Agreements - should be able to resend existing and delete errors




  • Official comment
    Jack Christensen

    Hey All,

    This feature was included in our most recent release. 

    For more information, please check out our Release Notes


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  • Mark Gilmore

    Hi Pip

    Thanks for your feedback.

    We're already looking at how we best allow re-sending of Agreements given the use-case you've outlined.

    We'll be sure to take your feedback onboard regarding cancelling and deleting agreements.

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  • Halszka Masash

    Also if possible it would be ideal if we could choose who we EMAIL the agreement to

    For example the following option (which was available up until recent updates)

    An agreement is completed in regard to a student. Emailed to the person who needs to sign the agreement (NOT EMAILED TO STUDENT unless specified to be emailed to student). Upon signature automatically upload to student portfolio. 


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  • John Chidiac

    Yes please, all of the above and have the ability to scroll within the agreement when it has multiple pages.

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  • John Chidiac

    Sorry, with regard to the above I meant having a sidebar when generating an agreement as currently if it's a large document you can only scroll. Sorry :)

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  • Tom Clark

    Hi Mark,

    Just thought I would reach out to see if there's been any progress about this.

    I truly appreciate your transparency, as it means we will hold off on multi-signatory agreements for the time being, but we are excited for the progress going on with this.

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