Select a Qualification
Tip: Online Assessments are available for aXcelerate Turbo clients. This will allow you to author Assessments in the system that students are able to complete online. For more information on this area of the system, please refer to our Online Assessments FAQs article.
Create an assessment
When creating an assessment task, it must be linked to a qualification in your account and at least one unit.
- Click the Add New Assessment button
- Click the checkbox for each Unit this assessment should be linked to
- Click Create New Assessment
- Enter an Assessment Title
- Select a Mode
- Apply and adjust any other applicable fields
- Click Submit
Tips: Select the "Include inactive Subjects" checkbox to list your inactive subjects against that qualification.
The Assessment Mode names are able to be configured in your System Settings.
If you have training related resources created that apply to your selected units, you will be able to select this from the resources field. This will then be available to the student to download when viewing their assessment.
Note: If an assessor is specified at this level, this user will apply as the default assessor to all enrolments unless otherwise specified.
Warning: When selecting which units the assessment applies to, if you select multiple units here, this means that one assessment applies to all of those units. Thus, the student only has to submit this assessment once and it will apply to all units.
Update an assessment
- Click your Assessment Name
- Adjust any necessary fields
- Click Submit
Tip: This is particularly useful when you need to update a resource or assessor against your existing assessment
Add an additional unit to an assessment
- Click your Assessment Name
- Click the Add Unit button
- Select the applicable unit from the Dropdown
- Click Add Unit
- Repeat steps 2 - 4 until satisfactory
- Click Submit
Warning: If multiple units are selected, this means that one assessment applies to all of those units. Thus, the student only has to submit this assessment once and it will apply to all units.
Inactivate an assessment
When an assessment is no longer required, we recommend setting these to inactive if there are enrolments in the assessment.
- Click the name of the Unit your assessment is linked to
- Click the Inactivate icon next to your assessment
Tip: To activate an inactive assessment, repeat the above steps and click the Activate icon
Warning: If this assessment is linked to multiple units, this will change will apply to all units.
Delete an assessment
When an assessment is no longer required, if it has not been linked to any training or enrolments, you can simply delete this.
- Click the name of the Unit your assessment is linked to
- Click the Delete icon next to your assessment
- Click Ok
Note: You cannot delete an assessment linked to any training or enrolments.
Warnings: If this assessment is linked to multiple units, this will change will apply to all units.
You cannot retrieve a deleted assessment.
Standard Assessments Webinar
This webinar demonstrates processes for setting up Standard Assessments including:
- Adding Training Related Resources
- Creating Assessments
- Marking Default Qualification Assessments
- Adding Assessments to existing classes
- Viewing and Submitting via Learner Portal
- Trainers submitting evidence
- Trainers resulting Assessments
Note: This webinar refers to Standard aXcelerate Assessments and does not relate to Online Assessments.
Standard Assessments FAQs
Why can't my students see their Standard Assessment?
The assessments has yet to be linked to the existing class instance
Note: When an assessment is linked with a unit as a default it will automatically be allocated to the class upon creation. When linked after the class is created it must be linked manually.