Student Declaration/electronic/secure digital signatures




  • Official comment
    Mark Gilmore

    Hi All

    Thank you for your suggestion and discussion over the past year(s). We really love seeing posts as active as this one.

    You're now able to include electronic student declarations against Assessments. You can set these at the assessment type level.

    Kind Regards

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  • Katherine Ellis

    I agree! I think these features would be great!

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  • Christine Jones

    Great idea Kylie! All would be extremely useful for us.

    Thanks for suggesting :)

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  • Amber Ledgerwood

    I agree, thank you for suggesting. 

    I was about to log a similar idea regarding Electronic Signatures, they may be best if they are linked into the same by aXcelerate Team. I will but my additions here. 

    We believe that electronic Signatures is a major requirement with the "tech" friend environment now. 

    Our Online Enrolment Form - students sign and agree to their terms & conditions, however this only displayss in a "Note" . We have built a temporary "Enrolment Form" that the student will receive once they are confirmed by our team, that sends them all of their Avetmiss Details, their Course they've enrolled into etc. however we cannot attach the signature that they have provided - all we can do is copy the IP address that they originally used. We are hopeful that this can be a "tile" that can be added to our Templates and sent to our students. 

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  • Chloe Wilson

    Agreed, these features would be extremely beneficial and used daily if implemented, especially the electronic signature!!

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  • Adrian Date

    i agree, we could apply this in various different areas


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  • Amber Ledgerwood

    Great to see some votes on this item (please keep voting), would be fabulous if the aXcelerate Team could provide an update on this. Aware that it has been put on the plan for development some time ago, did you have further revised times that this would be put in play as we are still yet to be able to provide (A) Enrolment Agreement to our students with a signature with date stamp and (B) Proof of EzyPay Contract including Start Date, Value of Debit, Truncated Card Details and signature with date stamp etc to our students. We continue to get requests from students, external - parents, lawyers, debt collection providers etc. etc. 

    The benefit of the post of having electronic signatures is HUGE, but also having the signatures and ability to link the details in the note (i.e. Terms and Conditions, Signature, Date Stamp, EzyPay Agreement, Acceptance of Billing and Course Fees) as "Fields" in the Templates so that these can be sent as a "Signed Contracted agreeing to the T&Cs" as required. 



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  • Robert Kerr

    This would be great for our situation as well. We would love to have signatures included in more areas. It would be great for auditing purposes.

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  • Charmaine Oliver

    during this difficult time most training providers have moved to remote enrolment to survive, this feature would greatly assist us 

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  • Mary Lia

    Agreed! An Electronic Signature for various items - such as Online Enrolment Form, acknowledgement of reading certain resources which are linked in their enrolment documentation (Course Guide, Student Handbook etc) - would make a big difference.

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  • Damian ROACHE

    Late to the party here but hopefully still relevant !    

    In lieu of a signature requirement can a single tick box be added in the 'area below' ?  

    Would be for the purpose of a Student Assessment Declaration.

    Declaration including content related to ;

    * assessment processes explained,

    * specialist support available, 

    * feedback provided 

    * explanation of actions of assessor if learner deemed not yet competent

    * appeal processes 

    Tick box to be a YES only option ... If not ticked work cannot be submitted.    

    First look at this 'community / help' option so hope I get notified of any responses :) 

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