the system to set the "Access Start Date" of the learner to the moment of launch - if that date was blank. For learners outside the client timezone, this could have the effect of removing their access. Access Start should reflect when the student has access, not the commencement date. There is a commencement log that is also entered on launch that should be used as the commencement date for the student.
AX-14022 - The Base Type of an Assessment Type can no longer be changed after it has been created. This is to prevent potential issues where invalid question types could be selected in an assessment - for example, non-auto-markable question types in a Lesson.
AX-14025 - An issue has been resolved where switching between Hotspot questions in an Online Assessment could cause the question descriptions to be duplicated.
AX-14027 - An issue has been resolved where using the Learning Module view mode in the class matrix on a module that contains Assessments could result in an error.
AX-14032 - An issue has been resolved where accessing assessments in the Learner Portal produced an Error status of 500.
AX-14035 -An issue has been resolved where assessment items appeared out of order under specific conditions on the assessment mapping page
AX-14051 - An issue has been resolved where in some instances creating a 'Multi-Session' workshop would cause an error.
January 12th
You are now able to create a new version of an assessment to allow you to have full editing control and make substantial changes to published Assessments without needing to create a new one. When a new assessment version is published, any In Progress, Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory enrolments in the assessment will remain on the previous version. Any Not Started enrolments will start on the latest version of the Assessment with their first attempt.
This allows you to easily create and deploy new versions of your Assessments when training packages change as well as streamline compliance by recording what’s changed in the version history.
Preview Learning Plans (AX-13319)
Learning Plans can now be previewed to inspect how a student would see the Plan in the Learner Portal. All elements in the preview will appear as if they were unlocked. When in this Preview Mode, elements can be added but not removed or edited.
Online Assessment Info Block Component (AX-13677)
A pre-made Info Block component can now be inserted into Online Assessment questions. This can be accessed by right-clicking within the editor to open the Context Menu.
Online Assessment & Learning Plan Approval (AX-13813)
Both Online Assessments and Learning Plans now both have a new 'Publish' permission that prevents non-authorised users from being able to publish them. When users without the permission attempt to publish an Online Assessment Task or Learning Plan, it will be set to Pending Approval until a user with permission approves the Assessment/Learning Plan and publishes it. Any users or roles that have the 'Edit' permission for Assessments or Learning Plans will have the publish permission when this change is released.
Hiding Portfolio Types in the Learner Portal (AX-13885)
A new setting has been added to Contact Portfolio Types to 'Hide in Learner Portal' which will prevent Learners from being able to view these Portfolio Types in the Portfolio section of the Learner Portal.