HEIC files in file upload assessment type




  • Mark Gilmore

    Hi Tom

    Thanks for raising this. Let me check with the developers and get back to you on this one.


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  • Mark Gilmore

    Hi Tom

    I've spoken with our developers and we've added a minor improvement task to our backlog to add support  for HEIC and HEIF file formats.

    Keep an eye on our release notes for further updates.


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  • Mark Gilmore

    Hi Tom

    We have investigated this task further - can I ask, how do you currently open HEIC or HEIF files? They are not natively supported by browsers, so this change is actually far more complex than we originally thought.

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  • Tom Clark

    Hi Mark,

    HEIC/F files are definitely problematic. I can view them on my desktop through use of an extension, but I believe that is not a paid for extension, not free. Other users I do direct to an online HEIC to JPG converter. 

    I hear what you're saying that they are not native, so that does complicate thing. Unlucky for us, Apple marches to the beat of their own drum.

    As per my original post, my intention was for usability for users of Apple devices, but I understand this is not as straight forward as it seems. While it would be great if it's something you are still able to investigate, I recognise at this time that it's an Apple limitation (not aXcelerate) and we may need to direct our students how to change the file format when taking photos on iPhones/iPads.

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  • Mark Gilmore

    Hi Tom

    Based on our research, we agree - they are quite problematic. There isn't really a consensus view of how to support these filetypes. However, we believe we may have found a workable solution.

    Before we can implement a transcoder to convert these files to a more common image format, we need to complete a few platform improvements that, whilst being on our roadmap, are not scheduled to commence for a while.

    We'll keep you updated as things progress. 


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  • Bruce Dekker

    HI Mark, How are we going with the HEIC image files? 

    It has now been 5 months since your post to Tom.


    Bruce Dekker

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  • Mark Gilmore

    Hi Bruce

    At this stage, there is no update to share, sorry.


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