Folder System of Images Library




  • Official comment
    Jack Christensen

    Hi Everyone,

    While not exactly a folder system, we have recently released our initial version of the Media Library which you can see from the attached release notes which take on a lot of these pain points.

    For more information take a look at our Release Notes.


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  • Calvin Young

    It'd be great to get some updates to the images library. Some suggestions would include the option to:

    • record a name/title
    • record some notes or a description
    • Have the image address automatically displayed (we have an spacer image that we use for email templates which is 1x1 and fairly difficult to click on to copy the image address

    What would be next level is if there was a way to be able to identify whether an image was used in anywhere in aXcelerate for email templates or online assessments. If this was possible it would enable us to safely delete an image that isn't in use.

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  • Julie Karas

    Yes!! This is definitely needed.

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  • Mark Costello

    Yes this is definitely needed.

    Even just basic functionality to rename and search for specific images would help.

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  • Julie Karas

    I'm just commenting on this again as this would definitely come in handy. Our image library is growing and the scrolling and trying to find the image you are looking for is getting quite tedious.

    We would welcome this feature :-) 

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  • Rod Staines

    Hi All,

    Thank you for your input. This is definitely something we would like in the system and we have added this item as a consideration for our near future.

    Kind regards,

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  • Mary Lia

    Agreed - the images library can get very messy quickly, especially without the ability to name the image and sort by some sort of category.  

    Also agree that it would be VERY helpful if you could trace if and where an image was being used to avoid accidental deletion.


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  • Andrew Rowland

    Agreed on all of this. 

    Does anyone know how the image library is ordered as it currently stands? It's not by filename, definitely not by date order.

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  • Rod Staines

    Hi Andrew,

    We've had a look at the code and it is strangely ordered by actual file size. The smallest files will be at the top.

    I'm sure this will not be how we implement our new image library designs.


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  • Jennifer Callaghan

    Hello - very old reply but yes this is SORELY needed - ends up being easier to find and upload new images than use what is already in there.  Really need:  

    • File Structure
    • ability to name file
    • ability to search file
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  • Mary Lia

    Has there been any further consideration to a better way of managing the images library such as categories structure and ability to name items?    We are finding that now we are starting to build courses in the aX LMS the images library is fast becoming a mess - as soon as an image is used in the LMS build, it appears it saves in the Images Library and if the same image is used in multiple locations, there end up multiple iterations of the same image in the Library (because when adding an image in the LMS build you don't have the option to select from the Images library, just the computer?).  

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  • Calvin Young

    Agreed Mary. We're currently waiting for an improvement to this area before moving to Turbo and the aX LMS.

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  • Bekky Sommer

    Hi, I am commenting on this as a new user, and is an area we would like to see improved with the ability to create folders. E.g. LMS images, Template images etc. We agree with previous comments that it can be painful scrolling through trying to locate your image. 

    I see Rod, has made the below comment, wondering if there is any update on this. 

    Rod Staines

    Hi All,

    Thank you for your input. This is definitely something we would like in the system and we have added this item as a consideration for our near future.

    Kind regards,

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  • Natalie Cassone

    Agree with this suggestion and the comments.

    Also needs some folders with restricted access (identified in another forum item), electronic signatures for certificates are in this folder which do not need to be accessed by everyone and pose some security risks to our organisation. 

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