Add ability to run a report or create a spreadsheet of active units in they system for easier comparison to scope




  • Mark Gilmore

    Hi Pip

    Thanks for your suggestion. 

    We have a report planned that I think will satisfy this use-case.

    We're calling it the "Qualifications and Unit Relationships" report (or similar).

    It will effectively be an export of the Courses > Qualifications table with the Units expanded, ie each row will be a unique qualification & unit combination.

    I'm hoping this report will be available later this year :)

    Let me know if you have any questions.

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  • Pip Austin

    Hi Mark, that is great news!

    Being able to see the linkage between units and qualifications will be awesome.

    It is also important as I mentioned to be able to see all active units in the system.

    For example:

    Do I still have a unit active where the only linked qualification is no longer active?

    Have we got any units that are standalone (not linked to a qualification) that are active in the system?


    So hopefully this report gives me the ability to do that then I will be very happy otherwise that is a report I would really like to see in the system rather than having to bug axcelerate for a CSV file everytime I need to know this information. :) 

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  • Permanently deleted user

    Will it be possible to also show data about the units? Validity Period, Nominal Hours, VET Flag and all the rest? When you have a large scope it can be very difficult to ensure that all units are set up appropriately, and even more difficult to make widespread changes and track what you've already done.

    This would also apply to Workshop Types so hopefully we can get a similar report for those too.

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  • Robbie Milne

    This will be very useful. Good to see it's being planned!

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  • Rod Staines

    Hi Pip,

    In our next release (Nov 15), we are adding a new Accredited Training report named 'Qualification and Units'. Provided they have been added to a Qualification, this report will show all Units and their associated Qualifications regardless of enrolments. You can view the report in your Staging environment now.

    We also intend on creating another report that shows the Unit only data similar to how the Qualifications report works.


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  • Pip Austin

    Thanks Rod, that is great news!

    I will be sure to check it out :)

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  • Pip Austin

    Hi aXcelerate, I've just looked at the New Qualifications and Units report.

    It appears that to run the report you have to specify a Qualification or Unit, rather than being able to select as a filter [Qualification is active]. This would mean running the report on each qualification, which is essentially the same as just looking at each qualification in the qualification are of ax8.

    It really doesn't seem to fit with the idea of making it easier to track qualification and unit linkage across the whole scope, it is still one by one.


    The only way I have found around this is if I use the Qualification review date to try to get all my quals in the report but this is not really foolproof because it relies on entering a range that will include everything that is active. We only add review dates to superseded quals to track teach-out times and have only just started this so a lot of old qualifications don't have review dates. Meaning, that if I try the filter [Review Date], Has no value, and a lot of old qualifications come up.

    Can we PLEASE add the filters [Qualification is active] AND [Unit is active]?

    Otherwise, the report isn't as helpful as it could be.

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  • Rod Staines

    Hi Pip,

    You can run the report without adding any qualifications as options. This will generate all. You can then also add Display Fields for both 'Unit is Active' and 'Qualification is Active'.

    I hope this resolves your question?

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  • Pip Austin

    Thanks Rod, it lets me run a report but as mentioned I can't filter inactive qualifications via the report, I have to download it and remove all inactive quals/units manually, just had about 6000 in the report I just ran.

    I also just noticed that the 'unit is active' flag shows if a unit is active within that particular qualification.

    It would be good if we could also see the status of the unit in the system, so we can see if a unit in an inactive qualification is still active in the system.

    These additions would really improve the quality of this report, thanks.

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  • Pip Austin

    It would also be good if we could see if the unit is imported or not.

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  • Rod Staines

    Good morning Pip,

    Just letting you know that we released a new 'Unit' report under the accredited training section in reports. You will be able to report in active/inactive units regardless of their enrolments or mapping to qualifications.


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