When reporting to NSW Smart and Skilled there are a few requirements that you must set up with your students and their enrolments that differ from standard National reporting. This includes how the class is configured and how you run the AVETMISS report.
Set up your Class for S&S
When reporting to NSW Smart and Skilled, you need to ensure that you set up your class with the applicable filters and settings applied.
- Navigate to your class
Create a class - Click the Reporting State dropdown
- Select NSW Smart and Skilled
- Click Submit
Note: If you are unsure of how to navigate to or create a class, please see our Classes section.
Recording student commitment IDs
The Commitment ID can be added against an enrolment in a Smart and Skilled class (this will replace the contract/schedule field for reporting purposes). The Commitment ID is a 10-digit identification number issued by the Smart and Skilled Provider Calculator for the qualification enrolment.
- Navigate to the student's class enrolment page
Enrol a student into a class - Scroll to the Enrolment Administration Details section
- Enter the student's Commitment ID into the commitment ID field
- Click Submit
Notes: This field will only display for NSW Smart and Skilled classes, replacing the Contract/Schedule field.
If you are not sure how to enrol a student please see our Class Matrix article.
Set TNC (discontinued) and D (deferred) statuses
An enrolment status of 'cancelled' will cause a TNC (discontinued) code to be reported, and an enrolment status of 'deferred' will report a D code in AVETMISS reports. These codes will be reported in the "Outcome identifier - Training organisation" field in the NAT00120 file for ALL subjects under that enrolment, so they do not need to be added manually. However, if you wish to record this manually this can be done.
- Navigate to your students class enrolment page
- Click the status and select the applicable status (Cancelled for TNC Deferred for D )
- Click Submit
Notes: This field will only display for NSW Smart and Skilled classes, replacing the Contract/Schedule field.
If you are not sure how to enrol a student please see our Class Matrix article.
Run an AVETMISS report for NSW S&S
When running an AVETMISS report to submit to NSW Smart and Skilled, you must ensure that you select the correct fields to produce the required information.
- Select your Collection Period
- Select your Collection Type
- Select your NSW Smart & Skilled (eReporting) from the state/reporting format dropdown
- Select any other applicable fields as required
- Click Run AVETMISS Report
Tip: Subjects that have not been commenced (0 hours attended) when an enrolment is cancelled or deferred should be reported with no outcome in the NAT00120 file for Smart and Skilled. aXcelerate automatically converts Withdrawn outcomes with 0 hours attended to a NYS outcome upon export of the AVETMISS NAT files.
Notes: For Smart and Skilled reporting you must report a student's whole enrolment and not just completed units within the collection period. Therefore if a student who is being reported has the first unit start date in 2015, your collection period must begin in 2015.
NSW Smart & Skilled FAQs
Are 'Competency - Internal' outcome codes reportable?
They will appear in the NAT files but will only affect Smart and Skilled and South Australian funding reports.
Smart & Skilled Funding Webinar
This webinar demonstrates:
- Managing Smart & Skilled Enrolments
- Managing Enrolment Considerations
- AVETMISS Reporting
NSW Smart & Skilled FAQs
Why does my AVETMISS Report contain an error relating to the enrolment not meeting the packaging requirements?
This error usually appears when the AVETMISS Report is not run for the entire Enrolment Period. If a Student commenced in 2017 and completes in 2021, the AVETMISS Report needs to be run from 01/01/2017 through to 31/12/2021.
When reporting students that have cancelled their enrolment, what should I change the status to?
You can update the units of competency outcomes to (W)ithdrawn, and change the enrolment status to cancelled. aXcelerate will convert the W outcomes to the right code when you run the Smart & Skilled AVETMISS Report