Manage & Mark Instances
AnsweredHi guys,
I work with schools across Queensland, so I need to have Trainers on their own Domains, so they only have access to their own classes.
I have set up the Domains, however, the Trainers can still see the other Instances, including Student Names in the Manage & Mark area.
I think this area is a great for Trainers to access, so I don't want to take away their ability to access this area, but it does pose some privacy concerns if they can see other school's students.
I was wondering if the Domain could also be hooked up to this area?
Thank you,
Hi Kate
It does look like that page isn't accessible without the permissions, sorry :(
We have a full redesign of that page coming soon (hopefully in February), and I'll review whether we can adjust the permission settings so that Assessors can still modify that information where they are assigned.
Thanks, Mark. Could you please confirm that Trainers who have the Assessment Submissions turned off, would still see this view, with just the Classes they have been assigned as Assessor:
Any chance Administrators will have the ability to View as Trainer (for example) at some point so I can stop hassling you and Support? It's really difficult to know if I turn off one permission, what affect it will have elsewhere.
Hi Kate
Yes, they would still see that view.
Launching as a trainer is a very grey area for us currently for a few reasons:
- Security concerns (these will never really go away)
- Lack of logging (we have long-term plans for this but it's a big project)
To test things as a trainer, there a few options that you have:
- Create a separate contact + user account that is configured as a trainer. I usually give my spare users a variation of my email address (eg or - you can put anything after the +).
You'll still be able to use the same login method - you can see I have a user account for each of the roles that I use: - If you don't want to setup additional user accounts, you can (in a separate browser tab) set your user record to that of a trainer. It's just important to remember to override your own permission for user management, so that you can revert the change:
Hopefully this helps.
Hi Kate & Belinda
As a development to the original post, we've just finished the initial round of development work to update the Assessment Enrolment page. You can see our design mockup below. These changes will be in staging approximately next Tuesday or Wednesday.
As part of these changes, I'm working to make the user permissions more intuitive, though note that they may not come in the same release as the primary UI improvement.
The further improvements that I have planned are:
- Rename the "Assessment Submissions" permission to "Everyone's Assessment submissions"
- Ability to update Assessment access dates & attempts without Everyone's Assessment Submissions permission (that's a tongue twister!)
Let me know if you have any feedback on the new User Interface :)
Hi Mark,
That looks great! I do have one suggestion, though, that would make it even better!
At the moment, my Trainers cannot see at the Class-level whether the students are on Attempt 1, 2, 3 etc. On the Class Matrix it just says In Progress.
It would be amazing if in the Marking Overview, where it lists whether the students' assessments Need Marking, Awaiting Submission, beside their name, it said (Attempt 1) or (Attempt 2).
This would just really help teachers out. Thank you!
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