RTO/VET Settings allows you to change a number of settings related to Domains, AVETMISS reporting information, Views and USI Details. We recommend reviewing this area and making the applicable changes prior to doing any reporting from aXcelerate.
Add a domain
Some organisations, particularly larger ones, may wish to separate LMS data by logical partitions such as division, location, etc. A domain is a security and reporting feature that allows you to create this division within your account. Users can be assigned a domain to make accessing data more efficient and restrict access to data that is not relevant to their role. If you use this feature, when you set up a new user, you can allocate which Domain they should belong to.
You can create whatever domains might apply for your operating environment. Examples of a domain could be 'Marketing' or 'Northern Region' or 'Queensland sub-branch'.
Users without a domain set have complete access to every domain (including no domain) throughout the system.
- Click the Manage Domains button
- Click the Add New Domain button
- Enter your desired Domain Name
- Click Submit
Note: Domains are an optional feature.
Warning: When a class or workshop does not have a domain applied to it, it will only be visible to users who are not part of any domains. This means that users who have a domain set against them will be unable to access the training instance unless it has their domain allocated to it.
Update a domain
- Click the Manage Domains button
- Click the Update icon next to the applicable domain
- Edit the Domain Name as required
- Click Submit
Delete a domain
- Click the Manage Domains button
- Click the Delete icon next to the applicable domain
- Click Ok
Warning: You can not delete a Domain that is currently in use. In the case you attempt to do this, you will be prompted to transfer the linked records (shown below the warning in a table) to a different existing domain. You can use the tool shown to transfer all records to a different domain, or manually update the records listed for you.
Configure your AVETMISS reporting details
These details are used in your AVETMISS Reports and must be completed in order to report successfully.
Training Organisation Identifier
This field is for the unique RTO Registration number that you are issued, once successfully registered as an RTO, as listed on training.gov.au. This field will be automatically used in the NAT00010 file for AVETMISS reports.
Alternate Training Org ID
This field should be used for a state training authority (STA) specific RTO ID, for cases where the national identifier is not accepted for AVETMISS submissions. Currently, this field should only be used by clients reporting to QLD DETE, who are also required to report a national RTO identifier to other State Training Authorities. This field will be automatically used in the NAT00010 file for QLD AVETMISS reports.
Training Organisation Type Identifier
This field needs to be selected from the drop-down menu and must identify your organisation correctly for AVETMISS reporting requirements.
Official RTO Address
The fields for Address First Line, Address Second Line, Address Location (suburb/town), State and Postcode need to be filled with the official RTO address of your organisation.
RTO/VET Contact
This field allows you to select the appropriate person, usually the RTO Manager within the organisation to be the main contact for AVETMISS reporting.
Setup USI Integration
Each student who enrols in accredited training must have a verified Unique Student Identifier set against their contact profile for AVETMISS reporting. Set up the integration with (Relationship Authorisation Manager) RAM to allow you to verify the USIs of students through aXcelerate.
Tip: Please refer to our USI Management help article for further information on enabling USI authentication in the system.
Note: Before you begin to configure the USI Authentication system in aXcelerate, you will need to Register with training.gov.au, Hold an ABN, Claim your ABN in RAM and Be the Principal Authority or Authorised Administrator of your RTO in RAM.
Configure your VSN details
In order to report your Victorian Student Numbers to the Victorian Student Register, you need to configure your VSN Details in aXcelerate. Once you have configured these details, the Victorian Student Number field will appear against your contact records to be filled in.
- Set the select option for the Victorian Student Number field to Yes
- Enter your VSR Provider Id
- Enter your Username
- Enter your Password
- Select your Report Deadline from the dropdown
- Click Save VET Settings
Note: This option will only appear if you have the VSN Setting enabled in your account.
Configure your basic settings
Within your RTO/VET Settings, there are a range of settings that can be configured for your organisations reporting, compliance and system requirements.
Default Delivery Location
This field allows you to select the main/default location where your courses will be delivered. The delivery location selected in this field will be used as the default for all accredited enrolments when generating an AVETMISS report.
Tip: To add a new default delivery location, click the New which will navigate you to the Delivery Location section of the system. For further information on Delivery locations please see our article on this.
Default Reporting State
This setting controls the Reporting State used by default when creating classes and accredited workshops. If this field is blank the default Reporting State will be determined by the AVETMISS State setting.
LE/ES Note Type
When sending LE/ES surveys, a note will be recorded against the contact. By default, the note type will be set to "System Note". This field allows you to allocate an alternative note type. You may wish to do this to be able to easily create a report on the LE/ES Surveys you have sent via aXcelerate.
Initial Competency Status
This field allows you to select the default competency status assigned to all unit enrolments, as students are enrolled in accredited training. Leave this field blank to have this value calculated automatically based on the reporting state of the enrolment. Default State Outcomes will be used if the unit dates are in the past (excepting API enrolments).
