Signature Field to enable signatures on templates




  • Amber Ledgerwood

    Agree Sarah, a great feature that this would be. 

    This is similar to the Idea Forum Post "Student Declaration/electronic/secure digital signatures" that has quite a few people following / voting on too. 

    We absolutely would benefit from a field for "draw / sketch", and also the ability for signatures obtained from Online Enrolment Form or other that are seen in the IP address / Notes, for this field and the note to be a "field" that could be dropped into any template to create a "Here is your signed Enrolment Form and T&Cs" etc. Currently we have no way to provide this to our students / no evidence of a signature. 


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  • Robert Kerr

    This would is greatly needed, a lot of our forms can not be made into templates until this function happens

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  • Lauren Mullen

    AGREED. Would be a handy and beneficial tool when creating templates.

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