Agreements - Manual fields that the signee(s) can fill as they sign a document
CompletedIt would be very helpful if we could set up manual field(s) - even just separate text areas - that the signee(s) can fill when they are signing a document, other than just a comment area.
At the moment the agreements feature isn't particularly useful, as most of our forms that require signatures also require details from the signee(s) (e.g. a work placement agreement form needs details about the placement).
Even if it is just the primary signee that can fill the fields, that would be great, but having separate fields linked to each signee would be ideal.
Official comment
Hi All,
The ability for specific signatories to input information into documents before signing has been added in our most recent release.
JackComment actions -
I tested that one and it looks like it is a manual field for the axcelerate user to add text into and not for the signee(s). I plan to keep testing but so far I think I can only add a signature with a comment for a signee to fill in. I am happy to be wrong if there is something additional a signee can complete.
Hi James,
Yes as Pip mentioned, the manual fields there are for axcelerate users to enter in information before sending the agreement, not for signee(s) to fill when they're signing the agreement.
As far as I can tell, the only way for the signee(s) to add any information at the moment is in the comment field attached to the signature.
Hi Everyone
Thanks for the continued conversation & feedback.
Enabling agreements to be more of a 'form' where Signees could submit information was initially part of our Agreements scope, however it was determined that this would have significantly increased the effort and meant a far longer development cycle for us to create the feature.
Whilst this isn't currently on our immediate horizon, we'd love to revisit this in the future, so please continue to provide your feedback so we can prioritise accordingly.
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