Note: If there is no Initial Competency Status set in your RTO/VET Settings, the system default status will be set when enrolling a student. For further information on default status please see our Class Matrix article.
Initial Started Competency Status
This is the initial started competency status assigned to all new unit enrolments. Leave this field blank to have this value calculated automatically based on the reporting state of the enrolment. This only applies to units with dates in the past.
Unit Offset Upon First Attendance
When marking attendance for a student on an accredited workshop for the first time, the start date of any related subjects will be updated to the date of attendance. The proposed end date will be offset from the new start date by the number of days specified here. This only applies to subjects with an NR status at the time of marking attendance. If left blank, no dates will be modified upon marking attendance. This feature optionally adjusts unit start and end dates when marking attendance. The end date can either be offset based on the new start date or the end of the workshop.
TAE Portfolio Types
The portfolio types selected in this field will be used when uploading TAE-specific evidence to a trainer's profile in the Trainer Matrix. For example, "TAE Qualification" and "TAE Professional Development". Drag and drop choices to specify the order in which these categories appear.
Tip: For further information on our Trainer Matrix, please see our article on this topic.
Default Trainer Competency Review Period
This field allows you to enter a review period in months for evidence uploaded against trainer competency records. It serves as a reminder to review the currency of the evidence after a certain period of time. This value can be overridden against individual subjects.
Tip: For further information on our Trainer Matrix, please see our article on this topic.
Warning: This field is a reminder only. It does not represent a validity period
Add AVETMISS required details by default
This field determines whether AVETMISS related fields will display by default on the contact add and update pages. If disabled, the AVETMISS related fields can be displayed by clicking on a link.
Class Matrix Saved Views
This button allows you to configure custom saved views in the class matrix. The views configured here will be available to all users. For a detailed step by step guide please see this article.
When this is enabled, this will allow you to manage all of your CRICOS enrolments and reporting responsibilities. It includes CRICOS checklists, attendance capturing and reporting tools, agent management and reporting and enhanced template functions.
Please ensure to enter in your CRICOS Provider Code, set your default CRICOS Portfolio Checklist, Default Passport & Visa Portfolio Types. Setting the Default Passport and Visa Portfolio Types this will Number field.
Note: This option will only appear when the CRICOS setting has been enabled in your account. If you would like to enable this, please contact our Customer Success team.
Automatically create Workshop Session
If enabled, when creating a Workshop that spans a single day, a complex date will also be created for the same date and time
Finance - Contract Reconciliation
If this setting is set to yes, this will enable the Contract reconciliation feature.
Tip: For further information on our Contract Reconciliation feature or the Auto Contract Reconciliation (Turbo only) feature, please their relevant articles.
Include National Classes by default
This setting determines whether National classes are included in your AVETMISS reports by default. You can override this on the AVETMISS report page by adding/removing states in the Classes to Include field.
Issue Certificates only if fully paid
If enabled, the system will prevent the issuing of full qualification or non-accredited certificates if any fees are outstanding. If not enabled, the system will only issue a warning.
NSW ACE OLiV Reporting
When this setting is set to yes, this enables NSW ACE OLiV reporting features.
Note: This option will only appear when the NSW ACE OLiV setting has been enabled in your account. If you would like to enable this, please contact our Customer Success team.
Sync Enrolment Dates Selected by Default
When this setting is enabled, the dropdown to allow enrolment completion and commencement dates to be synced with subject enrolment dates will be selected by default in the UI. For Victorian or Tasmanian enrolments, it will only default to update completion dates.
USI Registry DVS Document Override
If your organisation has authorisation from the Department of Education and Training to access the DVS Document Override function this setting can be enabled in your account to allow this functionality.
Note: This option will only appear set to yes when the DVS Document Override function has been enabled in your account. If you would like to enable this, please contact our Customer Success team.
USI Requirement Exemption
This setting can be set to yes if you have special permission to issue certificates for post 2014 AQF training for students without a USI. Certificates will be able to be issued for any student regardless of USI verified status.
Warning: This setting should only be enabled if you have explicitly been provided special permission to do this. If enabled and you do not have permission, this could cause compliance issues.
USI Student Notice
When enabled, this will include a notice on the student portal upon login asking students who do not have a USI to create one.
Manage class matrix saved views
Although there are a range of standard Class Matrix views, you are also able to create your own views that build upon the basic options. This allows you to add additional columns and display additional information.
- Click the Manage Saved Views button
- Click the Add New Matrix Saved View button
- Enter a Name
- Select a View you wish to add to
- Click the Columns button
- Select the Extra Display Fields you wish to add
- Click Done
- Click Submit
Tip: To delete or update an existing Class Matrix Saved View, simply follow step 1 and click the update or delete icon next to your applicable view.