Drag & Drop - Fill in the Blank

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  • Official comment
    Sam Mackay

    Hey Matthew,

    Thanks for your feedback on this one. We have done some planning and design for a variation of fill in the blink where we would insert a dropdown select rather than a text field. See my example below:

    We would allow authors to select the correct option and provide some 'dud' answers in there which would be randomly presented to the Learner in the dropdown list. Obviously, this is a different interaction than drag-and-drop but allows for more 'blanks' per question and likely a better/more precise experience for Learners on mobile devices. Keen to hear your thoughts.

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  • Matthew Bremner

    Sam, that is brilliant.

    Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. It's even easier than drag and drop for students.

    Fill in the Blank is a great question type, however there can be so many variables with answers including spelling mistakes, the use of punctuation, which students can get frustrated at us over even though we have tried to put as many answers as possible.

    Using this feature takes away any ability for the student to make an error with punctuation, spelling etc.

    Do you have a rough estimate of when this might be ready to go?

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  • Sam Mackay

    Hey Matthew, 

    Thanks for that feedback, glad we're on the right track. I don't have a concrete date at this stage but it's something we'd love to have released in the next few months. I'll reply to this thread when I've got any updates to share. 

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  • Matthew Bremner

    Thanks Sam, greatly appreciated!

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  • Sam Mackay

    For anyone following this thread,

    We've now released a new type of 'blank' that can be included in Assessments & Lessons. It works as I described previously and can be configured through the settings of each 'blank' after selecting the 'Dropdown Select' option at the bottom of the form.

    I am keen to hear any feedback about this new feature you may have (feel free to add it here).



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  • Matthew Bremner

    Awesome Sam, thanks for implementing, greatly appreciated!

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  • Ash Singleton

    Hey Sam, 
    Quick test and this is brilliant! Very exciting! 
    Would love to see the word limit expanded our a little in the future (maybe to 100, just so we could get more creative with incident forms etc )

    Thanks Ash

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  • Sam Mackay

    Thanks for your feedback, Matthew and Ash :)

    I will take a look at what is possible in terms of increasing the character limit and report back here. 

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  • Permanently deleted user

    This is amazing Sam! 

    I agree with Ash, having a longer character limits will be very helpful! 

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  • Sam Mackay

    Hi all,

    We've just released a new update with some improvements to this question mode

    • The character limit has been raised to 100 (very long options now wrap to two lines)
    • When inserted into tables, dropdown Blanks will grow to the width of the cell they're within
    • When a learner checks their answer in a Lesson (or multi item attempt quiz), the system will now show which selected options are correct and which are incorrect (previously, all dropdown Blanks were all shown as incorrect if at least 1 was incorrect)



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  • Matthew Bremner

    Hi Sam,

    Just wondering if aXc are able to adjust the width of the drop down box, maybe to the width of the text within the options provided.

    We have tried to use the drop down within sentances, however it takes up it's own line as it is programmed to use the entire width of the cell.

    Example below:




    Matt Bremner

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  • Sam Mackay

    Hi Matthew,

    As you've noticed, blanks are currently set to grow to 100% width of the table cell that they're in. We'll soon be adding a new setting to control this 'grow' behavior for each Blank in your question. I will reply back to this thread when the improvement has gone live. 



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  • Matthew Bremner

    That would be great, thanks Sam!

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  • Kelly Pope

    Hi, I like the option of the drop down tool, however, is there a way to flag to students which ones they have got incorrect? As you can see in the table below, there are several options, and it alerts the student that it is incorrect overall, but they don't know which ones are correct or incorrect. Also, the options have not 'grown' to the width of the cell.



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  • Matthew Bremner

    Hi Kelly, absolutely love your idea. 

    We currently avoid using large tables like you have so the students know their incorrect answer must be 1, 2 or even 3/3 instead of 1/9.

    It would be amazing if aXc could still mark the overall question as unsatisfactory/incorrect but keep the correct answers the same or as you said, notify the participants which one they answers incorrect, maybe the text shows up in red?

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