Ezypay is a direct debit payment solution that makes it easy to take recurring periodic payments. It is integrated with aXcelerate to collect course enrolment fees.
Setup an Ezypay account
To set up an Ezypay account go to https://www.ezypay.com/axcelerate and submit an application. The approval takes approximately 48 hours to complete at which point you will be emailed your account credentials if you have been accepted. After you have received your account credentials you can enter them into aXcelerate and enable the integration.
Note: After submitting an application, Ezypay will conduct a risk assessment of your business as part of the approval process.
Enable the Ezypay Integration
Enabling the aXcelerate Ezypay integration simply involves placing your Ezypay account credentials into the appropriate fields in your system settings.
- Scroll to the Ezypay integration settings section
- Enter your Merchant ID, Merchant Username & Merchant Password
- Scroll to the bottom of the page
- Click Save Web Settings
Tip: After you have entered and saved your Ezypay account credentials, click the Test Connection button to check that your connection to Ezypay has been validated.
Note: You will need to set up an Ezypay account and get user credentials before you will be able to enable the Ezypay integration.
Warning: Please be aware that if Credit Card Surcharges are being handled by Ezypay for Single Payments, Do not add a Surcharge in aXcelerate otherwise the surcharge will be duplicated.
Set a Default Ezypay Note Type
Whenever an Ezypay Subscription is created, activated or cancelled a Contact Note for the appropriate contact and record the details of the event. Setting a default Note Type will control the type of note that will be created when these events are recorded. Setting a Note Type will make it easier to search for this information in the system.
- Create a Note Type
- Go to the Ezypay section in the Web & Other Integrations tab of the System Settings
- Select a Default Note Type
- Scroll to the bottom of the page
- Click Save Web Settings
Tip: Please refer to our Contact Note Types help article for more information on creating and managing Note Types in the system.
Note: If a Note Type is not selected, the System Generated Note Type will be used.
Create an Ezypay Payment Plan
Payment Plans are templates which determine the amount and frequency of payments made by a user. Active Payment Plans will be available for users to select when booking through the online enrolment form. When a Payment Plan is selected and confirmed, it will create an Ezypay Subscription for the booking contact containing the same details as the selected plan. When the Subscription is activated, Ezypay will begin collecting periodic payments from the contact and receipting the transaction against the associated invoice.
- Click Add Payment Plan
- Enter a Payment Plan Name
- Set a Label
- Set the Billing Amount and Billing Frequency
- Click Submit
Tip: Setting a First Billing Amount will determine the amount that is owed for the first payment when the subscription is activated. All subsequent payments will be the regular Billing Amount. If wanting to use this as a deposit, set the start date of the subscription to tomorrow, and then remove any unwanted future payments before the intended start date.
Note: The Payment Plan Label should contain the details of the plan as this will be displayed to users enrolling through the online enrolment form.
Warning: After someone has selected a payment plan and enrolled, the Subscription will need to be activated before they will begin making periodic payments. A Contact's Subscriptions can be managed from their Contact Profile by viewing the Finance Summary.
Update an Ezypay payment plan
- Search for a Payment Plan
- Click the Edit icon
- Update the details of the plan as required
- Click Submit
Note: Updating a Payment Plan will not affect any existing subscriptions that have been created from the plan.
Warning: You will not be able to change the First Billing Amount of a Payment Plan once it has been created, however, this value can be altered when creating a Subscription for a payer.
Deactivate or Reactivate an Ezypay payment plan
Deactivated Payment Plans will not appear in the online enrolment form for customers to select.
- Search for a Payment Plan
- Click the Edit icon
- Change the Status to Inactive or Active
- Click Submit
Note: Payment Plans are not able to be deleted, they can only be deactivated.
Connect a Contact with Ezypay
When a contact subscribes to Ezypay they must confirm that they consent to provide their personal information to Ezypay. This agreement is made during the enrolment process when booking online, but can also be done manually by an administrative aXcelerate user on behalf of a payer. After the contact has been connected, you will be able to create an Ezypay Subscription for them.
- View a Contact Profile
- Hover over Actions
- Select Ezypay Subscriptions
- Tick the agreement that confirms the contact has given permission to share their personal data with Ezypay
- Enter any applicable notes regarding the permission that has been provided by the customer
- Attach any appropriate Permission Evidence relating to the customer's consent
- Click Send data to Ezypay
Tip: The customer's payment details are not stored in aXclerate. aXcelerate only stores an Ezypay customer ID which is used to provide information through the Ezypay API.
Note: You must only connect a user with Ezypay if you have received their consent to share their data with Ezypay. We strongly recommend providing evidence of the customer's consent when connecting their contact profile with Ezypay.
Warning: You should not under any circumstances store customer payment details anywhere in aXcelerate. This includes uploading documents or images of paper-based records containing sensitive financial information.
Create an Ezypay Subscription
Whenever a student signs up for a Payment Plan, a Subscription will be created. The Subscription will have all of the details of the Payment Plan that the student selected. After the Subscription is created, administrators will be able to see the Future Payments and Payment History of the Subscription.
