Mandatory Signature Field on Enrolment - Parental Consent
AnsweredFor the online enroller webpress integration we need to be able to make parental consent mandatory if the enroller identifies a student's age as U18 based on their entered birth date. Currently we have the signature field enabled but parental consent can be skipped, which results in us needing to chase parents for consent. This is unnecessary admin work that can be very time consuming and leads to compliance issues.
I would like to request the enroller to be updated to as follows: display parental signature field when a student is identified as U18 based on their entered birth date, and not allow an enrolment to be completed without this signature (similar to how enrolments cannot be completed without the student's signature).
Hi Jeremy
Thanks for reaching out and sharing your feedback regarding the online enroller. We recognise the importance of streamlining the enrolment process whilst maintaining compliance.
We also acknowledge the limitations of the current WordPress plugin. At this stage, we are minimising the improvements we're making to the current plugin, as we have longer-term plans to replace this product with something far more modern and flexible. Your feedback is invaluable, and something we have heard from other users. We'll look to address your suggestion as we design the new system.
We appreciate your patience and understanding. If you have any more insights or suggestions, please feel free to share them.
Kind Regards
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