Moving Participant Workshop Date - Huge Issues




  • Official comment
    Brenden Carr

    Good morning Matthew,

    Thank you for letting us know and for providing our team with detailed feedback. Our team is reviewing the feedback and we will be in touch to provide an update on this. 

    Thank you again for reaching out.


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  • Megan Bremner

    This!! This is an extremely annoying change, please change back.

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  • Danita Humphreys

    Completely agree! this needs to be fixed asap!!!

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  • Pip Austin

    I guess this now gives us the ability to check we are moving assessments when we move students via the workshop, which can be helpful because sometimes if all the settings were not correct you could leave assessments behind on the previous class and so for staff not familiar with the right conditions to move assessments it was tricky.

    I can also see it has added extra steps, the linked class should be automatically the one linked to the new workshop you are moving them to, you should not have to select it.

    You should just be shown the page about transferring assessments while moving the workshop booking and it should not keep 2 class enrolments, it should just move the whole enrolment like it used to.

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  • Matthew Bremner

    It was a really simple process for us:

    When you move a participant from one workshop to another date (same type of workshop), everything is moved at the same time (class link/assessments).

    We never had to check whether we were moving assessments because the system did this automatically for us.

    We have now discovered that we cannot move a participant from a workshop to another workshop with a date that has passed.

    This is incredibly important for 'In-House' workshops as we may run 5 sessions at a school and if one participant attended the wrong session, we would move them on aXcelerate the day after the course.

    This change is an absolute disaster for our business.

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  • Pip Austin

    We found if you moved a student to a workshop and the assessments were not attached to the linked class of the new workshop then the assessments would stay linked to the old class and there was no warning from ax8 that they wouldn't move. So then you'd have to move them back and forth to get the assessments connected to the correct class. They needed a better way of letting us see the movement of assessments but this definitely doesn't sound like it is helping.

    No longer being able to move students to past workshops should not be a thing.

    I'm sorry this change is causing such a headache for your RTO hopefully ax8 fix it quickly!

    I don't remember seeing anything about this in the release notes.

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  • Matthew Bremner

    Thanks, Pip, we've just been told that for past workshops (in-house), we need to:

    1. Go into the class (that was in the past) and activate the class

    2. Update the class to a future date

    3. Move the participant to the date that you need to move them into

    4. Change the class back to the original date

    5. Deactivate the class again

    It's a shocker that needs reverting ASAP.

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  • Pip Austin

    That is what I have to do when students need to be moved between past classes if they had assessments linked to multiple classes or assessments were left in an old class and I had to sort that side of it out, it is not an easy process and many staff were quite confused so I just ended up having to do it.

    It is such an absolute pain and should definitely not be the standard process, that should only be for exceptional circumstances, not the norm.

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  • Ange Harragon

    Hi all

    Wow, thanks for alerting us Matthew. We were aware that this new Move and Transfer process was linked in staging but did not know it was already implemented in production. Luckily we had warned our administration staff that this new process was coming.

    We understand the benefits of linking workshops/classes/assessments etc but it is not working properly. Also, our staff are also finding this difficult as they need to 're-activate' the class they are moving to so it appears in the drop down box to select. They are opting to cancel students completely from 1 workshop/assessment/learning plan and re-enrol them into the new workshop and attached items instead of move/transfer.


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  • Matthew Bremner

    Hi Ange, thank you for your comment.

    The more we are doing, the more we are discovering even further issues.

    Sometimes when we move a student, it gives us the option of transferring the class enrolment, sometimes it doesn't. Currently, it's luck of the draw.

    Previous to this aXc update, whenever we moved a participant from one workshop to another, it automatically moved their workshop, class and assessments to the new workshop date, it was so smooth and easy, so I'm really struggling to understand why this change was even made.

    I do know aXc is working on it which is great.

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  • Pip Austin

    It would be good if we knew what the logic in the system is for prompting us to also select the class enrolment.

    I was just trying to test to see if this had changed in our system and the workshop booking I moved never prompted me to select the class, even when moving to a past workshop and then when moving to a future workshop that didn't have assessments linked, so they got left behind.

    If it just did it for all class enrolments where assessments are linked then that would be good, and if the system just allowed you to move to past courses within a certain timeframe, like within the last month, without needing to un-archive and muck around with dates.

    Not user friendly either way they have it.

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  • Jasmine Keys

    This is causing havoc with our processes and we now have more time spent going back and forth amending moved enrolments that haven't be processed correctly.

    Your comment Matthew 'Sometimes when we move a student, it gives us the option of transferring the class enrolment, sometimes it doesn't. Currently, it's luck of the draw' is what we are noticing too and trying to understand why this occurs. We are really confused and when we asked support to explain why this happens, we just got a message stating that they tested the process and it's working correctly. We need clarification on why things like this happen not to know that it worked when tested.

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  • Matthew Bremner

    Hi Jasmine,

    Thank you for your comment. 

    I do know aXcelerate are working behind the scenes on fixing this issue. I've spoken with Wes personally face to face at aXcelerate day and via phone and email. 

    Wes is a legend and understands the issues, I showed him first-hand at aXceleate day how the change has affected our business and multiple others it seems.

    What is proposed is that when you move one student from a workshop to another, when you click transfer class enrolment, it will automatically presume you are moving the class enrolment to the workshop you have moved the participant to, without having to search for that particular workshop, it will also automatically tick the checkbox that asks to sync unit of competency dates.

    They are also working on allowing participants to move into a past workshop date. Currently, you have to "Un-Archive" the past workshop date to move them into it.

    This is important for us as sometimes a student accidentally attends a day/week prior to their scheduled workshop.

    I do hope they can find the reason as to why it is "luck of the draw when transferring a class enrolment shows and doesn't show".


    Matt Bremner

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  • Michelle King

    We are struggling with this as well, it's becoming so time-consuming when this should be a simple process.

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