Signature field agreement feature added to agreements with Manual Fields (input, text area, checkbox)




  • Official comment
    Jack Christensen

    Hey Team,

    In the most recent release we have added the option to also have manual fields input by the learner or other roles at the point of signing.

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  • Andrew Rowland

    Do you mean adding fields that the signee(s) can fill before they sign the document? 

    We need the people signing to provide details (for example, fill out some details of a practical placement before they sign off on it), but that's not possible currently. 

    Manual fields seem to work normally in Agreements - you can manually fill out details before confirming and sending the agreements, but the signee can't add anything beyond a comment. 

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  • Halszka Masash

    Yes, adding fields that the signee(s) can fill before they sign the document.

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  • Jasmine Keys

    We would definitely like this function added too, especially if a fillable field for the client to enter their name (not us) before signing the agreement could be added, the creating manual field only provided sections where we (admin) could amend the details prior to sending.

    We have a form where we need guardian consent for an underage student to attend our course but we can only send it to the participant (which is totally fine and they pass it on) but when signing the agreement it notes it was signed by the student we sent to and not the parent's details.

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