When reporting your AVETMISS Files for end-of-year reporting, you may experience some errors. These errors will be shown in our Pre-validation tool for you to resolve after running your report.
Tip: If you are unsure of how to run your AVETMISS Report, please see our article on General AVETMISS Reporting.
Resolve common errors in your NAT00010 - Training Organisation file
The Training organisation (NAT00010) file provides identifying information about your RTO for the National VET Provider Collection. This file is used to identify your training organisation characteristics.
Mandatory field Training organisation identifier must not be blank
This means that you have not entered your RTO ID in your system settings. To resolve this you will need to enter your Training Organisation Identifier in your RTO/VET Settings.
Resolve common errors in your NAT00020 - Delivery Location file
The Training organisation delivery location (NAT00020) file contains a record for each training delivery location associated with a training activity in your account during the selected collection period. This file is used to distinguish between delivery locations of a training organisation.
Mandatory field Training organisation identifier must not be blank
This means that you have not entered your RTO ID in your system settings. To resolve this you will need to enter your Training Organisation Identifier in your RTO/VET Settings.
Resolve common errors in your NAT00030 - Program file
The Program (NAT00030) file contains a record for each qualification, course or skill set associated with training activity and completions during the collection period.
Qualification identifier (__________) exceeds the maximum length 10
The most common reason for this occurring is when you have a qualification set up that is intended for Unit Only enrolments and as such the Qualification code should not be reported. If this is the case, ensure you update your qualification and select the option for ‘Unit Enrolment Only’.
If the above is not applicable to you, you may need to check your recorded qualification code against the record on training.gov.au. If you find that what you have recorded is correct, you will need to contact NCVER.
Mandatory field Nominal Hours must not be blank
This error will show when you have not recorded any nominal hours against a qualification. To resolve this please contact NCVER to check your qualifications nominal hours (if not known), then update your qualification to reflect this.
Note: "For RTOs using this file for reporting Nominal hours in their AVETMISS submission: you may need to report different data to that displayed in this file if you deliver training under a funding contract. Please refer to your funding contract or consult your funding body (e.g. state training authority [STA]) to confirm what Nominal hours should be reported." (NCVER 2018)
Tip: If you are unsure of how to access your qualifications, please see our article on Qualification Management.
Resolve common errors in your NAT00060 - Subject file
The Subject (NAT00060) file contains a record for each unit or module associated with enrolment activity during your selected collection period.
Subject identifier (____________) exceeds the maximum length 12
This error will occur when the Unit identifier provided is too long which usually indicates that the Unit code recorded is incorrect. To resolve this check your recorded unit code against the record on training.gov.au. If you find that what you have recorded is correct, you will need to contact NCVER.
Invalid Subject Identifier - Subject Identifier must not be a Program Identifier which can be found on training.gov.au
This error will occur when the Unit of Competency code within aXcelerate is incorrect. To resolve this, check your recorded unit code against the record on training.gov.au. If you find that what you have recorded is correct, you will need to contact NCVER.
Mandatory field Nominal Hours must not be blank
This error will show when you have not recorded any nominal hours against a unit. To resolve this please contact NCVER to check your units nominal hours (if not known), then update your unit to reflect this.
Note: "For RTOs using this file for reporting Nominal hours in their AVETMISS submission: you may need to report different data to that displayed in this file if you deliver training under a funding contract. Please refer to your funding contract or consult your funding body (e.g. state training authority [STA]) to confirm what Nominal hours should be reported." (NCVER 2018)
Tip: If you are unsure of how to access your units, please see our article on Unit Management.
Resolve common errors in your NAT00080 - Client file
The Client (NAT00080) file contains a record for each student who has participated in an accredited activity during the collection period you have selected.
Mandatory field USI must not be blank
This error will occur when the student does not have a USI recorded against their contact profile. To resolve this, you will need to update the students contact record and enter their USI.