- View a Contact Profile
- Hover over Actions
- Select Ezypay Subscriptions
- Click Add New Subscription
- Select an Invoice
- Select a Payment Method if one has been provided
- Select a Payment Plan
- Enter the Subscription Name
- Set a Start Date (First instalment date)
- Set the Billing Frequency and Billing Amount
- Set the Total Amount
- Click Submit
Tip: If no Payment Method has been provided for a student, it can be set after the Subscription has been created. A Payment Method needs to exist before a Subscription can be activated.
Note: An invoice will need to be linked to the contact and assigned to the Subscription. The invoice balance must be greater than $0.00 to be linked to a new Subscription. Please refer to our Invoices & Payments help article for further information on creating invoices.
Warning: After a payment method is added, the Subscription will automatically activate and start on or after the Start Date that was set during creation (This does not apply to Online Enrolments made through an Online Enrolment form).
Activate an Ezypay Subscription
After a Subscription has been created - when manually creating with an existing payment method - the Subscription needs to be activated before payments will begin to be processed.
- View a Contact Profile
- Hover over Actions
- Select Ezypay Subscriptions
- Click the Activate icon next to a Pending Subscription
- Set the Subscription Start Date
- Click Activate
Note: A Payment Method must be set and the Subscription start date must be in the future before a Subscription can be activated.
Update an Ezypay Subscription
- View a Contact Profile
- Hover over Actions
- Select Ezypay Subscriptions
- Click the Edit icon next to a Subscription
- Update the details of the Subscription as required
- Click Submit
Note: Certain restrictions apply to editing Subscriptions. A linked invoice cannot be changed to an invoice with less than the Total Amount. The Billing Frequency can only be edited for Active subscriptions on a weekly or monthly basis. The Start Date can only be changed for Pending subscriptions. The Total Amount cannot be less than the outstanding amount or greater than the invoice linked. If you need to change other details of the subscription, you will need to cancel it, duplicate it, and change the details of the copy accordingly.
Cancel an Ezypay Subscription
- View a Contact Profile
- Hover over Actions
- Select Ezypay Subscriptions
- Click the Cancel icon next to an Active or Pending Subscription
- Click Ok to confirm the cancellation
Warning: A cancelled Subscription cannot be re-enabled. You can instead duplicate the cancelled Subscription and adjust the details as required.
Duplicate an Ezypay Subscription
- View a Contact Profile
- Hover over Actions
- Select Ezypay Subscriptions
- Click the Duplicate icon next to a Subscription
- Adjust the details of the Subscription as required
- Click Submit
Note: Ezypay Subscriptions are not able to be updated once created. If you need to update the details of a Subscription, you will need to cancel it, duplicate it and change the details of the copy accordingly.
Update a Contact's Ezypay Payment Method
- View a Contact Profile
- Hover over Actions
- Select Ezypay Subscriptions
- Click the Payment Details icon next to a Subscription
- Enter the details of the new Payment Method
- Click Update Payment Method
Tip: Click the Generate Public Link button to create a link to a public page that can be sent to a customer to allow them to update their payment information for a particular Subscription. Generating this link will copy it to your clipboard so that it can be pasted into a message and sent to the Student.
Note: A Payment Method can also be linked to a Subscription by viewing it and clicking Update Payment Method.
View Future Payments of an Ezypay Subscription
A contact's future payments for a particular Subscription are able to be viewed from the Finance Summary page. This will show the future billing cycle of all payments for a single Subscription. From this area you are able to edit and delete future payments as well as record manual payments against the Subscription.
- View a Contact Profile
- Hover over Actions
- Select Ezypay Subscriptions
- Click the Subscription Name or Total cost of a Subscription
- Click the Future Payments tab
Enable Ezypay PayTo
Ezypay Payto is a service which allows deductions to be made directly from a user.
- Scroll to the Ezypay integration settings section
- Enable the Allow PayTo for Subscription payments option
- Scroll to the bottom of the page
- Click Save Web Settings
Tip: If enabled correctly the Mandate Type Id will be filled from the Ezypay system.
Note: PayTo must be enabled within Ezypay before this feature can be used.
Warning: If the Mandate Id is not automatically filling into aXcelerate or there are difficulties enabling this feature, reach out to Ezypay Support.
View Payment History of an Ezypay Subscription
A contact's payment history for a particular Subscription is able to be viewed from the Finance Summary page. This will show all recorded payments for a single Subscription and allow you to refund particular payments.
- View a Contact Profile
- Hover over Actions
- Select Ezypay Subscriptions
- Click the Subscription Name or Total cost of a Subscription
- Click the Payment History tab
Note: Refunds can be processed for each paid instalment from the Payment History tab.
