Assessment Due Dates based on Workshop/Class Dates




  • Mark Gilmore

    Hi Karl

    Thanks so much for your recent feature request and for always giving us such valuable feedback. We really appreciate your ideas and suggestions.

    I agree what you have described is a great idea and would enhance the flexibility available for Learning Plans. However, our developers have some concerns about the system performance impact of adding further complexity to Learning Plans. Given our current priorities and the critical projects we are working on, we won't be able to implement this feature in the near future.

    I know this might be disappointing, but please know that your idea is on our radar, and we'll revisit it when we can. Your feedback is super important to us, and we hope to work on this feature when the timing is better.


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  • Karl Pfeuffer

    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for the response. Hopefully this is something that can happen down the line as it would drastically improve course administration.

    If it makes any difference, any solution based on unit/class/workshop dates would help. For example, if it was not possible to base it on workshop date but was plausible to base on linked unit start date then that would get us part of the way there. Just something to think about when you guys come back round to this.

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  • Mark Gilmore

    Hi Karl

    Thanks for the additional clarity. Unit dates are what we initially envision, as this would support the CRICOS use-case quite well too. 

    In the case I describe, the Activities that form the Learning Plan would be updated by changes made to the Unit Dates.


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