Bulk marking for 'online quiz' assessment type




  • Michelle King

    Yes, that would work well for us too. We often have students that need the paper version.

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  • James Richards

    There are several comments and requests for bulk marking for different assessment types and tasks. All with decent number of votes from the community and currently with no correspondence from aXcelerate.

    Would be really nice to see this feature taken on board and save our assessors the needless hours of scrolling and clicking.

    We have a large number of students that complete Job Ready training in live hospitality environments that do not have direct access to computers and as such we complete all of the assessment work through print documents, with Assessors uploading and marking in aXcelerate. When there are at times 6 to 8 different tasks to be marked and class sizes of 10 to 20 students, this can take an extensive toll on the assessor to complete the marking process.

    Really hope someone from aXcelerate is paying attention to this need. Looks like the first conversation and the request for this feature started 3 years ago.

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  • Mark Gilmore

    Hi Everyone

    Thank you for your feedback and patience.

    This improvement is currently undergoing development and will be released soon (hopefully in the December 13 release, but potentially in January).

    Keep an eye on our release notes to find out when to expect the changes.

    Here is a design mockup of the changes to the sidebar:

    I'll close this thread for now as there are multiple. Please continue discussion in the most recent one found here.

    Kind Regards

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