Drop and drag multiple items when creating portfolio items

Not planned



  • Official comment
    Mark Gilmore

    Hi Sam

    I have been informed by my development team that this is in fact due to a technical limitation, as opposed to an oversight. 

    Drag and dropping should still work if you drop it onto the much smaller "Choose file" button, as per my screenshot below (Google Chrome browser):

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  • Mark Gilmore

    Hi Sam

    Thanks for your submission!

    I can see the difference in the UI myself - I wonder if there's a technical reason behind it, or an oversight. I'll forward this to the team for review.

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  • Pip Austin

    The ability to add more than one document at a time when first creating a portfolio item via drag and drop is great, we were not aware that you could do this by dragging and dropping over the Choose File button, it would be great if an (i) info button could be added so more people know this is available.

    Looks like you can still only drag and drop 1 item at a time.

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  • Nikki Beynon

    Thank you for your screenshot, this is great news. Weird that the system should prevent it being more formally resolved but as work-arounds go, dragging directly onto the 'choose file' buttons is at least a time-saver. I will share this with my team. 

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