Learner Portal - Personal & VET Details
PlannedIt would be great if the Personal Details & VET details were more visible to the participant in the learner portal.
For the business who don't use the aXcelerate enrolment feature and use API instead, not all the VET details can be captured at the enrolment phase, so it is critical their information is captured in the learner portal.
My suggestion would be that all of their Personal & VET details appear when they FIRST access/log into to their learner portal.
They must complete all the details to be able to access their online assessments. Once they complete this, it will not show up again when they log in in the future.
Their Personal & VET details appear as a tab on the home screen making it more visible, possibly next to:
- Assessments To Do
- Recent Results
- Student Resources
Their Personal & VET details appear as an actual 'Assessments To Do'
Thanks for taking the time to read my suggestion.
we use the online booking system but elect not to bog students down too much during this process - the downside is that we rely on them doing it in the LP -- to have this more "standout" would be good. Even moving VET Details up in the list above less important things like Emergency Contact
Hi Adrian, completely agree with you. The more information to fill out during the enrolling process, the more chance of losing the customer.
This way, when they log in to the learner portal they have already committed themselves to the booking/course & have paid the fee.
For those companies/organisations who use the VET Details in their booking process, when their students log on to the learner portal, their information would have pre-filled in which they can just click a button that says the information is all correct.
I have also seen in the 'My Profile Settings', when you scroll down to fill out the personal details, the 5 other tabs don't scroll down the page.. so participant will forget that there is other information to fill out.
Hi Matthew and Adrian
Thank you for your suggestions and discussion! The design team love this idea and have previously created a mockup which can be seen below:
Receiving your feedback has brought this into the spotlight once again. So, following this post, they will conduct some further investigations into the feasibility of implementing this sooner rather than later.
Note that the above is an early design and possibly won't reflect the final product.
Please let us know what you think!
Kind Regards
Mark -
Looks good Mark. Having a TICK type set up makes it better. We do often get people ( prob 90% of those that can’t get USI to verify ) who haven’t put in their DOB. So having some indication that they are complete in each area would reduce issues. Also moving Emergrncy Contact down so all their VET type stuff is together.
Thanks heaps -
Hi Mark,
Thanks for reading into the suggest so soon and getting back to me (and Adrian).
It is great to hear the design team enjoy the idea, no doubt by having a mockup already in place they are well ahead of me!
I'm very thankful they will look into the feasibility and implementing something similar to the above.
Like Adrian, i also believe the tick idea is a good system, the more cues participants have of what they have/haven't completed, the better it will be.
Thanks again Mark.
Hi Kerry-Ann
Our LMS development team have been working hard to finish off another highly-requested Assessment feature (that's been in the works for a few months now), which we estimate will release sometime in the first quarter of next Financial Year.
While they've been focused on that, our Product & Design teams have finished the concept design for this feature (which we are calling Learner Onboarding). It's too early to share an ETA (because things can change, and we hate to disappoint), but it is still front of mind for us.
Hi Mark,
I'm also looking forward to this feature of asking students to add their required details at first login. I'm wondering whether we can add an option to switch this on for an existing student so they update their details? That way we can still have a slimmed down enrolment form for easy bookings but request students to refresh their data after a period of time.
Hi Belinda
I'm not sure I'm understanding your question correctly, please see below:
I'm wondering whether we can add an option to switch this on for an existing student so they update their details?
Do you mean learners that have already commenced a course at the time when this feature releases?That way we can still have a slimmed down enrolment form for easy bookings but request students to refresh their data after a period of time.
That's definitely the intention behind this feature - you could request only minimal information on the booking form, and collect all other fields you desire once Students are within the Learner Portal.Cheers
Mark -
Hi Mark,
At the moment we ask students to fill in their AVETMISS info etc at every booking (we use the API), which is annoying for fee for service students that may book 5 or 6 courses with us in a short period of time. If we were to use this new feature that would certainly be helpful to cut out the annoyance. However if a student then comes back next year to do refreshers we would still like to update their information. It sounded like this feature would only gather this info 1 time at first login. It would be great if there was an option for it to switch back on for students after a period of time e.g. a year. That way when the student books a refresher a year later, they are asked to update their details e.g. emergency contact. I hope this makes sense :)
Hi Jeff
Thanks for your interest!
Unfortunately, there isn't much new to report since my last update:
Our LMS development team have been working hard to finish off another highly-requested Assessment feature (that's been in the works for a few months now), which we estimate will release sometime in the first quarter of next Financial Year.
While they've been focused on that, our Product & Design teams have finished the concept design for this feature (which we are calling Learner Onboarding). It's too early to share an ETA (because things can change, and we hate to disappoint), but it is still front of mind for us.
We're hoping 'Question Banks' will be available later this quarter, after which it's likely 'Learner Onboarding' will be the next cab off the rank for our LMS team. I note that 'Learner Onboarding' has been scoped as a very significant task, so will take us some time to bring to the product.
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