Display name for elements (Assessments / Scorm) added to Learning Plans



  • Permanently deleted user

    Definitely! Or add an element 'code' that is displayed to admin only.

    For example, we'd like to have all our modules start with 'Lesson 1' but there is no way to easily manage dozens of 'Lesson 1' assessments without adding some kind of identifier to the title.

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  • Tim Bermanseder

    Agree completely. 

    This would also allow for easier sorting and searching of assessment items in the assessment library.

    One of our courses can have upwards of 12 assessment items, we have dozens of courses. 

    If every assessment 1 is called "Assessment Activity 1 - Some descriptive name" we end up with a lot of noise.

    We currently append the client name to the start, but that means we cannot reuse it for multiple clients/courses.

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  • Mark Costello

    This would be very helpful. Assessments and scorm get very messy with naming when you have a large scope, even worse if you want lots of small assessments per unit.

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