USI for this contact has not yet been verified
This is a warning and not an error, however, this will appear when the student has a USI recorded but it has not yet been verified. As this is a warning, not an error, you can still submit your data when you see this message, however, this is not recommended.
To resolve this, you will need to verify the students USI.
Mandatory field Address location - suburb, locality or town must not be blank
This error will occur when the student does not have an Address location - suburb, locality or town recorded against their contact profile. To resolve this, you will need to update the contact profile with this information.
Address Street Number should not be blank if Address Street Name is not blank
This error will appear when the student has an address street name but not a street number recorded against their contact record. To resolve this, you will need to update the contact profile with this information.
State Identifier (__) must be 99 if the postcode is OSPC
This error will not appear in aXcelerate, however, may be returned by your reporting body.
This will occur when you have an overseas student who is training with you and you have not recorded 99 (OVS) in the State Identifier field against the contact.
To resolve this you will need to update the students contact record to reflect OVS (99) in the State field.
Tip: If you are unsure of how to update a contact, please see our section on Contact Management.
Resolve common errors in your NAT00085 - Client Postal Details file
The Client contact details (NAT00085) file stores contact details of clients (address, email, and phone) and are used by states or territories for the administration of the Student Outcomes Survey. The Student Outcomes Survey is a national survey of students who completed training in the previous year.
If your RTO receives government funding, this file should be submitted to the relevant state or territory directly. If your RTO is not receiving any government funding, you do not currently need to submit this file.
This file does not need to be submitted to NCVER.
Address street name or Address postal delivery box must be populated
This error will occur when the student does not have an Address street name or Address postal delivery box recorded against their contact profile. To resolve this, you will need to update the contact profile with this information.
Tip: If you are unsure of how to update a contact, please see our section on Contact Management.
Resolve common errors in your NAT00120 - Training Activity file
The Training activity (NAT00120) file contains a record for each unit or module undertaken by a student at a training organisation’s delivery location during the collection period.
This information is used to measure activity and output for the VET sector and will appear on a student's USI transcript, where applicable.
Interim outcome CA is not valid within the collection year for the end of year submissions
This error message will appear when a student has a CA (continuing activity (70)) outcome for a unit that has an end date within the end of year collection period. To resolve this you will need to either change the unit outcome to a final outcome or extend the unit end date to be in the following year against the student's enrolment.
Interim outcome NYA is not valid within the collection year for the end of year submissions.
This error message will appear when a student has an NYA (Not yet available (90)) outcome for a unit that has an end date within the end of year collection period. To resolve this you will need to either change the unit outcome to a final outcome or extend the unit end date to be in the following year against the student's enrolment.
Mandatory field Delivery mode identifier must not be blank
With the implementation of AVETMISS 8.0, NCVER has introduced a new Delivery Mode. For more information on this see our General AVETMISS Reporting article.
This error will appear when the Delivery Mode AVETMISS Field has been left blank.
To resolve this you will need to allocate at least one delivery mode against the students unit enrolment (or at the class or unit level).
The quickest way to resolve this is at the Unit level if you have a large group of students experiencing this error.
Qualification identifier (__________) exceeds the maximum length 10
The most common reason for this occurring is when you have a qualification set up that is intended for Unit Only enrolments and as such the Qualification code should not be reported. If this is the case, ensure update you qualification and select the option for ‘Unit Enrolment Only’.
If the above is not applicable to you, you may need to check your recorded qualification code against the record on training.gov.au. If you find that what you have recorded is correct, you will need to contact NCVER.
Mandatory field Training organisation identifier must not be blank
This means that you have not entered your RTO ID in your system settings. To resolve this you will need to enter your Training Organisation Identifier in your RTO/VET Settings.
Mandatory field Training organisation delivery location identifier must not be blank
This means that a delivery location has not been set against the student's enrolment (or a default hasn’t been set up at the System Default Delivery Location level or class level)
To resolve this issue please set up a default Delivery Location in your RTO/VET Settings or against the student's enrolment page/students class.