Update an Ezypay Future Payment
- View a Contact Profile
- Hover over Actions
- Select Ezypay Subscriptions
- Select click the Total cost of a Subscription
- Click the Future Payments tab
- Click the Edit icon next to a payment
- Update the details of the payment accordingly
- Click Submit
Note: Changing the amount of a particular payment will append another payment to the Subscription to balance the total amount. If you would like to remove a payment you will need to record a payment against the expected future payment or cancel and duplicate the Subscription and adjust the remaining amount.
Delete Ezypay Future Payment
- View a Contact Profile
- Hover over Actions
- Select Ezypay Subscriptions
- Click the Subscription Name or Total cost of a Subscription
- Click the Future Payments tab
- Click the Delete icon next to a payment
- Click Delete
Note: Deleting a future payment will append another payment to the Subscription to balance the total amount. If you would like to remove a payment you will need to record a payment against the expected future payment or adjust the total amount of the Subscription.
Manually Record an Ezypay Payment
- View a Contact Profile
- Hover over Actions
- Select Ezypay Subscriptions
- Click the Subscription Name or Total cost of a Subscription
- Click the Future Payments tab
- Click the Record Payment icon next to a payment
- Select the Payment Method
- Click Record Payment
Refund Ezypay Payment in Full
- View a payment processed via Ezypay
- Hover over Refunds on the menu on the left
- Click Refund Via Ezypay
- Click Confirm
Note: This process is not applicable for Payment Plan payments, see View Payment History of an Ezypay Subscription
Send an Ezypay Template
You can send a template with total, balance, and next installment due dates to Ezypay customers. These templates rely on a subscription and can only be sent from the view and manage subscription areas.
- View a Contact Profile
- Hover over Actions
- Select Ezypay Subscriptions
- Click the Template icon next to a Subscription
- Select your template
- You can then email or generate a PDF of the template.
Tip: Please refer to our Template Builder help article for more information on creating and managing Templates. For Ezypay, you will need to use the EzyPay Related Fields
Run the Ezypay Outstanding Collections Report
The Outstanding Collections report will generate and download a PDF file showing all Outstanding Customer Payments within a selected period.
- Click the Outstanding Collections Report tab
- Set the period of Days Outstanding you would like to report for
- Set any Filters you would like to apply
- Select how the data should be sorted
- Click Create Report
Ezypay Reporting
Reports can be used to view contacts in the system that are linked to Ezypay. When building reports with extended contact filters - such as the Contact Details Report - there will be Ezypay filters that can be applied to show contacts with Ezypay data.
- Contact has Ezypay Token
- Ezypay Customer ID
- Contact is an Ezypay Customer
- Ezypay Customer Created Date
Tip: For example, you could run a Contact Details report with the 'Contact is an Ezypay Customer' field set to 'Yes' to show any contacts that have had their data shared with Ezypay.
Note: Please refer to our Report Builder help article for more information on creating and running reports.
Enable Ezypay in the online enrolment form
Once configured in aXcelerate, Ezypay can be enabled in the Online Enrolment form and allow students to select a Payment Plan when enrolling. Any Active Payment plans will be available in the billing step of the form for students to subscribe to. The integration is enabled in the form by going to the billing step of an enrolment config and setting Ezypay as an available payment method. Please refer to our WordPress Plugin Config builder help article for more information on how to Set or Update Available Payment Options.
Tip: If you have an active Online Enrolment Project, our Online Enrolment team can assist you in enabling the integration in the enrolment form. Before this will function in the enrolment form, you will need to enable the integration in aXcelerate and ensure you have active Payment Plans available in the system.
Note: For compliance purposes, you must include details about any additional fees charged to the student by Ezypay in the online booking confirmation sent to students upon enrolment. You can find the details of these fees in your Ezypay agreement. For more information about configuring online booking confirmations, please refer to our Default System Templates help article.
Warning: Please be aware that you will need to have an enrolment confirmation page configured for the enrolment to process correctly once it has been verified by Ezypay. Please refer to our WordPress Plugin Config Builder help article for more information on how to Configure an Enrolment Confirmation Page.
Map Ezypay Payment Plans
- Click on the Payment Plan Mapping tab
- Click Add New Mapping
- Select a Payment Plan
- Select a Workshop Type or Qualification
- Click Add Mapping
Tip: If there are no mappings for a particular course, all available Payment Plans will appear for the Learner to select when enrolling. If the First Billing amount is greater than the cost of the course, the Payment Plan will not appear regardless of the mapping.
Note: Mapping Ezypay Payment Plans specifically relates to online enrolments made through the aXcelerate WordPress plugin. You can read more about the system requirements for supporting online enrolments here.
Warning: The Ezypay integration needs to have been configured within your System Settings and set to display within the online enrolment form on your WordPress website before these settings will have any effect.
Ezypay FAQs
How do I know when a student has submitted their payment method information and can have their EZYPAY subscription activated?
Running a Contact Details - Warehoused report with the Contact has Ezypay Token filter will show Contacts who are eligible to have their EZYPAY subscription activated
How can I add a Pay Online link to a ‘Tax Invoice’ template for one-off transactions?
Please see our Template Builder FAQs for more information on how to embed a dynamic payment link for each Invoice.