Add custom fields to Live Reports
Any chance you could include the custom fields data fields, to the Live reports?
We add custom fields in order to report or run workflows for specific requirements but as you cannot add a custom field to a Live report, you have to wait 24 hours before you can run the report or workflow if you want to use that Custom field as it can only be used in the Warehoused report.
Just a thought...
Official comment
Hi Karen,
We have had a lot of feedback regarding the addition of custom fields to live reports.
Due to the requirements surrounding Custom Field data, we are unable to add them to live reports. Currently, they are only available in Warehoused reports to ensure the continued stability of our servers.
We are implementing a number of improvements to how we manage our servers going forward. This may allow for Custom Fields to be added to Live reports in the future.
For all future updates, I would suggest keeping up with our release notes available here.
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