If you are unsure of what a delivery location is, please see our help guide on Delivery Locations.
Mandatory field Funding source (national) must not be blank
This means that the student does not have a funding source (national) set against their enrolment. To resolve this issue please set one against the student's enrolment page
Activity End Date for ______ (__/__/____) must not be in the future for final outcome __
This means that for the unit mentioned, you have recorded a final outcome, however, the activity end date is in the future. To resolve this you will need to either change the unit outcome to an interim outcome or change the unit end date to be accurate/in the past.
Funding Source - National is 30, therefore Postcode on the Client file must be OSPC
This error will not appear in aXcelerate, however, may be returned by your reporting body.
This will occur when you have an overseas student who is training with you and you have not recorded OSPC in the postcode field against the contact.
To resolve this you will need to update the students contact record to reflect OSPC in the postcode field.
The Units of Competency supplied are not in accordance with the Training Package rules for this Qualification [__________]
This error will not appear in aXcelerate, however, may be returned by NSW Smart & Skilled. This can be caused by:
- The student not being enrolled in all core and required number of elective units.
To resolve this, please update the student's enrolment record and add the required units. - When running your report, the dates you have selected do not include all of the student's unit enrolment.
To resolve this please ensure that you set start and end dates to include the student's whole enrolment.
Tips: If you are unsure of how to update a students enrolment, please see our article on Class Enrolments.
If you are unsure of how to update a contact, please see our section on Contact Management.
Note: A final outcome can be Competent or Withdrawn or any status with a green or red colour and an interim outcome can be Continuing Activity or any status that is yellow.
Resolve common errors in your NAT00130 - Program Completed file
The Program completed (NAT00130) file contains records where all requirements for the completion of the qualification, course or skill set (including on-the-job requirements) have been met either during the collection period or in a prior collection period (where the completion of the program of study has not previously been reported).
This information is used to measure successful outcomes from the VET sector and will appear on a student's USI transcript, where applicable.
The Unit outcomes supplied to meet the eligibility rules for Qual [________] but you have not indicated this in the Program Completed (NAT00130) file.
This error will not display in aXcelerate however, may return from your reporting body if detected. This can be caused if:
- Your class has been set to "Participants will complete selected units for a statement of attainment" when it is actually a full qualification class.
To resolve this issue, update your class and select "Participants will complete the full qualification". - The indicated student does not have a completion date set.
To resolve this issue, update the student's enrolment and allocate an actual completion date. - The indicated student has been issued with a statement of attainment instead of a full qualification certificate.
To resolve this issue, update the student's enrolment and issue a full qualification certificate.
Tip: If you are unsure of how to update a class please see our article on Class Management.
If you are unsure of how to update a students class enrolment, please see our article on Class Enrolments.
FAQs about AVETMISS reporting issues
Why is a student or part of a students record not appearing within my AVETMISS NAT files?
There can be many reasons why a student may not appear within the NAT files. Below are some possible reasons and things to check:
Check that the state set against the class matches with the state you have selected to report on.
Ensure that the unit enrolment date ranges are within the same date range you have selected when running your report. For example, if the students unit enrolment is 01/01/2018 - 01/06/2018, to include this unit, your report date range must be at least 01/01/2018 - 01/06/2018.
Check that the Do Not Report AVETMISS flag is not checked against the unit enrolment, class enrolment or class, and that the unit outcome is not N.R. (N.R. = not reported).
Check that filters chosen when reporting are not restricting the data set. For example, you have selected the funding source of 15 but the enrolment has a funding source of 20 set against the whole enrolment or unit. This can also be restricted by selecting options such as, only completed units, active classes only, a specific contact or a selected contract/schedule.
Check that the contract schedule has the correct reporting requirements set against each outcome identifier.
Common AVETMISS Errors Webinar
This webinar demonstrates:
- An overview of Common AVETMISS Errors
- Identifying how to fix errors