Once a survey has been created, direct links to the surveys are able to be generated so that they can be sent to contacts in the system. aXcelerate also enables you to send the AQTF Learner Engagement or AQTF Employer Satisfaction (LE/ES) surveys to eligible students and employer contacts.
Generate a standalone survey link
Standalone surveys can be sent to contacts in the system via a link generated for specific contacts. Once the link is generated it can be sent to users via templates or merge documents.
- Click on a Survey Name
- Click Survey Access Points
- Select a Survey Version
- Set the Access To Survey
- Choose the Contact to assign the survey to
- Click Show Access Point
- Copy the generated Link
Tip: Click Go There Now to immediately access the survey once the link has been generated.
Note: Before a standalone survey can be sent, a version must first be created. Survey Versions allow you to publish the same survey several times and identify the responses to each. For example, if you wanted to publish a Customer Satisfaction survey each year, you could create a single survey and then create a new version each year.
Generate a pre/post-training survey link
Pre & post-training surveys can be sent to contacts in the system via a link generated for specific contacts. Once the link is generated it can be sent to users via templates or merge documents.
- Click on a Survey Name
- Click Survey Access Points
- Select a Survey Version
- Set the Access To Survey
- Click Show Access Point
- Copy the generated Link
Tip: Click Go There Now to immediately access the survey once the link has been generated.
Note: Surveys can be sent to all students within a class from the Class Matrix page. Please refer to our Class Matrix help article for further information.
Send a Learner Engagement (LE) survey
This function enables you to send the AQTF Learner Engagement (LE) survey to eligible students in your system.
- Select the Reporting Year. If sending to students who completed their course in the previous year, select the previous year here.
- Select Learner Engagement
- Select the Survey Participants
- Click Submit
- Review the content of the email
- Check the boxes next to the contacts you would like to send the survey to
- Click Submit to send the email to the selected participants
The methods of selecting survey participants are listed below:
Students Contacts
Individually select students you would like to send the survey to.
Send the survey to all students of a particular workshop.
Send the survey to all students of a particular class. Select multiple classes by holding down the Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac) key and clicking on multiple selections.
A Category
Send the survey to all contacts within a particular contact category. Select multiple categories by holding down the Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac) key and clicking on multiple selections.
A given calendar period
Send the survey to all students who enrolled, completed an enrolment or have an expected completion date within a selected date period. Select a Custom Date Range to select exact dates to filter by.
Tip: The content of the email containing the Learner Engagement survey link can be edited from Email Content under the Settings menu.
Note: If you have Workflow Automation enabled in your account, you can send Learner Engagement surveys to recipients automatically at a pre-defined schedule. Please refer to our Workflow Actions help article for further information.
Send an Employer Satisfaction (ES) survey
This function enables you to send the AQTF Employer Satisfaction (ES) surveys to eligible client, employer and Manager/Supervisor contacts.
- Select the Reporting Year. If sending to employers about courses in the previous year, select the previous year here.
- Select Employer Satisfaction
- Select the Employer Type
- Select the Survey Participants
- Click Submit
- Review the content of the email
- Check the boxes next to the contacts you would like to send the survey to
- Click Submit to send the email to the selected participants
The methods of selecting survey participants are listed below:
Students Contacts
Individually select contacts you would like to send the survey to.
Send the survey to the selected employer type of a particular workshop.
Send the survey to the selected employer type of a particular class. Select multiple classes by holding down the Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac) key and clicking on multiple selections.
A Category
Send the survey to all contacts of the selected employer type within a particular contact category. Select multiple categories by holding down the Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac) key and clicking on multiple selections.
A given calendar period
Send the survey to the employer of all students who enrolled, completed an enrolment or have an expected completion date within a selected date period. Select a Custom Date Range to select exact dates to filter by.
Tip: The content of the email containing the Employer Satisfaction survey link can be edited from Email Content under the Settings menu.
Note: If you have Workflow Automation enabled in your account, you can send Employer Satisfaction surveys to recipients automatically at a pre-defined schedule. Please refer to our Workflow Actions help article for further information.
Manually complete an LE/ES survey
Use the following procedure to manually complete an LE/ES survey if you have a paper-based survey response and you want to input the results of the survey directly into aXcelerate.
- Select the Reporting Year that is relevant to the student / survey response
- Select Learner Engagement or Employer Satisfaction
- Select the Survey Participants
- Click Submit
- Click Survey next to the contact you would like to manually enter results for
- Set the Response Date of the survey
- Fill out the survey questions
- Click Submit Your Response
Submit the ATQF (LE/ES) survey results
This function allows Users to easily locate the Learner Engagement and Employer Satisfaction survey results and enter the data for annual submissions.
- Go to Quality > View LE/ES Survey
- Select the Survey
- Select the Reporting Year
- Click Submit
The explanation of the survey response rates are listed below:
Population Count (PC)
Total number of students the system can survey for the reporting year. This is calculated by the number of students who have a unit completion in that year. If reporting on the current year, it also includes In Progress students who have commenced their course.
Surveys issued (SI)
Number of students who have been sent a survey
Surveys received (SR)
Number of students that completed the surveys
% response rates
Percentage of students sent the surveys that have responded
Note: The Results Filter uses warehoused data. Any data entered today will not be available until tomorrow.
LE/ES Surveys Webinar (Legacy)
This webinar demonstrates:
- Sending LE/ES Surveys
- Completing LE/ES Surveys on behalf of a student
- Viewing LE/ES survey responses
Survey Communication FAQs
Whereas, standalone surveys do not require a training activity association. These surveys use a different template setup which differs depending on the scenario. Here is a link to a separate guide: Generate a standalone survey link.
Who is eligible to receive the surveys?
All learners enrolled in nationally recognised training where the training is being delivered by an Australian RTO, either in Australia or overseas.
What about short course students and international students?
What is the purpose of the student survey?
This information will be used by ASQA to:
- inform the scope of your performance assessment
- identify any areas of concern, and
- support the evidence or identify any variance from the evidence you provide during the performance assessment process
What type of questions are included in the survey?
- marketing and recruitment
- enrolment
- support and progression
- training and assessment, and
- completion
Can I view a student's survey response?
It’s important to note that an auditor may discuss the overall survey results with you at audit and reference them in the audit report. ASQA holds the copyright for this document and RTOs are not permitted to republish these survey results in any form, including on their websites.
Do I have to use aXcelerate to deliver the survey and generate the results?
How many times must we survey students?
Can we generate a report from the results entered?
How do I tabulate the data?