Pre-Requisite Flag when resulting - Vital Compliance Requirement




  • Official comment
    Mark Gilmore

    Hi All

    Thank you for your votes and comments. We have implemented this functionality into the bulk set outcomes page as of our release last night.

    Please see the following excerpt from our Release Notes:

    Bulk-set outcomes pages will now indicate if you have selected to complete a unit and the pre-requisite units are not either completed or already selected. This will assist in preventing administrators from marking units complete before their pre-requisite units are complete.

    Kind Regards

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  • Susan Knoll

    Agree, this comes up often, and would be a great feature to ensure that the pre-requisite unit(s) are dealt with prior, or to flag if not. 

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  • Bianca Parker

    This Would save so much time on our admin

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  • Anna Broomhall

    This could be useful, would like an option for RTOs to turn this on or off depending on their internal processes.

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  • Kylie Hick

    This needs to be attended to.  Our recent ASQA audit held us accountable to the hour a student completed a pre-requisite prior to other units.  A staff member missed it in an enrolment and we were fined for it.  I can't expect all staff to be fully engaged in all the packaging rules on TGA and we run a risk of being non compliant without their being some communication in aXcelerate regarding set pre-requisite units.

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  • Chloe Wilson

    Hi There, 

    Agreed, we also would find this implementation very helpful. This would create greater compliance and efficiency for our Admin. 


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  • Permanently deleted user

    Good post Amelia.

    We had concerns about this area, but feel your suggestion would adequately address any concerns.

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  • Amelia Daw

    Thanks Tomos

    I have had some direct contact from aXcelerate saying that it would be a great feature and they were aiming to get it into the end of July sprint... So hopefully that means we will have it in the next few weeks 

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  • Amelia Daw

    Is there an update on this from the aXcelerate team?

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  • Permanently deleted user

    Any news on this issue?

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  • Rod Staines

    Hi Tomos,

    We have a task in our current development cycle that we're hoping to complete which should address this problem.  We have met and discussed with Amelia directly.

    The development task number is AX-11050 if you're wanting to keep an eye out in the release notes.


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  • Amelia Daw

    Thanks for the update Mark,

    Can I just ask is this available on the 'set all competency statuses page' where you result by going to the Learner > Qual / Course > Set all units of competency

    Im not sure how other RTOs result but generally we result using this page not the bulk all class page in particular with apprentices/trainees.

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  • Amelia Daw

    Hi we have just tested this in the Bulk outcomes update and the set all units of competency on the learner areas and in the set all units of competency area (as mentioned in my previous comment) doesn't show anything at all. And the Bulk outcomes area the indicator is so small that I fear it would go unnoticed. It doesn't even warn with a pop up to say "are you sure this has prerequisites"

    Bulk-set outcomes pages will now indicate if you have selected to complete a unit and the pre-requisite units are not either completed or already selected. This will assist in preventing administrators from marking units complete before their pre-requisite units are complete.

    If the intent is to assist in preventing mistakes I don't feel this is enough.

    For those on the forum that haven't seen the flag I've highlighted an example below (just in case its too small and you miss it)

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  • Jessica Preston

    It would also be great to have the requisite notifications to appear even if the units are not in the same class/workshop. 


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  • Brad Smith

    System needs to prevent unit completion outside of requisite chains at all stages not just bulk update or set all outcomes.

    Units can still be awarded individually or from auto marking from assessments etc.

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