Discussion boards for student discussion in Learner Portal



  • Natalie Jegorow

    Yes please! 

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  • Wesley MENTOR

    Absolutely - I'm not sure how using Axc would work as a student LMS without a Discussion Board?    How does it work without one?

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  • Melissa Graham

    We are really interested in having a student discussion board. We are constantly being asked about it and by not having one, students are finding their own ways - which we then find is unmonitored and we cannot get involved in discussions - as it is invite only (and they wont invite us!!)

    If this is not going to be a possibility with Axcelerate, does anyone have any suggestions on other platforms they use please?

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  • Chris Wyborn

    We have several students requesting this feature.  It would be an invaluable addition to the Learner Portal. 

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  • Jessica Meredith

    A discussion board would be such a great addition to the aXcelerate LMS. We desperately need a feature like this! 

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  • Kerry Lew

    We would be really keen to have this. An added advantage to an online program

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  • Tashi Phuntsho

    I also feel that it would be a great addition to aXcelerate. 

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  • Kath McDonald

    Yes please! This would greatly enhance our courses and benefit our learners.

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  • Shaun Radford

    I have noted that this was first pushed 5 years ago, and it is definitely something that would be a massive benefit for both our students and trainers. 

    It brings collaboration and community all in one place. Presently, students have to use other platforms for this function, that means it is hard to monitor and allow for assistance and accurate information sharing

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  • Eloise Monperrus

    I strongly support learner forum functionality hosted by the trainer in axcelerate, record attendance would be great too! this functionality would closely align with the SRTO revised draft, specifally learner wellbeing


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