Survey Results




  • Official comment
    Mark Gilmore

    Hi All

    Thank you for your patience and feedback on this topic.

    I wanted to check in and provide an update, that this is an improvement we are tentatively looking at making over the next few months.

    Because the survey system is quite an old feature, it actually has some technical limitations which prevent this from being a straightforward development task.

    Our solution would involve generating the results using the Report Builder, using a new Survey results report. You would then be able to export those results into excel or CSV.

    One caveat is that this would only work for new surveys, created following the release of the new report. Unfortunately implementing the export in the aforementioned manner for existing surveys would add a great deal of complexity (and thus development time).

    I will communicate more surrounding this improvement as we begin the development.

    Kind Regards

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  • Kate Penney

    Hi Tiarne, 

    Great idea! Just to confirm, it would be great to be able to export both quantitative and qualitative data (ie scores AND comments) for courses/trainers/course types/venues etc.

    Regards, Kate

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  • Nat Todorovski

    HI Tiarne and Kate,

    This is a great idea. It would make using the surveys much more effective as you could easily use the data you have collected. Presently you can create, distribute and collect the surveys, collate and view responses. It would be great to be able to action the results with the help of a report. This completes the function of the survey.


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  • Neville Coward

    Agree - the survey collection in many instances id not effective through sending online surveys as in many industries it gets a poor response rate. The ability to upload survey data (e.g. via csv file) would also be useful. Exporting data would assist RTO reporting and continuous improvement processes. 

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  • Kath Hemphill

    Yes- to Scores AND comments please!!!


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  • Jill Keen

    Has there been any action on this at all?

    Survey data is no good unless it can be exported, manipulated into useable content then used for continuous improvement opportunities.

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  • Nat Todorovski

    This would definitely be  great addition. Surveys would be much more beneficial if this function was available. It would complete the cycle. Send, receive, analyse, act. 

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  • Becky Kern

    Yes this would be extremely helpful. Definitely need this feature.

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  • Amber Davies

    Would love to get an update on this, we have recently implemented Surveys in our business via aXcelerate however can only view the results by the 'class' they are in and can't run any bulk reports i.e. Results of all students in a particular course in 2020 / All classes between Jan - June results. We can only view the graph format for small data  groups, and unable to report to our wider business on the data we are obtaining. Would love to see this get up soon.

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  • Liz Pilkington

    Hi aXcelerate - was there an update to this feature?


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  • Melanie Squires

    Any update on this feature? We are faced with using an external provider for surveys at this stage because we need to access reporting.

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  • Natalie Jegorow

    Update on this one? The original comments say 'in the next few months' but that was 2 years ago. 

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  • Permanently deleted user

    We are still looking for a better way to group the survey results. With so many short courses we we are currently manually having to review the data which is very time consuming. Is there any update on progress?


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  • Stacey Dekker

    Update please?

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  • Bekky Sommer

    Also interested in an update on this, as we would also benefit from being able to manage survey results within excel.

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  • Stacey Dekker

    Hello aXcelerate :) How are we coming up with a survey results report? 

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  • Tom Clark

    Another comment to keep this thread highlighted. I think if the survey feature in aXcelerate is to remain relevant, we need to be able to export the results from surveys, otherwise we're better off using other services.

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  • Vicki Walker

    Would love an update on this feature please

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  • Thomas Milham

    We would also use an export feature, or the ability to connect to software such as Grafana would be even better so that we can delve down into the detail.

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  • Vicki Walker

    It would also be great to be able to select comments from the survey and add them onto the workshop/class page on our website

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  • Helen Winkelman

    Agree I think if the survey feature in aXcelerate is to remain relevant, we need to be able to export the results from surveys

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